Job description

  • About the role

    We are looking for a talented engineer who has excellent cloud skills, but ideally would also have embedded device experience. An engineering who would easily cooperate with the rest of colleagues, customers and partner ecosystem, to help our cloud customers and partners succeed with IoT.

    We are a fast-growing business unit inside ARM working on the next generation of IoT device and cloud platform. Our mission is to help our customers and partners design and build full end-to-end solutions of their targeted IoT devices with their targeted cloud services.  you will join a professional engineering team who all share a vision and passion for building a foundation for this emerging industry that will change the way connected devices are developed.

    What will I be accountable for?

    • Work with the key customers and partners to help design, build, and support integrations between their IoT devices, targeted cloud infrastructure and ARM’s mbed Cloud platform.

    • Reacting to help developers solve problems

    • Identify and fix bugs

    • Proactively engaging with the other members of the engineering team (International) and sales team to resolve issues and ensure information and knowledge is shared

    • Take part in demo development, custom projects, POCs and simulations for IoT use cases

    • Provide telephone call or on-site consulting and training when necessary, may get involved in creating and delivering presentations about new technologies, techniques and tools.

    • Participate in various projects as needed for product and process improvement

    • This position includes travels to support events, Partner workshops, conferences and seminars up to 10%~20% of time.

      Experience and Skills

      In-depth software design, architecture and engineering experience working with the latest web protocols, applications and application development stacks. One who excels in helping others be productive and successful in their work. Experience with or strong desire to learn embedded systems is important.

      You will need to be proficient in many of the following areas:

    • 10+ years industry experience of designing and developing connected commercial-grade applications. Database integration, Browser/application integration, and external Web-service integration should be key focus areas of your work

    • Excellent English and Chinese language skills – ability to easily converse at a deep technical level, as well as excellent reading and writing skills in both languages

    • A BS or greater degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, or alternatively in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering with relevant software engineering experience is required.

    • At least 5+ year engineering experience in designing/developing of customer-facing REST APIs and other Web-centric service mechanisms. Deep knowledge of REST, MQTT, AMQP, WebSockets, XML, JSON (and JSON Parsing), HTML are all big pluses.

    • Familiarity and development experience with key web service infrastructures including IBM Bluemix, Watson IoT, Microsoft Azure, IoTHub/EventHub, Amazon AWS, HPE all big pluses

    • Deep experience in designing and writing using Java, Python, JavaScript, PHP, etc... Additionally, deep experience in integrating with database systems (such as MySQL, MongoDB, etc…) in those languages.

    • Full understanding of security-centric algorithms and protocols such has AES, ECC, SSL, TLS including key generation mechanisms and constraints, ACLs, and certificates.

    • Writing technical content, documentation and getting started guides.

    • Effective at communication between technical- and business-focused teams.

    • Able to coordinate effective and efficient projects and meetings

    • Understanding of the interaction between software and hardware

    • Ability to synthesize multiple viewpoints, perspectives and opinions with objective and impartial analysis to solve problems, gain consensus, and drive decisions

    • Willingness and the ability to travel multiple times a year

      It’s desirable to have a good understanding on the following areas:

    • Previous experience at using ARM Mbed OS, Mbed Cloud and general understanding of the Mbed Ecosystem

    • Previous experience in developing provisioning and firmware updating mechanisms for small devices that are typically “head-less”

    • Embedded systems applications compilation process and tools, C libraries and microcontroller startup

    • Cortex-M microcontrollers and peripherals and their development environments

    • Understanding Radio technologies used in IoT Applications (BLE, Wi-Fi, 6LoWPAN, Thread, LoRA and IPv6)

    • Mobile application development experience (IOS & Android)– including the creation and integration of those experiences with online web services. Mobile application publication as a plus

      Application Requirements

      In your covering letter, please take the time expand on the experience and skills you have in relation to the things we are looking for in this position. This also helps show us you have taken the time to read and understand the job opportunity, and have decided to apply on that basis.

      Please also feel free to share links to any public code or projects you may have created.

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