leetcode 之Candy(12)
- int candy(vector<int> &rattings)
- {
- int n = rattings.size();
- vector<int> incrment(n);
- int inc = ;
- //和左边比较
- for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
- {
- if (rattings[i]>rattings[i - ])
- incrment[i] = max(inc++, incrment[i]);
- else
- inc = ;
- }
- inc = ;
- //和右边比较(把漏掉的第一个补上)
- for (int i = n - ; i >= ; i--)
- {
- if (rattings[i] > rattings[i + ])
- incrment[i] = max(inc++, incrment[i]);
- else
- inc = ;
- }
- //每人至少一个(将incrment的元素相加,再加上n)
- return accumulate(&incrment[], &incrment[] + n, n);
- }
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