
  • Source S sends packets to multicast group G1 (and minimize the number of copies)

Reverse-Path Broadcasting (RPB)

  • Reverse-Path Broadcasting(反向路径广播)
  • Fact: Set of shortest paths to the source node S forms a shortest path tree that spans the network
    • Approach: Follow paths in reverse direction
  • Assume each router knows current shortest path to S
    • Upon receipt of a multicast packet, router records the packet’s source address and the port it arrives on
    • If shortest path to source is through same port (“parent port”), router forwards the packet to all other ports
    • Else, router drops the packet
  • Loops are suppressed; each packet forwarded a router exactly once
  • Implicitly assume shortest path to source S is same as shortest path from source

Example: Shortest Paths from S

  • Spanning tree of shortest paths to node S and parent ports are shown in read

Example: S sends a packet

  • Node 1 forwards it to all other ports (links shown in blue)

Example: Hop 1 nodes broadcast

  • Nodes 2, 3, 4, and 5 broadcast, except on parent ports

Example: Broadcast continues

  • All nodes, not only G1, receive packets

Truncated RPB (TRPB)

  • Truncated RPB (TRPB): Leaf routers do not broadcast if none of its attached hosts belong to packet’s multicast group

Internet Group Management Protocol

  • Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP): allows a host to signal its multicast group membership to its attached router
  • Each multicast router periodically sends an IGMP query message to check whether there are hosts belonging to multicast groups
  • Routers determine which multicast groups are associated with a certain port
  • Routers only forward packets on ports that have hosts belonging to the multicast group

Reverse-Path Multicasting

  • Reverse Path Multicasting (RPM) relies on IGMP to identify multicast group membership
  • RPM is an enhancement of TRPB, but unlike TRPB, RMP forwards a multicast packet only to a router that will lead to a leaf router with group members.

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