





  1. explicit KVStoreDist(bool use_device_comm)
  2. : KVStoreLocal(use_device_comm), ps_worker_(nullptr), server_(nullptr) {
  3. if (IsWorkerNode()) {
  4. int new_customer_id = GetNewCustomerId();
  5. ps_worker_ = new ps::KVWorker<char>(0, new_customer_id);
  6. ps::StartAsync(new_customer_id, "mxnet\0");
  7. if (!ps::Postoffice::Get()->is_recovery()) {
  8. ps::Postoffice::Get()->Barrier(
  9. new_customer_id,
  10. ps::kWorkerGroup + ps::kServerGroup + ps::kScheduler);
  11. }
  12. }
  13. bigarray_bound_ = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_KVSTORE_BIGARRAY_BOUND", 1000 * 1000);
  14. log_verbose_ = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_KVSTORE_DIST_ROW_SPARSE_VERBOSE", false);
  15. }



  1. void InitImpl(const std::vector<int>& keys,
  2. const std::vector<NDArray>& values) override {
  3. CheckUnique(keys);
  4. for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) {
  5. comm_->Init(keys[i], values[i].storage_type(), values[i].shape(), values[i].dtype());
  6. }
  7. if (get_rank() == 0 && this->ps_worker_->get_customer()->customer_id() == 0) {
  8. Push_(keys, values, 0, false);
  9. // wait until the push is finished
  10. for (const int key : keys) {
  11. comm_buf_[key].WaitToWrite();
  12. compr_buf_[key].WaitToWrite();
  13. }
  14. } else {
  15. // do nothing
  16. }
  17. if (!ps::Postoffice::Get()->is_recovery()) {
  18. Barrier();
  19. }
  20. }



  1. if (get_rank() == 0 && ps_worker_->get_customer()->customer_id() == 0) {
  2. // stop the executor at servers
  3. SendCommandToServers(static_cast<int>(CommandType::kStopServer), "");
  4. }



  1. void KVStoreDist::Push_(const std::vector<int>& keys,
  2. const std::vector<NDArray>& values,
  3. int priority,
  4. bool do_merge) {
  5. std::vector<int> uniq_keys;
  6. std::vector<std::vector<NDArray>> grouped_val;
  7. GroupKVPairsPush(keys, values, &uniq_keys, &grouped_val, false);
  8. for (size_t i = 0; i < uniq_keys.size(); ++i) {
  9. int key = uniq_keys[i];
  10. const auto& vals = grouped_vals[i];
  11. NDArray merged = do_merge ? comm_->Reduce(key, vals, priority) : vals[0];
  12. auto &comm_buf = comm_buf_[key];
  13. if (merged.ctx().dev_mask() == cpu::kDevMask) {
  14. // Start of a push doesn't guarantee that the previous pushes are completed.
  15. // This shouldn't affect training of networks though because training involves
  16. // a sequence of push, pull, then push. This imposes ordering that the
  17. // second push happens after the first pull, and the pull happens after first push.
  18. comm_buf = merged; // avoid memory copy
  19. } else {
  20. if (comm_buf.is_none()) {
  21. comm_buf = NDArray(merged.shape(), pinned_ctx_, true, merged.dtype());
  22. }
  23. CopyFromTo(merged, &comm_buf);
  24. }
  25. const int dtype = merged.dtype();
  26. const int num_bytes = mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(dtype);
  27. PSKV& pskv = EncodeDefaultKey(key, comm_buf.shape().Size(), num_bytes);
  28. PushDefault(key, comm_buf, pskv, priority);
  29. }
  30. }


  1. void PushDefault(int key, const NDArray &send_buf, const PSKV& pskv, int priority) {
  2. auto push_to_servers =
  3. [this, key, pskv, send_buf](RunContext rctx, Engine::CallbackOnComplete cb) {
  4. const int dtype = send_buf.dtype();
  5. // convert to ps keys
  6. const size_t size = send_buf.shape().Size() * mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(dtype);
  7. char* data = static_cast<char *>(send_buf.data().dptr_);
  8. // do push. false means no delete
  9. ps::SArray<char> vals(data, size, false);
  10. int cmd = GetCommandType(RequestType::kDefaultPushPull, dtype);
  11. CHECK_NOTNULL(ps_worker_)->ZPush(
  12. pskv.keys, vals, pskv.lens,
  13. cmd, [cb]() { cb(); });
  14. };
  15. Engine::Get()->PushAsync(
  16. push_to_servers,
  17. pinned_ctx_,
  18. {send_buf.var()},
  19. {},
  20. FnProperty::kNormal,
  21. priority,
  22. "KVStoreDistDefaultPush");
  23. }


  1. void PullImpl(const std::vector<int>& keys,
  2. const std::vector<NDArray*>& values,
  3. int priority, bool ignore_sparse) override {
  4. CHECK(ignore_sparse) << "dist kvstore pull doesn't support ignore_sparse=False";
  5. std::vector<int> uniq_keys;
  6. std::vector<std::vector<NDArray*> > grouped_vals;
  7. GroupKVPairsPull(keys, values, &uniq_keys, &grouped_vals, true);
  8. for (size_t i = 0; i < uniq_keys.size(); ++i) {
  9. int key = uniq_keys[i];
  10. // use the same array for merging to guarantee that pull always happens
  11. // after the previous push on this key
  12. auto& recv_buf = comm_buf_[key];
  13. const auto storage_type = grouped_vals[i][0]->storage_type();
  14. CHECK_EQ(storage_type, kDefaultStorage)
  15. << "Expected stype of value to be kDefaultStorage";
  16. if (recv_buf.is_none()) {
  17. // it may happen for the first time a no-rank-0 worker pull the weight.
  18. recv_buf = NDArray(grouped_vals[i][0]->shape(), pinned_ctx_,
  19. true, grouped_vals[i][0]->dtype());
  20. }
  21. auto pull_from_servers = [this, key, recv_buf](
  22. RunContext rctx, Engine::CallbackOnComplete cb) {
  23. // convert to ps keys
  24. size_t size = recv_buf.shape().Size();
  25. const int dtype = recv_buf.dtype();
  26. const int num_bytes = mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(dtype);
  27. PSKV& pskv = EncodeDefaultKey(key, size, num_bytes) :
  28. char* data = static_cast<char*> (recv_buf.data().dptr_);
  29. // false means not to delete data when SArray is deleted
  30. auto vals = new ps::SArray<char>(data, size * num_bytes, false);
  31. // issue pull
  32. RequestType mode = RequestType::kDefaultPushPull;
  33. const int cmd = GetCommandType(mode, dtype);
  34. CHECK_NOTNULL(ps_worker_)->ZPull(
  35. pskv.keys, vals, &pskv.lens, cmd, [vals, cb](){ delete vals; cb(); });
  36. };
  37. CHECK_NOTNULL(Engine::Get())->PushAsync(
  38. pull_from_servers,
  39. pinned_ctx_,
  40. {},
  41. {recv_buf.var()},
  42. FnProperty::kNormal,
  43. priority,
  44. "KVStoreDistDefaultStoragePull");
  45. comm_->Broadcast(key, recv_buf, grouped_vals[i], priority);
  46. }
  47. }




  1. KVStoreDistServer() {
  2. using namespace std::placeholders;
  3. ps_server_ = new ps::KVServer<char>(0);
  4. static_cast<ps::SimpleApp*>(ps_server_)->set_request_handle(
  5. std::bind(&KVStoreDistServer::CommandHandle, this, _1, _2));
  6. ps_server_->set_request_handle(
  7. std::bind(&KVStoreDistServer::DataHandleEx, this, _1, _2, _3));
  8. sync_mode_ = false;
  9. gradient_compression_ = std::make_shared<GradientCompression>();
  10. log_verbose_ = dmlc::GetEnv("MXNET_KVSTORE_DIST_ROW_SPARSE_VERBOSE", false);
  11. }



  1. void CommandHandle(const ps::SimpleData& recved, ps::SimpleApp* app) {
  2. CommandType recved_type = static_cast<CommandType>(recved.head);
  3. switch (recved_type) {
  4. case CommandType::kStopServer:
  5. exec_.Stop();
  6. break;
  7. case CommandType::kSyncMode:
  8. sync_mode_ = true;
  9. break;
  10. case CommandType::kSetGradientCompression:
  11. gradient_compression_->DecodeParams(recved.body);
  12. break;
  13. case CommandType::kSetProfilerParams:
  14. // last char is the type of profiler command
  15. ProcessServerProfilerCommands(static_cast<KVStoreServerProfilerCommand>
  16. (recved.body.back() - '0'),
  17. recved.body);
  18. break;
  19. case CommandType::kSetMultiPrecision:
  20. // uses value 1 for message id from frontend
  21. if (!multi_precision_) {
  22. multi_precision_ = true;
  23. CreateMultiPrecisionCopies();
  24. }
  25. break;
  26. case CommandType::kController:
  27. // this uses value 0 for message id from frontend
  28. // let the main thread to execute ctrl, which is necessary for python
  29. exec_.Exec([this, recved]() {
  30. CHECK(controller_);
  31. controller_(recved.head, recved.body);
  32. });
  33. break;
  34. }
  35. app->Response(recved);
  36. }


前面提到,DataHandleEx被注册为处理数据请求的函数,它会根据数据请求类型去调用不同的处理函数。默认情况下会调用DataHandleDefalut,该函数会对worker发来的push和pull请求分开处理。当worker节点push梯度到server时,如果某个key是第一次被push,那么server会为相应的key申请内存空间;否则会根据sync_mode_的值分别进行处理。在sync_mode_ == true(即同步训练模式)的情况下,所有worker上的梯度会被聚合到update_buf_[key].merged中;而在异步训练模式下,server把从某个worker接收的梯度放在update_buf_[key].temp_array中。随后,worker发来的push请求信息会被记录到update_buf_[key].request中。待上面的工作完成后,会调用ApplyUpdates函数去更新key对应的模型参数。当worker节点向server节点发送pull请求时,server会直接调用DefaultStorageResponse把server节点最新的模型参数发送给worker。

  1. void DataHandleDefault(const DataHandleType type, const ps::KVMeta& req_meta,
  2. const ps::KVPairs<char>& req_data, ps::KVServer<char>* server) {
  3. int key = DecodeKey(req_data.keys[0]);
  4. auto& stored = store_[key];
  5. if (req_meta.push) { // push operation
  6. size_t ds[] = {(size_t) req_data.lens[0] / mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(type.dtype)};
  7. mxnet::TShape dshape(ds, ds + 1);
  8. TBlob recv_blob;
  9. MSHADOW_REAL_TYPE_SWITCH(type.dtype, DType, {
  10. recv_blob = TBlob(reinterpret_cast<DType*>(req_data.vals.data()), dshape, cpu::kDevMask);
  11. })
  12. NDArray recved = NDArray(recv_blob, 0);
  13. if (stored.is_none()) { // the first push request
  14. // initialization
  15. stored = NDArray(dshape, Context(), false, type.dtype);
  16. CopyFromTo(recved, &stored, 0);
  17. server->Response(req_meta);
  18. stored.WaitToRead();
  19. } else {
  20. auto& updates = update_buf_[key];
  21. if (sync_mode_ && updates.merged.is_none() {
  22. updates.merged = NDArray(dshape, Context(), false, type.dtype);
  23. }
  24. if (updates.request.empty()) { // the first
  25. if (sync_mode_) {
  26. CopyFromTo(recvd, updates.merged);
  27. } else { // async training
  28. updates.temp_array = recved;
  29. }
  30. } else {
  31. updates.merged += recved;
  32. }
  33. updates.request.push_back(req_meta);
  34. ApplyUpdates(type, key, req_data, &updates, server);
  35. } else { // pull operation
  36. DefaultStorageResponse(type, key, req_meta, req_data, server);
  37. }
  38. }


  1. inline void ApplyUpdates(const DataHandleType type, const int key,
  2. const ps::KVPairs<char>& req_data, UpdateBuf *update_buf,
  3. ps::KVServer<char>* server) {
  4. if (!sync_mode_ || update_buf->request.size() == (size_t) ps::NumWorkers()) {
  5. // let the main thread to execute updater_, which is necessary for python
  6. auto& stored = store_[key];
  7. auto& update = sync_mode_ ? update_buf->merged : update_buf->temp_array;
  8. if (updater_) { // update_on_kvstore == True
  9. exec_.Exec([this, key, &update, &stored](){
  10. CHECK(updater_);
  11. updater_(key, update, &stored);
  12. });
  13. } else { // update_on_kvstore == False, only support for sync mode
  14. CHECK(sync_mode_) << "Updater needs to be set for async mode";
  15. // if no updater, just copy
  16. CopyFromTo(update_buf->merged, &stored);
  17. }
  18. /**
  19. * Request can be for either push or pushpull
  20. * If pull flag is set, respond immediately with the updated values
  21. * Otherwise, only send the notification
  22. */
  23. bool has_pull = false;
  24. for (const auto& req : update_buf->request) {
  25. has_pull = has_pull || req.pull;
  26. }
  27. if (has_pull) {
  28. // if there is a pull request, perform WaitToRead() once before DefaultStorageResponse
  29. stored.WaitToRead();
  30. for (const auto& req : update_buf->request) {
  31. if (req.pull) {
  32. DefaultStorageResponse(type, key, req, req_data, server);
  33. }
  34. }
  35. update_buf->request.clear();
  36. } else {
  37. // otherwise, send response directly
  38. for (const auto& req : update_buf->request) {
  39. server->Response(req);
  40. }
  41. update_buf->request.clear();
  42. stored.WaitToRead();
  43. }
  44. } else { // donot perform update operation
  45. update_buf->merged.WaitToRead();
  46. }
  47. }


  1. void DefaultStorageResponse(const DataHandleType type,
  2. const int key,
  3. const ps::KVMeta& req_meta,
  4. const ps::KVPairs<char> &req_data,
  5. ps::KVServer<char>* server) {
  6. ps::KVPairs<char> response;
  7. const NDArray& stored = store_[key];
  8. CHECK(!stored.is_none()) << "init " << key << " first";
  9. auto len = stored.shape().Size() * mshadow::mshadow_sizeof(stored.dtype());
  10. response.keys = req_data.keys;
  11. response.lens = {len};
  12. // TODO(mli) try to remove this CopyFrom
  13. response.vals.CopyFrom(static_cast<const char*>(stored.data().dptr_), len);
  14. server->Response(req_meta, response);
  15. }

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