NS Simulation: Scheduling Events

  • Simulation time

    • A similation system (such as NS) must have a built-in simulation clock - it represents the "clock" in the real world.
    • You can examine (read) the value of the simulation clock by using the now command in the Simulator class
    • Example::
        set  ns  [new Simulator]
        $ns  now   // Returns the current simulation time

  • Events
    • An event is an action made by a simulation entity
    • An event (action) in a simulation is represented a OTcl command !!!
    • Each event happens at a certain time and therefore, each event has an associated event time which is the time when the event will happen
    • In simulation, events are scheduled (to happen at some future time)
    • To schedule an event, use the at command in the Simulator class
    • Example::
        set  ns  [new Simulator]
        $ns  at  1.0  {puts "Point 1: Now = [$ns now]"}
      $ns at 8.0 {puts "Point 2: Now = [$ns now]"}
      $ns at 4.0 {puts "Point 3: Now = [$ns now]"} $ns run // Run simulation !
    • You will see the following output:
        Point 1: Now = 1
      Point 3: Now = 4
      Point 2: Now = 8

      Notice that Point 3 happens before Point 2

    • This is what is happening:
        set  ns  [new Simulator]
        $ns  at  1.0  {puts "Point 1: ..."}  // Schedule event at time 1.0
      $ns at 8.0 {puts "Point 2: ..."} // Schedule event at time 8.0
      $ns at 4.0 {puts "Point 3: ..."} // Schedule event at time 4.0 $ns run // Run simulation !

      So when the simulation is run, the events are "fired" in chronological order

  • Running the NS simulation
    • The run command in the Simulation class is used to run the network simuation.
    • Example:
          set  ns  [new Simulator]
          ... (set up simulation network)
          $ns run  // run simulation

  • Stopping an NS simulation
    • There is no "stop" command available.
    • To stop a running simulation, you must schedule a termination command before you start running the simulation.
    • The termination command is usually a Tcl procedure (to wrap up things)
    • Example:
          set  ns  [new Simulator]
          #Define the 'finish' procedure
      proc finish {} {
      exit 0
      } ... (set up simulation network) #Set simulation end time
      $ns at 100.0 "finish" $ns run // run simulation

  • A simple simulation....
    • To give you a taste of simulation, here is a NS script that simulates 2 person "talking" to each other:

        proc person1 {x} {
      global ns puts "Person 1:"
      puts " Hey, $x, time is [$ns now], it's your turn to say something" $ns at [expr [$ns now] + 0.4] "$x person1"
      } proc person2 {x} {
      global ns puts "Person 2:"
      puts " Hey, $x, time is [$ns now], it's your turn to say something" $ns at [expr [$ns now] + 0.6] "$x person2"
      } set ns [new Simulator] $ns at 0 "person1 person2" $ns at 4.5 "exit 0" $ns run

    • Example Program: (Demo above code)                                                
    • Output when you run this simulation:
      Person 1:
      Hey, person2, time is 0, it's your turn to say something
      Person 2:
      Hey, person1, time is 0.4, it's your turn to say something
      Person 1:
      Hey, person2, time is 1, it's your turn to say something
      Person 2:
      Hey, person1, time is 1.4, it's your turn to say something
      Person 1:
      Hey, person2, time is 2, it's your turn to say something
      Person 2:
      Hey, person1, time is 2.4, it's your turn to say something
      Person 1:
      Hey, person2, time is 3, it's your turn to say something
      Person 2:
      Hey, person1, time is 3.4, it's your turn to say something
      Person 1:
      Hey, person2, time is 4, it's your turn to say something
      Person 2:
      Hey, person1, time is 4.4, it's your turn to say something

  • Example NS Simulation Script
    • We will construct an NS simulation script that simulate the following network:

    • The following figure is a break down of the NS components that make up the above network:
    • Here is the NS (OTcl) Script that creates the above simulation:
        #Make a NS simulator
      set ns [new Simulator] # Define a 'finish' procedure
      proc finish {} {
      exit 0
      } # Create the nodes:
      set n0 [$ns node]
      set n1 [$ns node]
      set n2 [$ns node]
      set n3 [$ns node]
      set n4 [$ns node]
      set n5 [$ns node] # Create the links:
      $ns duplex-link $n0 $n2 2Mb 10ms DropTail
      $ns duplex-link $n1 $n2 2Mb 10ms DropTail
      $ns duplex-link $n2 $n3 0.3Mb 200ms DropTail
      $ns duplex-link $n3 $n4 0.5Mb 40ms DropTail
      $ns duplex-link $n3 $n5 0.5Mb 30ms DropTail # Add a TCP sending module to node n0
      set tcp1 [new Agent/TCP/Reno]
      $ns attach-agent $n0 $tcp1 # Add a TCP receiving module to node n4
      set sink1 [new Agent/TCPSink]
      $ns attach-agent $n4 $sink1 # Direct traffic from "tcp1" to "sink1"
      $ns connect $tcp1 $sink1 # Setup a FTP traffic generator on "tcp1"
      set ftp1 [new Application/FTP]
      $ftp1 attach-agent $tcp1
      $ftp1 set type_ FTP (no necessary) # Schedule start/stop times
      $ns at 0.1 "$ftp1 start"
      $ns at 100.0 "$ftp1 stop" # Set simulation end time
      $ns at 125.0 "finish" (Will invoke "exit 0") # Run simulation !!!!
      $ns run

    • Example Program: (Demo above code)                                                

  • Problems with the above simulation
    • It simulates alright...
    • But without producing any data that we can examine !!!
    • What we still need to learn is how to add commands in the simulation program to output state variables that we are interested in !!!


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