1. radiant
  2. radiate
  3. radical
  4. ideal
  5. ideology
  6. identical
  7. identification
  8. identify
  9. identity
  10. journal
  11. jounalist
  12. journey
  13. judge
  14. judg(e)ment
  15. judicial
  16. jury
  17. justice
  18. justify
  19. key
  20. knit
  21. label
  22. lag
  23. largely
  24. lateral
  25. latter
  26. law
  27. magnitude
  28. magnify
  29. magnificent
  30. maintain
  31. maintenance
  32. major
  33. majority
  34. make
  35. theme
  36. theory
  37. theoretical
  38. therapy
  39. object
  40. objective
  41. objection
  42. obligation
  43. oblige
  44. obsure
  45. observation
  46. observe
  47. obsession
  48. obsolete
  49. obtain
  50. obvious
  51. pace
  52. panel
  53. panorama
  54. qualification
  55. qualify
  56. quality
  57. qualitative
  58. safeguard
  59. safety
  60. savage
  61. save
  62. saving
  63. scale
  64. scene
  65. scenery

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