port = 3306
socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock
# user=david
# password=00000000
########basic settings########
server-id = 8
port = 3306
# user = mysql
# bind_address =
autocommit = 1
skip_name_resolve = 1
max_connections = 800
max_connect_errors = 1000
datadir = /mysql_data
# transaction_isolation = READ-COMMITTED
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp = 1
join_buffer_size = 128M
tmp_table_size = 128M
# tmpdir = F:\mysql\tmp
max_allowed_packet = 16M
interactive_timeout = 120
wait_timeout = 120
key_buffer_size = 512M
read_buffer_size = 16777216
read_rnd_buffer_size = 33554432
sort_buffer_size = 33554432
thread_cache_size = 300
# 5.7版本移除
# thread_concurrency = 8
query_cache_size = 512M
query_cache_limit =16M
query_cache_min_res_unit = 2k
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 128M
# delayed_insert_timeout=300
# net_read_timeout=120
# net_write_timeout=120
# slave_net_timeout=3600
########log settings########
log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
log_error = error.log
slow_query_log = 1
slow_query_log_file = slow.log
log_queries_not_using_indexes = 1
log_slow_admin_statements = 1
log_slow_slave_statements = 1
log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes = 10
expire_logs_days = 90
long_query_time = 2
min_examined_row_limit = 100
########replication settings########
master_info_repository = TABLE
relay_log_info_repository = TABLE
log_bin = bin.log
sync_binlog = 1
gtid_mode = on
enforce_gtid_consistency = 1
log_slave_updates = 1
binlog_format = mixed
relay_log = relay.log
relay_log_recovery = 1
binlog_gtid_simple_recovery = 1
slave_skip_errors = ddl_exist_errors
########innodb settings########
innodb_page_size = 16384
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 6G
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 8
# innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup = 1
# innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown = 1
innodb_lru_scan_depth = 2000
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 120
# innodb_io_capacity = 4000
# innodb_io_capacity_max = 8000
# innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
innodb_file_format = Barracuda
innodb_file_format_max = Barracuda
# innodb_log_group_home_dir = /redolog/
# innodb_undo_directory = /undolog/
innodb_undo_logs = 128
# innodb_undo_tablespaces = 3
innodb_flush_neighbors = 1
innodb_log_file_size = 4G
innodb_log_buffer_size = 16777216
innodb_purge_threads = 4
innodb_large_prefix = 1
innodb_thread_concurrency = 64
innodb_print_all_deadlocks = 1
innodb_strict_mode = 1
innodb_sort_buffer_size = 67108864
########semi sync replication settings########
# plugin_dir=/usr/local/mysql/lib/plugin
# plugin_load = ";"
# loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_enabled = 1
# loose_rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled = 1
# loose_rpl_semi_sync_master_timeout = 5000
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct = 40
innodb_page_cleaners = 4
innodb_undo_log_truncate = 1
innodb_max_undo_log_size = 2G
innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency = 128
group_concat_max_len = 102400
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