1 #include<bits/stdc++.h>
2 using namespace std;
3 #define N 1000005
4 #define L (k<<1)
5 #define R (L+1)
6 #define mid (l+r>>1)
7 struct sta{
8 int x,y;
9 };
10 struct ji{
11 int k;
12 sta a[2];
13 }o,o0,o1;
14 struct type{
15 ji p0,p1;
16 }f[N<<2];
17 int t,n,a[N],id[N],ans[N];
18 sta merge(sta x,sta y){
19 sta z;
20 z.x=x.x+max(y.x-x.y,0);
21 z.y=(y.y+max(x.y-y.x,0)-1)%2+1;
22 return z;
23 }
24 type merge(type x,type y){
25 type z;
26 z.p0.k=x.p0.k+y.p0.k;
27 z.p1.k=x.p1.k+y.p1.k;
28 z.p0.a[0]=merge(x.p0.a[0],y.p0.a[0]);
29 z.p0.a[1]=merge(y.p0.a[1],x.p0.a[1]);
30 z.p1.a[0]=merge(x.p1.a[0],y.p1.a[0]);
31 z.p1.a[1]=merge(y.p1.a[1],x.p1.a[1]);
32 return z;
33 }
35 void build(int k,int l,int r){
36 if (l==r){
37 f[k]=type{o0,o1};
38 return;
39 }
40 build(L,l,mid);
41 build(R,mid+1,r);
42 f[k]=merge(f[L],f[R]);
43 }
44 void update(int k,int l,int r,int x){
45 if (l==r){
46 f[k]=type{o1,o0};
47 return;
48 }
49 if (x<=mid)update(L,l,mid,x);
50 else update(R,mid+1,r,x);
51 f[k]=merge(f[L],f[R]);
52 }
53 type query(int k,int l,int r,int x,int y){
54 if ((l>y)||(x>r))return type{o,o};
55 if ((x<=l)&&(r<=y))return f[k];
56 return merge(query(L,l,mid,x,y),query(R,mid+1,r,x,y));
57 }
58 bool pd(type k,int p,int x){
59 if (!x)return k.p0.a[p].x>k.p0.a[p].y;
60 if (x==1)return k.p1.a[p].x>k.p1.a[p].y;
61 if (x==2){
62 if (k.p0.k==k.p1.k)return 1;
63 if (k.p0.k<k.p1.k)return k.p0.a[p].x>=k.p0.a[p].y;
64 return k.p1.a[p].x>=k.p1.a[p].y;
65 }
66 }
67 int main(){
68 o0.a[0].y=o0.a[1].y=1;
69 o1.k=o1.a[0].x=o1.a[1].x=1;
70 scanf("%d",&t);
71 while (t--){
72 scanf("%d",&n);
73 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
74 scanf("%d",&a[i]);
75 ans[i]=0;
76 id[a[i]]=i;
77 }
78 build(1,1,n);
79 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
80 update(1,1,n,id[i]);
81 type x=query(1,1,n,1,id[i]-1),y=query(1,1,n,id[i]+1,n);
82 if ((pd(x,0,0))&&(pd(y,1,1))||(pd(x,0,1))&&(pd(y,1,0))||(pd(x,0,2))&&(pd(y,1,2)))ans[id[i]]=1;
83 }
84 for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)printf("%d",ans[i]);
85 printf("\n");
86 }
87 }
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