dotnet 6 在 win7 系统 AES CFB 抛出不支持异常
本文记录在 win7 系统上调用 AES 加密时,采用 CFB 模式,可能抛出 CryptographicException 异常
可以看到抛出的异常提示是 System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The current platform does not support the specified feedback size. 异常堆栈如下
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The current platform does not support the specified feedback size.
---> Internal.Cryptography.CryptoThrowHelper+WindowsCryptographicException: Unknown error (0xc10000bb)
at Internal.NativeCrypto.Cng.SetFeedbackSize(SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlg, Int32 dwFeedbackSize)
at Internal.Cryptography.AesBCryptModes.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<OpenAesAlgorithm>b__0()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Internal.Cryptography.AesBCryptModes.<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<OpenAesAlgorithm>b__0()
at System.Lazy`1.ViaFactory(LazyThreadSafetyMode mode)
at System.Lazy`1.ExecutionAndPublication(LazyHelper executionAndPublication, Boolean useDefaultConstructor)
at System.Lazy`1.CreateValue()
at Internal.Cryptography.AesBCryptModes.GetSharedHandle(CipherMode cipherMode, Int32 feedback)
at Internal.Cryptography.AesImplementation.CreateTransformCore(CipherMode cipherMode, PaddingMode paddingMode, Byte[] key, Byte[] iv, Int32 blockSize, Int32 paddingSize, Int32 feedbackSize, Boolean encrypting)
at Internal.Cryptography.AesImplementation.CreateTransform(Byte[] rgbKey, Byte[] rgbIV, Boolean encrypting)
at Internal.Cryptography.AesImplementation.CreateDecryptor(Byte[] rgbKey, Byte[] rgbIV)
这个异常抛出的原因是在 里有大佬提到这个问题,在 里进行了修改代码,核心修改大概如下
private static Lazy<SafeAlgorithmHandle> Open3DesAlgorithm(string cipherMode, int feedback = 0)
return new Lazy<SafeAlgorithmHandle>(() =>
SafeAlgorithmHandle hAlg = Cng.BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(Cng.BCRYPT_3DES_ALGORITHM, null,
// The default feedback size is 1 (CFB8) on Windows. Do not set the CNG property
// if we would be setting it to the default. Windows 7 only supports CFB8 and
// does not permit setting the feedback size, so we don't call the property
// setter at all in that case.
if (feedback > 0 && feedback != 1)
catch (CryptographicException ex)
throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_FeedbackSizeNotSupported, ex);
return hAlg;
本质的问题在于 win7 不支持
那为什么之前的 .NET Framework 在 win7 能正常工作?这是因为在 .NET Framework 里面有完全托管的实现,而不是和 .NET 6 一样调用系统层
可选的修复方法就是从 .NET Framework 拷贝一份,以下是我拷贝的代码
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace GalldalljallkallwaneaLeyemjerejerlar
internal enum RijndaelManagedTransformMode
Encrypt = 0,
Decrypt = 1
/// <summary>
/// 从 .NET Framework 48 拷贝过来的 RijndaelManagedTransform,纯托管实现
/// </summary>
public sealed class RijndaelManagedTransform : ICryptoTransform
private CipherMode m_cipherMode;
private PaddingMode m_paddingValue;
private RijndaelManagedTransformMode m_transformMode;
private int m_blockSizeBits;
private int m_blockSizeBytes;
private int m_inputBlockSize;
private int m_outputBlockSize;
private int[] m_encryptKeyExpansion;
private int[] m_decryptKeyExpansion;
private int m_Nr;
private int m_Nb;
private int m_Nk;
private int[] m_encryptindex = null;
private int[] m_decryptindex = null;
private int[] m_IV;
private int[] m_lastBlockBuffer;
private byte[] m_depadBuffer;
private byte[] m_shiftRegister;
internal RijndaelManagedTransform(byte[] rgbKey,
CipherMode mode,
byte[] rgbIV,
int blockSize,
int feedbackSize,
PaddingMode PaddingValue,
RijndaelManagedTransformMode transformMode)
if (rgbKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbKey");
m_blockSizeBits = blockSize;
m_blockSizeBytes = blockSize / 8;
m_cipherMode = mode;
m_paddingValue = PaddingValue;
m_transformMode = transformMode;
m_Nb = blockSize / 32;
m_Nk = rgbKey.Length / 4;
int S1 = m_Nb > 6 ? 3 : 2;
int S2 = m_Nb > 6 ? 4 : 3;
// Precompute the modulus operations: these are performance killers when called frequently
int[] encryptindex1 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] encryptindex2 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] encryptindex3 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex1 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex2 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex3 = new int[m_Nb];
for (int j = 0; j < m_Nb; j++)
encryptindex1[j] = (j + 1) % m_Nb;
encryptindex2[j] = (j + S1) % m_Nb;
encryptindex3[j] = (j + S2) % m_Nb;
decryptindex1[j] = (j - 1 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
decryptindex2[j] = (j - S1 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
decryptindex3[j] = (j - S2 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
m_encryptindex = new int[m_Nb * 3];
Array.Copy(encryptindex1, 0, m_encryptindex, 0, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(encryptindex2, 0, m_encryptindex, m_Nb, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(encryptindex3, 0, m_encryptindex, m_Nb * 2, m_Nb);
m_decryptindex = new int[m_Nb * 3];
Array.Copy(decryptindex1, 0, m_decryptindex, 0, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(decryptindex2, 0, m_decryptindex, m_Nb, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(decryptindex3, 0, m_decryptindex, m_Nb * 2, m_Nb);
switch (m_cipherMode)
case CipherMode.ECB:
case CipherMode.CBC:
m_inputBlockSize = m_blockSizeBytes;
m_outputBlockSize = m_blockSizeBytes;
case CipherMode.CFB:
m_inputBlockSize = feedbackSize / 8;
m_outputBlockSize = feedbackSize / 8;
throw new CryptographicException("Specified cipher mode is not valid for this algorithm.");
if (mode == CipherMode.CBC || mode == CipherMode.CFB)
if (rgbIV == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbIV");
if (rgbIV.Length / 4 != m_Nb)
throw new CryptographicException("Specified initialization vector (IV) does not match the block size for this algorithm.");
m_IV = new int[m_Nb];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
int i0 = rgbIV[index++];
int i1 = rgbIV[index++];
int i2 = rgbIV[index++];
int i3 = rgbIV[index++];
m_IV[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
m_lastBlockBuffer = new int[m_Nb];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
fixed (int* src = m_IV)
fixed (int* dst = m_lastBlockBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) m_blockSizeBytes);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
m_shiftRegister = new byte[4 * m_Nb];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, 4 * m_Nb);
fixed (int* src = m_IV)
fixed (byte* dst = m_shiftRegister)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (4 * m_Nb));
public void Dispose()
public void Clear()
private void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// We need to always zeroize the following fields because they contain sensitive data
if (m_IV != null)
Array.Clear(m_IV, 0, m_IV.Length);
m_IV = null;
if (m_lastBlockBuffer != null)
Array.Clear(m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer.Length);
m_lastBlockBuffer = null;
if (m_encryptKeyExpansion != null)
Array.Clear(m_encryptKeyExpansion, 0, m_encryptKeyExpansion.Length);
m_encryptKeyExpansion = null;
if (m_decryptKeyExpansion != null)
Array.Clear(m_decryptKeyExpansion, 0, m_decryptKeyExpansion.Length);
m_decryptKeyExpansion = null;
if (m_depadBuffer != null)
Array.Clear(m_depadBuffer, 0, m_depadBuffer.Length);
m_depadBuffer = null;
if (m_shiftRegister != null)
Array.Clear(m_shiftRegister, 0, m_shiftRegister.Length);
m_shiftRegister = null;
// ICryptoTransform methods and properties.
public int BlockSizeValue
return m_blockSizeBits;
public int InputBlockSize
return m_inputBlockSize;
public int OutputBlockSize
return m_outputBlockSize;
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks
return true;
public bool CanReuseTransform
return true;
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset)
// Note: special handling required if decrypting & using padding because the padding adds to the end of the last
// block, we have to buffer an entire block's worth of bytes in case what I just transformed turns out to be
// the last block Then in TransformFinalBlock we strip off the padding.
if (inputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (outputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("outputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", "Non-negative number required.");
if (inputCount <= 0 || (inputCount % InputBlockSize != 0) || (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException("Value was invalid.");
if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException("Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.");
if (m_transformMode == RijndaelManagedTransformMode.Encrypt)
// if we're encrypting we can always push out the bytes because no padding mode
// removes bytes during encryption
return EncryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
if (m_paddingValue == PaddingMode.Zeros || m_paddingValue == PaddingMode.None)
// like encryption, if we're using None or Zeros padding on decrypt we can write out all
// the bytes. Note that we cannot depad a block partially padded with Zeros because
// we can't tell if those zeros are plaintext or pad.
return DecryptData(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, m_paddingValue, false);
// OK, now we're in the special case. Check to see if this is the *first* block we've seen
// If so, buffer it and return null zero bytes
if (m_depadBuffer == null)
m_depadBuffer = new byte[InputBlockSize];
// copy the last InputBlockSize bytes to m_depadBuffer everything else gets processed and returned
int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize;
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset + inputToProcess, m_depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = m_depadBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src + inputOffset + inputToProcess, (uint) InputBlockSize);
return DecryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
// we already have a depad buffer, so we need to decrypt that info first & copy it out
int r = DecryptData(m_depadBuffer,
0, m_depadBuffer.Length,
ref outputBuffer,
outputOffset += OutputBlockSize;
int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize;
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset + inputToProcess, m_depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = m_depadBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src + inputOffset + inputToProcess, (uint) InputBlockSize);
r = DecryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
return (OutputBlockSize + r);
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount)
if (inputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", "Non-negative number required.");
if (inputCount < 0 || (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException("Value was invalid.");
if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException("Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.");
if (m_transformMode == RijndaelManagedTransformMode.Encrypt)
// If we're encrypting we can alway return what we compute because there's no m_depadBuffer
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
if (inputCount % InputBlockSize != 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.");
if (m_depadBuffer == null)
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
byte[] temp = new byte[m_depadBuffer.Length + inputCount];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_depadBuffer, 0, temp, 0, m_depadBuffer.Length);
fixed (byte* src = m_depadBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = temp)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (m_depadBuffer.Length));
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, temp, m_depadBuffer.Length, inputCount);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = temp)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst + m_depadBuffer.Length, src + inputOffset, (uint) inputCount);
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
// resets the state of the transform
public void Reset()
m_depadBuffer = null;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
// Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
fixed (int* src = m_IV)
fixed (int* dst = m_lastBlockBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) m_blockSizeBytes);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
// Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, 4 * m_Nb);
fixed (int* src = m_IV)
fixed (byte* dst = m_shiftRegister)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (4 * m_Nb));
// Deals with the various cipher and padding modes and calls the AES encryption routine.
// This method writes the encrypted data into the output buffer. If the output buffer is null,
// it allocates it and populates it with the encrypted data.
private unsafe int EncryptData(byte[] inputBuffer,
int inputOffset,
int inputCount,
ref byte[] outputBuffer,
int outputOffset,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
bool fLast)
if (inputBuffer.Length < inputOffset + inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException("Input buffer contains insufficient data.");
int padSize = 0;
int lonelyBytes = inputCount % m_inputBlockSize;
// Check the padding mode and make sure we have enough outputBuffer to handle any padding we have to do.
byte[] padBytes = null;
int workBaseIndex = inputOffset, index = 0;
if (fLast)
switch (paddingMode)
case PaddingMode.None:
if (lonelyBytes != 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Length of the data to encrypt is invalid.");
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
if (lonelyBytes != 0)
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
if (padSize != 0)
padBytes = new byte[padSize];
switch (paddingMode)
case PaddingMode.None:
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
// padBytes is already initialized with zeros
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
for (index = 0; index < padSize; index++)
padBytes[index] = (byte) padSize;
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
// padBytes is already initialized with zeros. Simply change the last byte.
padBytes[padSize - 1] = (byte) padSize;
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
// generate random bytes
padBytes = RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(padSize);
padBytes[padSize - 1] = (byte) padSize;
if (outputBuffer == null)
outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount + padSize];
outputOffset = 0;
if ((outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset) < (inputCount + padSize))
throw new CryptographicException("Input buffer contains insufficient data.");
fixed (int* encryptindex = m_encryptindex)
fixed (int* encryptKeyExpansion = m_encryptKeyExpansion)
fixed (int* T = s_T)
fixed (int* TF = s_TF)
int* work = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int* temp = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int iNumBlocks = (inputCount + padSize) / m_inputBlockSize;
int transformCount = outputOffset;
for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < iNumBlocks; ++blockNum)
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int)");
//Buffer.Memcpy((byte*)work, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
fixed (byte* src = m_shiftRegister)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(work, src, (uint) m_blockSizeBytes);
if (blockNum != iNumBlocks - 1 || padSize == 0)
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int)");
//Buffer.Memcpy((byte*)work, 0, inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, m_blockSizeBytes);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(work, src + workBaseIndex, (uint) m_blockSizeBytes);
int padIndex = 0;
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
int i0 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
// XOR with the last encrypted block
work[i] ^= m_lastBlockBuffer[i];
Enc(encryptindex, encryptKeyExpansion, T, TF, work, temp);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
index = workBaseIndex;
if (blockNum != iNumBlocks - 1 || padSize == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
byte[] tmpInputBuffer = new byte[m_inputBlockSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, tmpInputBuffer, 0, lonelyBytes);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = tmpInputBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src + workBaseIndex, (uint) lonelyBytes);
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(padBytes, 0, tmpInputBuffer, lonelyBytes, padSize);
fixed (byte* src = padBytes)
fixed (byte* dst = tmpInputBuffer)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst + lonelyBytes, src, (uint) padSize);
index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
// shift m_lastBlockBuffer to the left by m_inputBlockSize bytes.
index = 0;
while (index < m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize)
m_shiftRegister[index] = m_shiftRegister[index + m_inputBlockSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, blockNum * m_inputBlockSize, m_shiftRegister, m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, m_inputBlockSize);
fixed (byte* src = outputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = m_shiftRegister)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst + m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, src + blockNum * m_inputBlockSize, (uint) m_inputBlockSize);
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
fixed (int* pLastBlockBuffer = m_lastBlockBuffer)
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_lastBlockBuffer.Length * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_lastBlockBuffer.Length * sizeof(int)");
//Buffer.Memcpy((byte*)pLastBlockBuffer, (byte*)temp, m_blockSizeBytes);
Unsafe.CopyBlock(pLastBlockBuffer, temp, (uint) m_blockSizeBytes);
workBaseIndex += m_inputBlockSize;
return (inputCount + padSize);
// Deals with the various cipher and padding modes and calls the AES decryption routine.
// This method writes the decrypted data into the output buffer. If the output buffer is null,
// it allocates it and populates it with the decrypted data.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
private unsafe int DecryptData(byte[] inputBuffer,
int inputOffset,
int inputCount,
ref byte[] outputBuffer,
int outputOffset,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
bool fLast)
if (inputBuffer.Length < inputOffset + inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException("Input buffer contains insufficient data.");
if (outputBuffer == null)
outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount];
outputOffset = 0;
if ((outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset) < inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException("Input buffer contains insufficient data.");
fixed (int* encryptindex = m_encryptindex)
fixed (int* encryptKeyExpansion = m_encryptKeyExpansion)
fixed (int* decryptindex = m_decryptindex)
fixed (int* decryptKeyExpansion = m_decryptKeyExpansion)
fixed (int* T = s_T)
fixed (int* TF = s_TF)
fixed (int* iT = s_iT)
fixed (int* iTF = s_iTF)
int* work = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int* temp = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int iNumBlocks = inputCount / m_inputBlockSize;
int workBaseIndex = inputOffset, index = 0, transformCount = outputOffset;
for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < iNumBlocks; ++blockNum)
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
int i0 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i1 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i2 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i3 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
int i0 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = inputBuffer[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
// We use the encryption function in both encryption and decryption in CFB mode.
Enc(encryptindex, encryptKeyExpansion, T, TF, work, temp);
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) ((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
// shift m_lastBlockBuffer to the left by m_inputBlockSize bytes.
index = 0;
while (index < m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize)
m_shiftRegister[index] = m_shiftRegister[index + m_inputBlockSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, m_shiftRegister, m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, m_inputBlockSize);
fixed (byte* src = inputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = m_shiftRegister)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst + m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, src + workBaseIndex, (uint) m_inputBlockSize);
Dec(decryptindex, decryptKeyExpansion, iT, iTF, work, temp);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
temp[i] ^= m_lastBlockBuffer[i];
// save the input buffer
int i0 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = inputBuffer[index++];
m_lastBlockBuffer[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte) (temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF);
workBaseIndex += m_inputBlockSize;
if (fLast == false)
return inputCount;
// this is the last block, remove the padding.
byte[] outputBuffer1 = outputBuffer;
int padSize = 0;
switch (paddingMode)
case PaddingMode.None:
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
for (index = 1; index <= padSize; index++)
if (outputBuffer[inputCount - index] != padSize)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
fixed (byte* src = outputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = outputBuffer1)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (outputBuffer.Length - padSize));
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
// check the validity of the padding
for (index = 2; index <= padSize; index++)
if (outputBuffer[inputCount - index] != 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
fixed (byte* src = outputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = outputBuffer1)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (outputBuffer.Length - padSize));
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException("Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.");
// Just ignore the random bytes
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
//Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
fixed (byte* src = outputBuffer)
fixed (byte* dst = outputBuffer1)
Unsafe.CopyBlock(dst, src, (uint) (outputBuffer.Length - padSize));
outputBuffer = outputBuffer1;
return outputBuffer1.Length;
// AES encryption function.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private unsafe void Enc(int* encryptindex, int* encryptKeyExpansion, int* T, int* TF, int* work, int* temp)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
work[i] ^= encryptKeyExpansion[i];
int* _encryptindex;
int* _encryptKeyExpansion = &encryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb];
for (int r = 1; r < m_Nr; ++r)
_encryptindex = encryptindex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
temp[i] = T[0 + (work[i] & 0xFF)] ^
T[256 + ((work[_encryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
T[512 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
T[768 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
work[i] = temp[i];
_encryptindex = encryptindex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
temp[i] = TF[0 + (work[i] & 0xFF)] ^
TF[256 + ((work[_encryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
TF[512 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
TF[768 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
// AES decryption function.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
unsafe private void Dec(int* decryptindex, int* decryptKeyExpansion, int* iT, int* iTF, int* work, int* temp)
int keyIndex = m_Nb * m_Nr;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
work[i] ^= decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
int* _decryptindex;
int* _decryptKeyExpansion;
for (int r = 1; r < m_Nr; ++r)
keyIndex -= 2 * m_Nb;
_decryptindex = decryptindex;
_decryptKeyExpansion = &decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
temp[i] = iT[0 + ((work[i]) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[256 + ((work[_decryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[512 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[768 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
work[i] = temp[i];
keyIndex = 0;
_decryptindex = decryptindex;
_decryptKeyExpansion = &decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
temp[i] = iTF[0 + ((work[i]) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[256 + ((work[_decryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[512 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[768 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
// Key expansion routine.
private void GenerateKeyExpansion(byte[] rgbKey)
switch (m_blockSizeBits > rgbKey.Length * 8 ? m_blockSizeBits : rgbKey.Length * 8)
case 128:
m_Nr = 10;
case 192:
m_Nr = 12;
case 256:
m_Nr = 14;
throw new CryptographicException("Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.");
m_encryptKeyExpansion = new int[m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1)];
m_decryptKeyExpansion = new int[m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1)];
int iTemp;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nk; ++i)
int i0 = rgbKey[index++];
int i1 = rgbKey[index++];
int i2 = rgbKey[index++];
int i3 = rgbKey[index++];
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_Nk <= 6)
for (int i = m_Nk; i < m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1); ++i)
iTemp = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - 1];
if (i % m_Nk == 0)
iTemp = SubWord(rot3(iTemp));
iTemp = iTemp ^ s_Rcon[(i / m_Nk) - 1];
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - m_Nk] ^ iTemp;
for (int i = m_Nk; i < m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1); ++i)
iTemp = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - 1];
if (i % m_Nk == 0)
iTemp = SubWord(rot3(iTemp));
iTemp = iTemp ^ s_Rcon[(i / m_Nk) - 1];
else if (i % m_Nk == 4)
iTemp = SubWord(iTemp);
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - m_Nk] ^ iTemp;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i)
m_decryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i];
m_decryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb * m_Nr + i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb * m_Nr + i];
for (int i = m_Nb; i < m_Nb * m_Nr; ++i)
int key = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i];
int mul02 = MulX(key);
int mul04 = MulX(mul02);
int mul08 = MulX(mul04);
int mul09 = key ^ mul08;
m_decryptKeyExpansion[i] = mul02 ^ mul04 ^ mul08 ^ rot3(mul02 ^ mul09) ^ rot2(mul04 ^ mul09) ^ rot1(mul09);
private static int rot1(int val)
return (val << 8 & unchecked((int) 0xFFFFFF00)) | (val >> 24 & unchecked((int) 0x000000FF));
private static int rot2(int val)
return (val << 16 & unchecked((int) 0xFFFF0000)) | (val >> 16 & unchecked((int) 0x0000FFFF));
private static int rot3(int val)
return (val << 24 & unchecked((int) 0xFF000000)) | (val >> 8 & unchecked((int) 0x00FFFFFF));
private static int SubWord(int a)
return s_Sbox[a & 0xFF] |
s_Sbox[a >> 8 & 0xFF] << 8 |
s_Sbox[a >> 16 & 0xFF] << 16 |
s_Sbox[a >> 24 & 0xFF] << 24;
private static int MulX(int x)
int u = x & unchecked((int) 0x80808080);
return ((x & unchecked((int) 0x7f7f7f7f)) << 1) ^ ((u - (u >> 7 & 0x01FFFFFF)) & 0x1b1b1b1b);
private static readonly byte[] s_Sbox = new byte[] {
99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21,
4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117,
9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132,
83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207,
208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168,
81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210,
205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115,
96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219,
224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8,
186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138,
112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158,
225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223,
140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22 };
private static readonly int[] s_Rcon = new int[] {
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36,
0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6,
0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91 };
private static readonly int[] s_T = new int[4 * 256]
// s_T1
-1520213050, -2072216328, -1720223762, -1921287178, 234025727, -1117033514, -1318096930, 1422247313,
1345335392, 50397442, -1452841010, 2099981142, 436141799, 1658312629, -424957107, -1703512340,
1170918031, -1652391393, 1086966153, -2021818886, 368769775, -346465870, -918075506, 200339707,
-324162239, 1742001331, -39673249, -357585083, -1080255453, -140204973, -1770884380, 1539358875,
-1028147339, 486407649, -1366060227, 1780885068, 1513502316, 1094664062, 49805301, 1338821763,
1546925160, -190470831, 887481809, 150073849, -1821281822, 1943591083, 1395732834, 1058346282,
201589768, 1388824469, 1696801606, 1589887901, 672667696, -1583966665, 251987210, -1248159185,
151455502, 907153956, -1686077413, 1038279391, 652995533, 1764173646, -843926913, -1619692054,
453576978, -1635548387, 1949051992, 773462580, 756751158, -1301385508, -296068428, -73359269,
-162377052, 1295727478, 1641469623, -827083907, 2066295122, 1055122397, 1898917726, -1752923117,
-179088474, 1758581177, 0, 753790401, 1612718144, 536673507, -927878791, -312779850,
-1100322092, 1187761037, -641810841, 1262041458, -565556588, -733197160, -396863312, 1255133061,
1808847035, 720367557, -441800113, 385612781, -985447546, -682799718, 1429418854, -1803188975,
-817543798, 284817897, 100794884, -2122350594, -263171936, 1144798328, -1163944155, -475486133,
-212774494, -22830243, -1069531008, -1970303227, -1382903233, -1130521311, 1211644016, 83228145,
-541279133, -1044990345, 1977277103, 1663115586, 806359072, 452984805, 250868733, 1842533055,
1288555905, 336333848, 890442534, 804056259, -513843266, -1567123659, -867941240, 957814574,
1472513171, -223893675, -2105639172, 1195195770, -1402706744, -413311558, 723065138, -1787595802,
-1604296512, -1736343271, -783331426, 2145180835, 1713513028, 2116692564, -1416589253, -2088204277,
-901364084, 703524551, -742868885, 1007948840, 2044649127, -497131844, 487262998, 1994120109,
1004593371, 1446130276, 1312438900, 503974420, -615954030, 168166924, 1814307912, -463709000,
1573044895, 1859376061, -273896381, -1503501628, -1466855111, -1533700815, 937747667, -1954973198,
854058965, 1137232011, 1496790894, -1217565222, -1936880383, 1691735473, -766620004, -525751991,
-1267962664, -95005012, 133494003, 636152527, -1352309302, -1904575756, -374428089, 403179536,
-709182865, -2005370640, 1864705354, 1915629148, 605822008, -240736681, -944458637, 1371981463,
602466507, 2094914977, -1670089496, 555687742, -582268010, -591544991, -2037675251, -2054518257,
-1871679264, 1111375484, -994724495, -1436129588, -666351472, 84083462, 32962295, 302911004,
-1553899070, 1597322602, -111716434, -793134743, -1853454825, 1489093017, 656219450, -1180787161,
954327513, 335083755, -1281845205, 856756514, -1150719534, 1893325225, -1987146233, -1483434957,
-1231316179, 572399164, -1836611819, 552200649, 1238290055, -11184726, 2015897680, 2061492133,
-1886614525, -123625127, -2138470135, 386731290, -624967835, 837215959, -968736124, -1201116976,
-1019133566, -1332111063, 1999449434, 286199582, -877612933, -61582168, -692339859, 974525996,
// s_T2
1667483301, 2088564868, 2004348569, 2071721613, -218956019, 1802229437, 1869602481, -976907948,
808476752, 16843267, 1734856361, 724260477, -16849127, -673729182, -1414836762, 1987505306,
-892694715, -2105401443, -909539008, 2105408135, -84218091, 1499050731, 1195871945, -252642549,
-1381154324, -724257945, -1566416899, -1347467798, -1667488833, -1532734473, 1920132246, -1061119141,
-1212713534, -33693412, -1819066962, 640044138, 909536346, 1061125697, -134744830, -859012273,
875849820, -1515892236, -437923532, -235800312, 1903288979, -656888973, 825320019, 353708607,
67373068, -943221422, 589514341, -1010590370, 404238376, -1768540255, 84216335, -1701171275,
117902857, 303178806, -2139087973, -488448195, -336868058, 656887401, -1296924723, 1970662047,
151589403, -2088559202, 741103732, 437924910, 454768173, 1852759218, 1515893998, -1600103429,
1381147894, 993752653, -690571423, -1280082482, 690573947, -471605954, 791633521, -2071719017,
1397991157, -774784664, 0, -303185620, 538984544, -50535649, -1313769016, 1532737261,
1785386174, -875852474, -1094817831, 960066123, 1246401758, 1280088276, 1482207464, -808483510,
-791626901, -269499094, -1431679003, -67375850, 1128498885, 1296931543, 859006549, -2054876780,
1162185423, -101062384, 33686534, 2139094657, 1347461360, 1010595908, -1616960070, -1465365533,
1364304627, -1549574658, 1077969088, -1886452342, -1835909203, -1650646596, 943222856, -168431356,
-1128504353, -1229555775, -623202443, 555827811, 269492272, -6886, -202113778, -757940371,
-842170036, 202119188, 320022069, -320027857, 1600110305, -1751698014, 1145342156, 387395129,
-993750185, -1482205710, 2122251394, 1027439175, 1684326572, 1566423783, 421081643, 1936975509,
1616953504, -2122245736, 1330618065, -589520001, 572671078, 707417214, -1869595733, -2004350077,
1179028682, -286341335, -1195873325, 336865340, -555833479, 1583267042, 185275933, -606360202,
-522134725, 842163286, 976909390, 168432670, 1229558491, 101059594, 606357612, 1549580516,
-1027432611, -741098130, -1397996561, 1650640038, -1852753496, -1785384540, -454765769, 2038035083,
-404237006, -926381245, 926379609, 1835915959, -1920138868, -707415708, 1313774802, -1448523296,
1819072692, 1448520954, -185273593, -353710299, 1701169839, 2054878350, -1364310039, 134746136,
-1162186795, 2021191816, 623200879, 774790258, 471611428, -1499047951, -1263242297, -960063663,
-387396829, -572677764, 1953818780, 522141217, 1263245021, -1111662116, -1953821306, -1970663547,
1886445712, 1044282434, -1246400060, 1718013098, 1212715224, 50529797, -151587071, 235805714,
1633796771, 892693087, 1465364217, -1179031088, -2038032495, -1044276904, 488454695, -1633802311,
-505292488, -117904621, -1734857805, 286335539, 1768542907, -640046736, -1903294583, -1802226777,
-1684329034, 505297954, -2021190254, -370554592, -825325751, 1431677695, 673730680, -538991238,
-1936981105, -1583261192, -1987507840, 218962455, -1077975590, -421079247, 1111655622, 1751699640,
1094812355, -1718015568, 757946999, 252648977, -1330611253, 1414834428, -1145344554, 370551866,
// s_T3
1673962851, 2096661628, 2012125559, 2079755643, -218165774, 1809235307, 1876865391, -980331323,
811618352, 16909057, 1741597031, 727088427, -18408962, -675978537, -1420958037, 1995217526,
-896580150, -2111857278, -913751863, 2113570685, -84994566, 1504897881, 1200539975, -251982864,
-1388188499, -726439980, -1570767454, -1354372433, -1675378788, -1538000988, 1927583346, -1063560256,
-1217019209, -35578627, -1824674157, 642542118, 913070646, 1065238847, -134937865, -863809588,
879254580, -1521355611, -439274267, -235337487, 1910674289, -659852328, 828527409, 355090197,
67636228, -946515257, 591815971, -1013096765, 405809176, -1774739050, 84545285, -1708149350,
118360327, 304363026, -2145674368, -488686110, -338876693, 659450151, -1300247118, 1978310517,
152181513, -2095210877, 743994412, 439627290, 456535323, 1859957358, 1521806938, -1604584544,
1386542674, 997608763, -692624938, -1283600717, 693271337, -472039709, 794718511, -2079090812,
1403450707, -776378159, 0, -306107155, 541089824, -52224004, -1317418831, 1538714971,
1792327274, -879933749, -1100490306, 963791673, 1251270218, 1285084236, 1487988824, -813348145,
-793023536, -272291089, -1437604438, -68348165, 1132905795, 1301993293, 862344499, -2062445435,
1166724933, -102166279, 33818114, 2147385727, 1352724560, 1014514748, -1624917345, -1471421528,
1369633617, -1554121053, 1082179648, -1895462257, -1841320558, -1658733411, 946882616, -168753931,
-1134305348, -1233665610, -626035238, 557998881, 270544912, -1762561, -201519373, -759206446,
-847164211, 202904588, 321271059, -322752532, 1606345055, -1758092649, 1149815876, 388905239,
-996976700, -1487539545, 2130477694, 1031423805, 1690872932, 1572530013, 422718233, 1944491379,
1623236704, -2129028991, 1335808335, -593264676, 574907938, 710180394, -1875137648, -2012511352,
1183631942, -288937490, -1200893000, 338181140, -559449634, 1589437022, 185998603, -609388837,
-522503200, 845436466, 980700730, 169090570, 1234361161, 101452294, 608726052, 1555620956,
-1029743166, -742560045, -1404833876, 1657054818, -1858492271, -1791908715, -455919644, 2045938553,
-405458201, -930397240, 929978679, 1843050349, -1929278323, -709794603, 1318900302, -1454776151,
1826141292, 1454176854, -185399308, -355523094, 1707781989, 2062847610, -1371018834, 135272456,
-1167075910, 2029029496, 625635109, 777810478, 473441308, -1504185946, -1267480652, -963161658,
-389340184, -576619299, 1961401460, 524165407, 1268178251, -1117659971, -1962047861, -1978694262,
1893765232, 1048330814, -1250835275, 1724688998, 1217452104, 50726147, -151584266, 236720654,
1640145761, 896163637, 1471084887, -1184247623, -2045275770, -1046914879, 490350365, -1641563746,
-505857823, -118811656, -1741966440, 287453969, 1775418217, -643206951, -1912108658, -1808554092,
-1691502949, 507257374, -2028629369, -372694807, -829994546, 1437269845, 676362280, -542803233,
-1945923700, -1587939167, -1995865975, 219813645, -1083843905, -422104602, 1115997762, 1758509160,
1099088705, -1725321063, 760903469, 253628687, -1334064208, 1420360788, -1150429509, 371997206,
// s_T4
-962239645, -125535108, -291932297, -158499973, -15863054, -692229269, -558796945, -1856715323,
1615867952, 33751297, -827758745, 1451043627, -417726722, -1251813417, 1306962859, -325421450,
-1891251510, 530416258, -1992242743, -91783811, -283772166, -1293199015, -1899411641, -83103504,
1106029997, -1285040940, 1610457762, 1173008303, 599760028, 1408738468, -459902350, -1688485696,
1975695287, -518193667, 1034851219, 1282024998, 1817851446, 2118205247, -184354825, -2091922228,
1750873140, 1374987685, -785062427, -116854287, -493653647, -1418471208, 1649619249, 708777237,
135005188, -1789737017, 1181033251, -1654733885, 807933976, 933336726, 168756485, 800430746,
235472647, 607523346, 463175808, -549592350, -853087253, 1315514151, 2144187058, -358648459,
303761673, 496927619, 1484008492, 875436570, 908925723, -592286098, -1259447718, 1543217312,
-1527360942, 1984772923, -1218324778, 2110698419, 1383803177, -583080989, 1584475951, 328696964,
-1493871789, -1184312879, 0, -1054020115, 1080041504, -484442884, 2043195825, -1225958565,
-725718422, -1924740149, 1742323390, 1917532473, -1797371318, -1730917300, -1326950312, -2058694705,
-1150562096, -987041809, 1340451498, -317260805, -2033892541, -1697166003, 1716859699, 294946181,
-1966127803, -384763399, 67502594, -25067649, -1594863536, 2017737788, 632987551, 1273211048,
-1561112239, 1576969123, -2134884288, 92966799, 1068339858, 566009245, 1883781176, -251333131,
1675607228, 2009183926, -1351230758, 1113792801, 540020752, -451215361, -49351693, -1083321646,
-2125673011, 403966988, 641012499, -1020269332, -1092526241, 899848087, -1999879100, 775493399,
-1822964540, 1441965991, -58556802, 2051489085, -928226204, -1159242403, 841685273, -426413197,
-1063231392, 429425025, -1630449841, -1551901476, 1147544098, 1417554474, 1001099408, 193169544,
-1932900794, -953553170, 1809037496, 675025940, -1485185314, -1126015394, 371002123, -1384719397,
-616832800, 1683370546, 1951283770, 337512970, -1831122615, 201983494, 1215046692, -1192993700,
-1621245246, -1116810285, 1139780780, -995728798, 967348625, 832869781, -751311644, -225740423,
-718084121, -1958491960, 1851340599, -625513107, 25988493, -1318791723, -1663938994, 1239460265,
-659264404, -1392880042, -217582348, -819598614, -894474907, -191989126, 1206496942, 270010376,
1876277946, -259491720, 1248797989, 1550986798, 941890588, 1475454630, 1942467764, -1756248378,
-886839064, -1585652259, -392399756, 1042358047, -1763882165, 1641856445, 226921355, 260409994,
-527404944, 2084716094, 1908716981, -861247898, -1864873912, 100991747, -150866186, 470945294,
-1029480095, 1784624437, -1359390889, 1775286713, 395413126, -1722236479, 975641885, 666476190,
-650583583, -351012616, 733190296, 573772049, -759469719, -1452221991, 126455438, 866620564,
766942107, 1008868894, 361924487, -920589847, -2025206066, -1426107051, 1350051880, -1518673953,
59739276, 1509466529, 159418761, 437718285, 1708834751, -684595482, -2067381694, -793221016,
-2101132991, 699439513, 1517759789, 504434447, 2076946608, -1459858348, 1842789307, 742004246 };
private static readonly int[] s_TF = new int[4 * 256]
// s_TF1
99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197,
48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240,
173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204,
52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21,
4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154,
7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117,
9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160,
82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132,
83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91,
106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207,
208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133,
69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168,
81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245,
188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210,
205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23,
196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115,
96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136,
70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219,
224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92,
194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169,
108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8,
186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198,
232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138,
112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14,
97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158,
225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148,
155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223,
140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104,
65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22,
// s_TF2
25344, 31744, 30464, 31488, 61952, 27392, 28416, 50432,
12288, 256, 26368, 11008, 65024, 55040, 43776, 30208,
51712, 33280, 51456, 32000, 64000, 22784, 18176, 61440,
44288, 54272, 41472, 44800, 39936, 41984, 29184, 49152,
46848, 64768, 37632, 9728, 13824, 16128, 63232, 52224,
13312, 42240, 58624, 61696, 28928, 55296, 12544, 5376,
1024, 50944, 8960, 49920, 6144, 38400, 1280, 39424,
1792, 4608, 32768, 57856, 60160, 9984, 45568, 29952,
2304, 33536, 11264, 6656, 6912, 28160, 23040, 40960,
20992, 15104, 54784, 45824, 10496, 58112, 12032, 33792,
21248, 53504, 0, 60672, 8192, 64512, 45312, 23296,
27136, 51968, 48640, 14592, 18944, 19456, 22528, 52992,
53248, 61184, 43520, 64256, 17152, 19712, 13056, 34048,
17664, 63744, 512, 32512, 20480, 15360, 40704, 43008,
20736, 41728, 16384, 36608, 37376, 40192, 14336, 62720,
48128, 46592, 55808, 8448, 4096, 65280, 62208, 53760,
52480, 3072, 4864, 60416, 24320, 38656, 17408, 5888,
50176, 42752, 32256, 15616, 25600, 23808, 6400, 29440,
24576, 33024, 20224, 56320, 8704, 10752, 36864, 34816,
17920, 60928, 47104, 5120, 56832, 24064, 2816, 56064,
57344, 12800, 14848, 2560, 18688, 1536, 9216, 23552,
49664, 54016, 44032, 25088, 37120, 38144, 58368, 30976,
59136, 51200, 14080, 27904, 36096, 54528, 19968, 43264,
27648, 22016, 62464, 59904, 25856, 31232, 44544, 2048,
47616, 30720, 9472, 11776, 7168, 42496, 46080, 50688,
59392, 56576, 29696, 7936, 19200, 48384, 35584, 35328,
28672, 15872, 46336, 26112, 18432, 768, 62976, 3584,
24832, 13568, 22272, 47360, 34304, 49408, 7424, 40448,
57600, 63488, 38912, 4352, 26880, 55552, 36352, 37888,
39680, 7680, 34560, 59648, 52736, 21760, 10240, 57088,
35840, 41216, 35072, 3328, 48896, 58880, 16896, 26624,
16640, 39168, 11520, 3840, 45056, 21504, 47872, 5632,
// s_TF3
6488064, 8126464, 7798784, 8060928, 15859712, 7012352, 7274496, 12910592,
3145728, 65536, 6750208, 2818048, 16646144, 14090240, 11206656, 7733248,
13238272, 8519680, 13172736, 8192000, 16384000, 5832704, 4653056, 15728640,
11337728, 13893632, 10616832, 11468800, 10223616, 10747904, 7471104, 12582912,
11993088, 16580608, 9633792, 2490368, 3538944, 4128768, 16187392, 13369344,
3407872, 10813440, 15007744, 15794176, 7405568, 14155776, 3211264, 1376256,
262144, 13041664, 2293760, 12779520, 1572864, 9830400, 327680, 10092544,
458752, 1179648, 8388608, 14811136, 15400960, 2555904, 11665408, 7667712,
589824, 8585216, 2883584, 1703936, 1769472, 7208960, 5898240, 10485760,
5373952, 3866624, 14024704, 11730944, 2686976, 14876672, 3080192, 8650752,
5439488, 13697024, 0, 15532032, 2097152, 16515072, 11599872, 5963776,
6946816, 13303808, 12451840, 3735552, 4849664, 4980736, 5767168, 13565952,
13631488, 15663104, 11141120, 16449536, 4390912, 5046272, 3342336, 8716288,
4521984, 16318464, 131072, 8323072, 5242880, 3932160, 10420224, 11010048,
5308416, 10682368, 4194304, 9371648, 9568256, 10289152, 3670016, 16056320,
12320768, 11927552, 14286848, 2162688, 1048576, 16711680, 15925248, 13762560,
13434880, 786432, 1245184, 15466496, 6225920, 9895936, 4456448, 1507328,
12845056, 10944512, 8257536, 3997696, 6553600, 6094848, 1638400, 7536640,
6291456, 8454144, 5177344, 14417920, 2228224, 2752512, 9437184, 8912896,
4587520, 15597568, 12058624, 1310720, 14548992, 6160384, 720896, 14352384,
14680064, 3276800, 3801088, 655360, 4784128, 393216, 2359296, 6029312,
12713984, 13828096, 11272192, 6422528, 9502720, 9764864, 14942208, 7929856,
15138816, 13107200, 3604480, 7143424, 9240576, 13959168, 5111808, 11075584,
7077888, 5636096, 15990784, 15335424, 6619136, 7995392, 11403264, 524288,
12189696, 7864320, 2424832, 3014656, 1835008, 10878976, 11796480, 12976128,
15204352, 14483456, 7602176, 2031616, 4915200, 12386304, 9109504, 9043968,
7340032, 4063232, 11862016, 6684672, 4718592, 196608, 16121856, 917504,
6356992, 3473408, 5701632, 12124160, 8781824, 12648448, 1900544, 10354688,
14745600, 16252928, 9961472, 1114112, 6881280, 14221312, 9306112, 9699328,
10158080, 1966080, 8847360, 15269888, 13500416, 5570560, 2621440, 14614528,
9175040, 10551296, 8978432, 851968, 12517376, 15073280, 4325376, 6815744,
4259840, 10027008, 2949120, 983040, 11534336, 5505024, 12255232, 1441792,
// s_TF4
1660944384, 2080374784, 1996488704, 2063597568, -234881024, 1795162112, 1862270976, -989855744,
805306368, 16777216, 1728053248, 721420288, -33554432, -687865856, -1426063360, 1979711488,
-905969664, -2113929216, -922746880, 2097152000, -100663296, 1493172224, 1191182336, -268435456,
-1392508928, -738197504, -1577058304, -1358954496, -1677721600, -1543503872, 1912602624, -1073741824,
-1224736768, -50331648, -1828716544, 637534208, 905969664, 1056964608, -150994944, -872415232,
872415232, -1526726656, -452984832, -251658240, 1895825408, -671088640, 822083584, 352321536,
67108864, -956301312, 587202560, -1023410176, 402653184, -1778384896, 83886080, -1711276032,
117440512, 301989888, -2147483648, -503316480, -352321536, 654311424, -1308622848, 1962934272,
150994944, -2097152000, 738197504, 436207616, 452984832, 1845493760, 1509949440, -1610612736,
1375731712, 989855744, -704643072, -1291845632, 687865856, -486539264, 788529152, -2080374784,
1392508928, -788529152, 0, -318767104, 536870912, -67108864, -1325400064, 1526726656,
1778384896, -889192448, -1107296256, 956301312, 1241513984, 1275068416, 1476395008, -822083584,
-805306368, -285212672, -1442840576, -83886080, 1124073472, 1291845632, 855638016, -2063597568,
1157627904, -117440512, 33554432, 2130706432, 1342177280, 1006632960, -1627389952, -1476395008,
1358954496, -1560281088, 1073741824, -1895825408, -1845493760, -1660944384, 939524096, -184549376,
-1140850688, -1241513984, -637534208, 553648128, 268435456, -16777216, -218103808, -771751936,
-855638016, 201326592, 318767104, -335544320, 1593835520, -1761607680, 1140850688, 385875968,
-1006632960, -1493172224, 2113929216, 1023410176, 1677721600, 1560281088, 419430400, 1929379840,
1610612736, -2130706432, 1325400064, -603979776, 570425344, 704643072, -1879048192, -2013265920,
1174405120, -301989888, -1207959552, 335544320, -570425344, 1577058304, 184549376, -620756992,
-536870912, 838860800, 973078528, 167772160, 1224736768, 100663296, 603979776, 1543503872,
-1040187392, -754974720, -1409286144, 1644167168, -1862270976, -1795162112, -469762048, 2030043136,
-419430400, -939524096, 922746880, 1828716544, -1929379840, -721420288, 1308622848, -1459617792,
1811939328, 1442840576, -201326592, -369098752, 1694498816, 2046820352, -1375731712, 134217728,
-1174405120, 2013265920, 620756992, 771751936, 469762048, -1509949440, -1275068416, -973078528,
-402653184, -587202560, 1946157056, 520093696, 1258291200, -1124073472, -1962934272, -1979711488,
1879048192, 1040187392, -1258291200, 1711276032, 1207959552, 50331648, -167772160, 234881024,
1627389952, 889192448, 1459617792, -1191182336, -2046820352, -1056964608, 486539264, -1644167168,
-520093696, -134217728, -1744830464, 285212672, 1761607680, -654311424, -1912602624, -1811939328,
-1694498816, 503316480, -2030043136, -385875968, -838860800, 1426063360, 671088640, -553648128,
-1946157056, -1593835520, -1996488704, 218103808, -1090519040, -436207616, 1107296256, 1744830464,
1090519040, -1728053248, 754974720, 251658240, -1342177280, 1409286144, -1157627904, 369098752 };
private static readonly int[] s_iT = new int[4 * 256]
// s_iT1
1353184337, 1399144830, -1012656358, -1772214470, -882136261, -247096033, -1420232020, -1828461749,
1442459680, -160598355, -1854485368, 625738485, -52959921, -674551099, -2143013594, -1885117771,
1230680542, 1729870373, -1743852987, -507445667, 41234371, 317738113, -1550367091, -956705941,
-413167869, -1784901099, -344298049, -631680363, 763608788, -752782248, 694804553, 1154009486,
1787413109, 2021232372, 1799248025, -579749593, -1236278850, 397248752, 1722556617, -1271214467,
407560035, -2110711067, 1613975959, 1165972322, -529046351, -2068943941, 480281086, -1809118983,
1483229296, 436028815, -2022908268, -1208452270, 601060267, -503166094, 1468997603, 715871590,
120122290, 63092015, -1703164538, -1526188077, -226023376, -1297760477, -1167457534, 1552029421,
723308426, -1833666137, -252573709, -1578997426, -839591323, -708967162, 526529745, -1963022652,
-1655493068, -1604979806, 853641733, 1978398372, 971801355, -1427152832, 111112542, 1360031421,
-108388034, 1023860118, -1375387939, 1186850381, -1249028975, 90031217, 1876166148, -15380384,
620468249, -1746289194, -868007799, 2006899047, -1119688528, -2004121337, 945494503, -605108103,
1191869601, -384875908, -920746760, 0, -2088337399, 1223502642, -1401941730, 1316117100,
-67170563, 1446544655, 517320253, 658058550, 1691946762, 564550760, -783000677, 976107044,
-1318647284, 266819475, -761860428, -1634624741, 1338359936, -1574904735, 1766553434, 370807324,
179999714, -450191168, 1138762300, 488053522, 185403662, -1379431438, -1180125651, -928440812,
-2061897385, 1275557295, -1143105042, -44007517, -1624899081, -1124765092, -985962940, 880737115,
1982415755, -590994485, 1761406390, 1676797112, -891538985, 277177154, 1076008723, 538035844,
2099530373, -130171950, 288553390, 1839278535, 1261411869, -214912292, -330136051, -790380169,
1813426987, -1715900247, -95906799, 577038663, -997393240, 440397984, -668172970, -275762398,
-951170681, -1043253031, -22885748, 906744984, -813566554, 685669029, 646887386, -1530942145,
-459458004, 227702864, -1681105046, 1648787028, -1038905866, -390539120, 1593260334, -173030526,
-1098883681, 2090061929, -1456614033, -1290656305, 999926984, -1484974064, 1852021992, 2075868123,
158869197, -199730834, 28809964, -1466282109, 1701746150, 2129067946, 147831841, -420997649,
-644094022, -835293366, -737566742, -696471511, -1347247055, 824393514, 815048134, -1067015627,
935087732, -1496677636, -1328508704, 366520115, 1251476721, -136647615, 240176511, 804688151,
-1915335306, 1303441219, 1414376140, -553347356, -474623586, 461924940, -1205916479, 2136040774,
82468509, 1563790337, 1937016826, 776014843, 1511876531, 1389550482, 861278441, 323475053,
-1939744870, 2047648055, -1911228327, -1992551445, -299390514, 902390199, -303751967, 1018251130,
1507840668, 1064563285, 2043548696, -1086863501, -355600557, 1537932639, 342834655, -2032450440,
-2114736182, 1053059257, 741614648, 1598071746, 1925389590, 203809468, -1958134744, 1100287487,
1895934009, -558691320, -1662733096, -1866377628, 1636092795, 1890988757, 1952214088, 1113045200,
// s_iT2
-1477160624, 1698790995, -1541989693, 1579629206, 1806384075, 1167925233, 1492823211, 65227667,
-97509291, 1836494326, 1993115793, 1275262245, -672837636, -886389289, 1144333952, -1553812081,
1521606217, 465184103, 250234264, -1057071647, 1966064386, -263421678, -1756983901, -103584826,
1603208167, -1668147819, 2054012907, 1498584538, -2084645843, 561273043, 1776306473, -926314940,
-1983744662, 2039411832, 1045993835, 1907959773, 1340194486, -1383534569, -1407137434, 986611124,
1256153880, 823846274, 860985184, 2136171077, 2003087840, -1368671356, -1602093540, 722008468,
1749577816, -45773031, 1826526343, -126135625, -747394269, 38499042, -1893735593, -1420466646,
686535175, -1028313341, 2076542618, 137876389, -2027409166, -1514200142, 1778582202, -2112426660,
483363371, -1267095662, -234359824, -496415071, -187013683, -1106966827, 1647628575, -22625142,
1395537053, 1442030240, -511048398, -336157579, -326956231, -278904662, -1619960314, 275692881,
-1977532679, 115185213, 88006062, -1108980410, -1923837515, 1573155077, -737803153, 357589247,
-73918172, -373434729, 1128303052, -1629919369, 1122545853, -1953953912, 1528424248, -288851493,
175939911, 256015593, 512030921, 0, -2038429309, -315936184, 1880170156, 1918528590,
-15794693, 948244310, -710001378, 959264295, -653325724, -1503893471, 1415289809, 775300154,
1728711857, -413691121, -1762741038, -1852105826, -977239985, 551313826, 1266113129, 437394454,
-1164713462, 715178213, -534627261, 387650077, 218697227, -947129683, -1464455751, -1457646392,
435246981, 125153100, -577114437, 1618977789, 637663135, -177054532, 996558021, 2130402100,
692292470, -970732580, -51530136, -236668829, -600713270, -2057092592, 580326208, 298222624,
608863613, 1035719416, 855223825, -1591097491, 798891339, 817028339, 1384517100, -473860144,
380840812, -1183798887, 1217663482, 1693009698, -1929598780, 1072734234, 746411736, -1875696913,
1313441735, -784803391, -1563783938, 198481974, -2114607409, -562387672, -1900553690, -1079165020,
-1657131804, -1837608947, -866162021, 1182684258, 328070850, -1193766680, -147247522, -1346141451,
-2141347906, -1815058052, 768962473, 304467891, -1716729797, 2098729127, 1671227502, -1153705093,
2015808777, 408514292, -1214583807, -1706064984, 1855317605, -419452290, -809754360, -401215514,
-1679312167, 913263310, 161475284, 2091919830, -1297862225, 591342129, -1801075152, 1721906624,
-1135709129, -897385306, -795811664, -660131051, -1744506550, -622050825, 1355644686, -158263505,
-699566451, -1326496947, 1303039060, 76997855, -1244553501, -2006299621, 523026872, 1365591679,
-362898172, 898367837, 1955068531, 1091304238, 493335386, -757362094, 1443948851, 1205234963,
1641519756, 211892090, 351820174, 1007938441, 665439982, -916342987, -451091987, -1320715716,
-539845543, 1945261375, -837543815, 935818175, -839429142, -1426235557, 1866325780, -616269690,
-206583167, -999769794, 874788908, 1084473951, -1021503886, 635616268, 1228679307, -1794244799,
27801969, -1291056930, -457910116, -1051302768, -2067039391, -1238182544, 1550600308, 1471729730,
// s_iT3
-195997529, 1098797925, 387629988, 658151006, -1422144661, -1658851003, -89347240, -481586429,
807425530, 1991112301, -863465098, 49620300, -447742761, 717608907, 891715652, 1656065955,
-1310832294, -1171953893, -364537842, -27401792, 801309301, 1283527408, 1183687575, -747911431,
-1895569569, -1844079204, 1841294202, 1385552473, -1093390973, 1951978273, -532076183, -913423160,
-1032492407, -1896580999, 1486449470, -1188569743, -507595185, -1997531219, 550069932, -830622662,
-547153846, 451248689, 1368875059, 1398949247, 1689378935, 1807451310, -2114052960, 150574123,
1215322216, 1167006205, -560691348, 2069018616, 1940595667, 1265820162, 534992783, 1432758955,
-340654296, -1255210046, -981034373, 936617224, 674296455, -1088179547, 50510442, 384654466,
-813028580, 2041025204, 133427442, 1766760930, -630862348, 84334014, 886120290, -1497068802,
775200083, -207445931, -1979370783, -156994069, -2096416276, 1614850799, 1901987487, 1857900816,
557775242, -577356538, 1054715397, -431143235, 1418835341, -999226019, 100954068, 1348534037,
-1743182597, -1110009879, 1082772547, -647530594, -391070398, -1995994997, 434583643, -931537938,
2090944266, 1115482383, -2064070370, 0, -2146860154, 724715757, 287222896, 1517047410,
251526143, -2062592456, -1371726123, 758523705, 252339417, 1550328230, 1536938324, 908343854,
168604007, 1469255655, -290139498, -1692688751, -1065332795, -597581280, 2002413899, 303830554,
-1813902662, -1597971158, 574374880, 454171927, 151915277, -1947030073, -1238517336, 504678569,
-245922535, 1974422535, -1712407587, 2141453664, 33005350, 1918680309, 1715782971, -77908866,
1133213225, 600562886, -306812676, -457677839, 836225756, 1665273989, -1760346078, -964419567,
1250262308, -1143801795, -106032846, 700935585, -1642247377, -1294142672, -2045907886, -1049112349,
-1288999914, 1890163129, -1810761144, -381214108, -56048500, -257942977, 2102843436, 857927568,
1233635150, 953795025, -896729438, -728222197, -173617279, 2057644254, -1210440050, -1388337985,
976020637, 2018512274, 1600822220, 2119459398, -1913208301, -661591880, 959340279, -1014827601,
1570750080, -798393197, -714102483, 634368786, -1396163687, 403744637, -1662488989, 1004239803,
650971512, 1500443672, -1695809097, 1334028442, -1780062866, -5603610, -1138685745, 368043752,
-407184997, 1867173430, -1612000247, -1339435396, -1540247630, 1059729699, -1513738092, -1573535642,
1316239292, -2097371446, -1864322864, -1489824296, 82922136, -331221030, -847311280, -1860751370,
1299615190, -280801872, -1429449651, -1763385596, -778116171, 1783372680, 750893087, 1699118929,
1587348714, -1946067659, -2013629580, 201010753, 1739807261, -611167534, 283718486, -697494713,
-677737375, -1590199796, -128348652, 334203196, -1446056409, 1639396809, 484568549, 1199193265,
-761505313, -229294221, 337148366, -948715721, -145495347, -44082262, 1038029935, 1148749531,
-1345682957, 1756970692, 607661108, -1547542720, 488010435, -490992603, 1009290057, 234832277,
-1472630527, 201907891, -1260872476, 1449431233, -881106556, 852848822, 1816687708, -1194311081,
// s_iT4
1364240372, 2119394625, 449029143, 982933031, 1003187115, 535905693, -1398056710, 1267925987,
542505520, -1376359050, -2003732788, -182105086, 1341970405, -975713494, 645940277, -1248877726,
-565617999, 627514298, 1167593194, 1575076094, -1023249105, -2129465268, -1918658746, 1808202195,
65494927, 362126482, -1075086739, -1780852398, -735214658, 1490231668, 1227450848, -1908094775,
1969916354, -193431154, -1721024936, 668823993, -1095348255, -266883704, -916018144, 2108963534,
1662536415, -444452582, -1755303087, 1648721747, -1310689436, -1148932501, -31678335, -107730168,
1884842056, -1894122171, -1803064098, 1387788411, -1423715469, 1927414347, -480800993, 1714072405,
-1308153621, 788775605, -2036696123, -744159177, 821200680, 598910399, 45771267, -312704490,
-1976886065, -1483557767, -202313209, 1319232105, 1707996378, 114671109, -786472396, -997523802,
882725678, -1566550541, 87220618, -1535775754, 188345475, 1084944224, 1577492337, -1118760850,
1056541217, -1774385443, -575797954, 1296481766, -1850372780, 1896177092, 74437638, 1627329872,
421854104, -694687299, -1983102144, 1735892697, -1329773848, 126389129, -415737063, 2044456648,
-1589179780, 2095648578, -121037180, 0, 159614592, 843640107, 514617361, 1817080410,
-33816818, 257308805, 1025430958, 908540205, 174381327, 1747035740, -1680780197, 607792694,
212952842, -1827674281, -1261267218, 463376795, -2142255680, 1638015196, 1516850039, 471210514,
-502613357, -1058723168, 1011081250, 303896347, 235605257, -223492213, 767142070, 348694814,
1468340721, -1353971851, -289677927, -1543675777, -140564991, 1555887474, 1153776486, 1530167035,
-1955190461, -874723805, -1234633491, -1201409564, -674571215, 1108378979, 322970263, -2078273082,
-2055396278, -755483205, -1374604551, -949116631, 491466654, -588042062, 233591430, 2010178497,
728503987, -1449543312, 301615252, 1193436393, -1463513860, -1608892432, 1457007741, 586125363,
-2016981431, -641609416, -1929469238, -1741288492, -1496350219, -1524048262, -635007305, 1067761581,
753179962, 1343066744, 1788595295, 1415726718, -155053171, -1863796520, 777975609, -2097827901,
-1614905251, 1769771984, 1873358293, -810347995, -935618132, 279411992, -395418724, -612648133,
-855017434, 1861490777, -335431782, -2086102449, -429560171, -1434523905, 554225596, -270079979,
-1160143897, 1255028335, -355202657, 701922480, 833598116, 707863359, -969894747, 901801634,
1949809742, -56178046, -525283184, 857069735, -246769660, 1106762476, 2131644621, 389019281,
1989006925, 1129165039, -866890326, -455146346, -1629243951, 1276872810, -1044898004, 1182749029,
-1660622242, 22885772, -93096825, -80854773, -1285939865, -1840065829, -382511600, 1829980118,
-1702075945, 930745505, 1502483704, -343327725, -823253079, -1221211807, -504503012, 2050797895,
-1671831598, 1430221810, 410635796, 1941911495, 1407897079, 1599843069, -552308931, 2022103876,
-897453137, -1187068824, 942421028, -1033944925, 376619805, -1140054558, 680216892, -12479219,
963707304, 148812556, -660806476, 1687208278, 2069988555, -714033614, 1215585388, -800958536 };
private static readonly int[] s_iTF = new int[4 * 256]
// s_iTF1
82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56,
191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251,
124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135,
52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203,
84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61,
238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78,
8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178,
118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37,
114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22,
212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146,
108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218,
94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132,
144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10,
247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6,
208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2,
193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107,
58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234,
151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115,
150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133,
226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110,
71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137,
111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27,
252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32,
154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244,
31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49,
177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95,
96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13,
45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239,
160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176,
200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97,
23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38,
225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125,
// s_iTF2
20992, 2304, 27136, 54528, 12288, 13824, 42240, 14336,
48896, 16384, 41728, 40448, 33024, 62208, 55040, 64256,
31744, 58112, 14592, 33280, 39680, 12032, 65280, 34560,
13312, 36352, 17152, 17408, 50176, 56832, 59648, 51968,
21504, 31488, 37888, 12800, 42496, 49664, 8960, 15616,
60928, 19456, 38144, 2816, 16896, 64000, 49920, 19968,
2048, 11776, 41216, 26112, 10240, 55552, 9216, 45568,
30208, 23296, 41472, 18688, 27904, 35584, 53504, 9472,
29184, 63488, 62976, 25600, 34304, 26624, 38912, 5632,
54272, 41984, 23552, 52224, 23808, 25856, 46592, 37376,
27648, 28672, 18432, 20480, 64768, 60672, 47360, 55808,
24064, 5376, 17920, 22272, 42752, 36096, 40192, 33792,
36864, 55296, 43776, 0, 35840, 48128, 54016, 2560,
63232, 58368, 22528, 1280, 47104, 45824, 17664, 1536,
53248, 11264, 7680, 36608, 51712, 16128, 3840, 512,
49408, 44800, 48384, 768, 256, 4864, 35328, 27392,
14848, 37120, 4352, 16640, 20224, 26368, 56320, 59904,
38656, 61952, 52992, 52736, 61440, 46080, 58880, 29440,
38400, 44032, 29696, 8704, 59136, 44288, 13568, 34048,
57856, 63744, 14080, 59392, 7168, 29952, 57088, 28160,
18176, 61696, 6656, 28928, 7424, 10496, 50432, 35072,
28416, 46848, 25088, 3584, 43520, 6144, 48640, 6912,
64512, 22016, 15872, 19200, 50688, 53760, 30976, 8192,
39424, 56064, 49152, 65024, 30720, 52480, 23040, 62464,
7936, 56576, 43008, 13056, 34816, 1792, 50944, 12544,
45312, 4608, 4096, 22784, 9984, 32768, 60416, 24320,
24576, 20736, 32512, 43264, 6400, 46336, 18944, 3328,
11520, 58624, 31232, 40704, 37632, 51456, 39936, 61184,
40960, 57344, 15104, 19712, 44544, 10752, 62720, 45056,
51200, 60160, 47872, 15360, 33536, 21248, 39168, 24832,
5888, 11008, 1024, 32256, 47616, 30464, 54784, 9728,
57600, 26880, 5120, 25344, 21760, 8448, 3072, 32000,
// s_iTF3
5373952, 589824, 6946816, 13959168, 3145728, 3538944, 10813440, 3670016,
12517376, 4194304, 10682368, 10354688, 8454144, 15925248, 14090240, 16449536,
8126464, 14876672, 3735552, 8519680, 10158080, 3080192, 16711680, 8847360,
3407872, 9306112, 4390912, 4456448, 12845056, 14548992, 15269888, 13303808,
5505024, 8060928, 9699328, 3276800, 10878976, 12713984, 2293760, 3997696,
15597568, 4980736, 9764864, 720896, 4325376, 16384000, 12779520, 5111808,
524288, 3014656, 10551296, 6684672, 2621440, 14221312, 2359296, 11665408,
7733248, 5963776, 10616832, 4784128, 7143424, 9109504, 13697024, 2424832,
7471104, 16252928, 16121856, 6553600, 8781824, 6815744, 9961472, 1441792,
13893632, 10747904, 6029312, 13369344, 6094848, 6619136, 11927552, 9568256,
7077888, 7340032, 4718592, 5242880, 16580608, 15532032, 12124160, 14286848,
6160384, 1376256, 4587520, 5701632, 10944512, 9240576, 10289152, 8650752,
9437184, 14155776, 11206656, 0, 9175040, 12320768, 13828096, 655360,
16187392, 14942208, 5767168, 327680, 12058624, 11730944, 4521984, 393216,
13631488, 2883584, 1966080, 9371648, 13238272, 4128768, 983040, 131072,
12648448, 11468800, 12386304, 196608, 65536, 1245184, 9043968, 7012352,
3801088, 9502720, 1114112, 4259840, 5177344, 6750208, 14417920, 15335424,
9895936, 15859712, 13565952, 13500416, 15728640, 11796480, 15073280, 7536640,
9830400, 11272192, 7602176, 2228224, 15138816, 11337728, 3473408, 8716288,
14811136, 16318464, 3604480, 15204352, 1835008, 7667712, 14614528, 7208960,
4653056, 15794176, 1703936, 7405568, 1900544, 2686976, 12910592, 8978432,
7274496, 11993088, 6422528, 917504, 11141120, 1572864, 12451840, 1769472,
16515072, 5636096, 4063232, 4915200, 12976128, 13762560, 7929856, 2097152,
10092544, 14352384, 12582912, 16646144, 7864320, 13434880, 5898240, 15990784,
2031616, 14483456, 11010048, 3342336, 8912896, 458752, 13041664, 3211264,
11599872, 1179648, 1048576, 5832704, 2555904, 8388608, 15466496, 6225920,
6291456, 5308416, 8323072, 11075584, 1638400, 11862016, 4849664, 851968,
2949120, 15007744, 7995392, 10420224, 9633792, 13172736, 10223616, 15663104,
10485760, 14680064, 3866624, 5046272, 11403264, 2752512, 16056320, 11534336,
13107200, 15400960, 12255232, 3932160, 8585216, 5439488, 10027008, 6356992,
1507328, 2818048, 262144, 8257536, 12189696, 7798784, 14024704, 2490368,
14745600, 6881280, 1310720, 6488064, 5570560, 2162688, 786432, 8192000,
// s_iTF4
1375731712, 150994944, 1778384896, -721420288, 805306368, 905969664, -1526726656, 939524096,
-1090519040, 1073741824, -1560281088, -1644167168, -2130706432, -218103808, -687865856, -83886080,
2080374784, -486539264, 956301312, -2113929216, -1694498816, 788529152, -16777216, -2030043136,
872415232, -1912602624, 1124073472, 1140850688, -1006632960, -570425344, -385875968, -889192448,
1409286144, 2063597568, -1811939328, 838860800, -1509949440, -1040187392, 587202560, 1023410176,
-301989888, 1275068416, -1795162112, 184549376, 1107296256, -100663296, -1023410176, 1308622848,
134217728, 771751936, -1593835520, 1711276032, 671088640, -654311424, 603979776, -1308622848,
1979711488, 1526726656, -1577058304, 1224736768, 1828716544, -1962934272, -788529152, 620756992,
1912602624, -134217728, -167772160, 1677721600, -2046820352, 1744830464, -1744830464, 369098752,
-738197504, -1543503872, 1543503872, -872415232, 1560281088, 1694498816, -1241513984, -1845493760,
1811939328, 1879048192, 1207959552, 1342177280, -50331648, -318767104, -1191182336, -637534208,
1577058304, 352321536, 1174405120, 1459617792, -1493172224, -1929379840, -1660944384, -2080374784,
-1879048192, -671088640, -1426063360, 0, -1946157056, -1140850688, -754974720, 167772160,
-150994944, -469762048, 1476395008, 83886080, -1207959552, -1291845632, 1157627904, 100663296,
-805306368, 738197504, 503316480, -1895825408, -905969664, 1056964608, 251658240, 33554432,
-1056964608, -1358954496, -1124073472, 50331648, 16777216, 318767104, -1979711488, 1795162112,
973078528, -1862270976, 285212672, 1090519040, 1325400064, 1728053248, -603979776, -369098752,
-1761607680, -234881024, -822083584, -838860800, -268435456, -1275068416, -436207616, 1929379840,
-1778384896, -1409286144, 1946157056, 570425344, -419430400, -1392508928, 889192448, -2063597568,
-503316480, -117440512, 922746880, -402653184, 469762048, 1962934272, -553648128, 1845493760,
1191182336, -251658240, 436207616, 1895825408, 486539264, 687865856, -989855744, -1996488704,
1862270976, -1224736768, 1644167168, 234881024, -1442840576, 402653184, -1107296256, 452984832,
-67108864, 1442840576, 1040187392, 1258291200, -973078528, -771751936, 2030043136, 536870912,
-1711276032, -620756992, -1073741824, -33554432, 2013265920, -855638016, 1509949440, -201326592,
520093696, -587202560, -1476395008, 855638016, -2013265920, 117440512, -956301312, 822083584,
-1325400064, 301989888, 268435456, 1493172224, 654311424, -2147483648, -335544320, 1593835520,
1610612736, 1358954496, 2130706432, -1459617792, 419430400, -1258291200, 1241513984, 218103808,
754974720, -452984832, 2046820352, -1627389952, -1828716544, -922746880, -1677721600, -285212672,
-1610612736, -536870912, 989855744, 1291845632, -1375731712, 704643072, -184549376, -1342177280,
-939524096, -352321536, -1157627904, 1006632960, -2097152000, 1392508928, -1728053248, 1627389952,
385875968, 721420288, 67108864, 2113929216, -1174405120, 1996488704, -704643072, 637534208,
-520093696, 1761607680, 335544320, 1660944384, 1426063360, 553648128, 201326592, 2097152000 };
/// <summary>
/// 从 .NET Framework 48 拷贝过来的 RijndaelManaged,纯托管实现
/// </summary>
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0022
public sealed class RijndaelManaged : Rijndael
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0022
public override ICryptoTransform CreateEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV)
return NewEncryptor(rgbKey,
public override ICryptoTransform CreateDecryptor(byte[] rgbKey, byte[] rgbIV)
return NewEncryptor(rgbKey,
public override void GenerateKey()
KeyValue = GenerateRandom(KeySizeValue / 8);
public override void GenerateIV()
IVValue = GenerateRandom(BlockSizeValue / 8);
private ICryptoTransform NewEncryptor(byte[] rgbKey,
CipherMode mode,
byte[] rgbIV,
int feedbackSize,
RijndaelManagedTransformMode encryptMode)
// Build the key if one does not already exist
if (rgbKey == null)
rgbKey = GenerateRandom(KeySizeValue / 8);
// If not ECB mode, make sure we have an IV. In CoreCLR we do not support ECB, so we must have
// an IV in all cases.
if (mode != CipherMode.ECB)
if (rgbIV == null)
rgbIV = GenerateRandom(BlockSizeValue / 8);
// Create the encryptor/decryptor object
return new RijndaelManagedTransform(rgbKey,
internal static byte[] GenerateRandom(int keySize)
return RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(keySize);
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本文记录我将应用迁移到 dotnet 6 之后,在 Win7 系统上,因为使用 HttpWebRequest 访问一个本地服务,此本地服务开启 https 且证书链在此 Win7 系统上错误,导致应用 ...
- @Required 注释应用于 bean 属性的 setter 方法,它表明受影响的 bean 属性在配置时必须放在 XML 配置文件中,否则容器就会抛出一个 BeanInitializationException 异常。
@Required 注释应用于 bean 属性的 setter 方法,它表明受影响的 bean 属性在配置时必须放在 XML 配置文件中,否则容器就会抛出一个 BeanInitializationEx ...
- shiro配置unauthorizedUrl,无权限抛出无权限异常,但是不跳转
在使用shiro配置无授权信息的url的时候,发现这样的一个scenario,配置好unauthorizedUrl后仍然无法跳转,然后就在网上开始找,找了原因以及解决方案 原因,先post一个源码: ...
- c# throw抛出上一个异常
catch(exception e) { throw; } 不仅抛出这次的异常,也抛出之前的异常. 用法示例:函数A调用函数B,A用到此throw时,B中发生的异常也会继承过来. catch(exce ...
- 【JAVASE】Java同一时候抛出多个异常
Java有异常抛出后.跳出程序.一般无法运行接下来的代码. 大家做登陆功能.常常会实username和password的登陆校验,username或者password错误.假设通常是提示usernam ...
- C++学习40 抛出自己的异常
throw 是C++中的关键字,用来抛出异常.如果不使用 throw 关键字,try 就什么也捕获不到:上节提到的 at() 函数在内部也使用了 throw 关键字来抛出异常. throw 既可以用在 ...
- servlet 和filter 抛出404等异常
1. servlet抛出错误代码异常,如404 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) ...
- JAVA 抛出与声明异常
在编程过程中,我们往往会遇到这种情况,在当前环境中无法解决,比如用户传入的参数错误,IO设备问题等.此时,就要从当前环境中抛出异常提交给上级来处理. 在JAVA语言中,使用throw关键字来抛出异常. ...
- [Go] 如何正确地 抛出 错误 和 异常(error/panic/recover)?
序言 错误 和 异常 是两个不同的概念,非常容易混淆.很多程序员习惯将一切非正常情况都看做错误,而不区分错误和异常,即使程序中可能有异常抛出,也将异常及时捕获并转换成错误.从表面上看,一切皆错误的思路 ...
- WebService如何抛出干净的异常
转载: 说明:[干净]指的是客户端在捕获WebService(下称WS)抛出的异常时,得到的ex.Message ...
- JS(入门)
一. 编程语言 1.1 编程 编程:就是让计算机为解决某个问题而使用某种程序设计语言编写程序代码,并最终得到结果的过程.计算机程序:就是计算机所执行的一系列的指令集合,而程序全部都是用我们所掌握的语言 ...
- KingbaseES V8R6 运维案例之---数据库连接访问故障分析
KingbaseES V8R6运维案例之---数据库连接访问故障分析 案例说明: 在部署KingbaseES V8R6后,正常启动数据库服务,但是通过ksql连接数据库服务访问时,出现连接到postg ...
- KingbaseES V8R6 逻辑恢复到新的 schema
前言 本文介绍一下KingbaseES V8R6版本中逻辑恢复时,将原有的对象恢复到新的schema. sys_restore命令中如果只加入了-g(原schema) -G(新schema)参数 那么 ...
- IPv4地址的结构体与网络字节序
IPv4地址的结构体 /* Fixed-size types, underlying types depend on word size and compiler. */ typedef signed ...
- 网络设备性能指标之pps
基本概念: Bps:Byte per second 每秒传输多少字节 bps: bits per second 每秒传输多少位 ,这个也叫做端口速率 pps:Packet Per Second(包每秒 ...
- Refresh Clean Code
这是一本被前辈称赞, 另一个马丁的知名著作, 被赋予学习如何写出漂亮代码的教皇级手册, 最近(再)浏览, 有诸多感受. 总结一下就是如果你是新手, 可能看优秀的open source学习更好; 如果你 ...
- c++_shared库引入的问题
项目组提供了一个AAR文件供下游业务团队集成. 某天,下游团队反馈了一个紧急的问题,最终客户的开发者使用Android Studio打包时,构建工具提示构建失败,原因是存在重复的c++_shared库 ...
- OpenHarmony技术日探讨教育发展,聚焦开源人才培养
4 月 25 日,OpenAtom OpenHarmony (以下简称"OpenHarmony")技术日在深圳成功举办.作为 OpenHarmony 开源项目的年度盛会,大会以&q ...
- SQL 中的运算符与别名:使用示例和语法详解
SQL中的IN运算符 IN运算符允许您在WHERE子句中指定多个值,它是多个OR条件的简写. 示例:获取您自己的SQL Server 返回所有来自'Germany'.'France'或'UK'的客户: ...
- 华为帐号为AITO问界M5助力,打造懂你的智能座舱
12月23日,在华为冬季旗舰新品发布会上,AITO问界M5正式发布.华为赋能的AITO问界M5搭载HUAWEI DriveONE纯电驱增程平台和HarmonyOS智能座舱,并且带来华为终端云服务软硬协 ...