February 21 2017 Week 8 Tuesday
To make each day count.
We always want to make our life meaningful, however, the acutal fact is that most of us only live a mediocre life.
That sounds somewhat cruel to those ambitious young men.
As they grow old, they will be accoustomed to the mediocre life.
But we can also make our life a little different, and much more valueable.
If we can make each day count, then we can achieve the hill top higher than we originally expected.
As to myself, though I have been left far behind if compared to most of my peers, I still expect that one day I can catch up with them, if today I can run faster and work harder than yesterday.
Optimistic? Maybe, and I need to be optimistic, otherwise the days would be too long for me.
Happiness is the natural flower of duty.
Have you ever waken up in the morning with a feeling of regrets and then the feeling made you feel anxious or unhappy?
If your answer is 'yes', then I can tell you that it is a quite common feeling.
You must find out the underlying causes that lead to such feeling.
Take my own experience for an example, I feel that just because I failed to fulfill my duty, at least, the outcomes were not satisfactory. Remember that happiness is the natural flower of duty. So if we can do our duty well enough, we must can eliminate such miserable feelings.
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