



val rdd1=testDF.rdd
val rdd2=testDS.rdd RDD转DataFrame: import spark.implicits._
val testDF = rdd.map {line=>
}.toDF("col1","col2") 一般用元组把一行的数据写在一起,然后在toDF中指定字段名 RDD转Dataset:

import spark.implicits._
case class Coltest(col1:String,col2:Int)extends Serializable //定义字段名和类型
val testDS = rdd.map {line=>
}.toDS 可以注意到,定义每一行的类型(case class)时,已经给出了字段名和类型,后面只要往case class里面添加值即可 Dataset转DataFrame: 这个也很简单,因为只是把case class封装成Row import spark.implicits._
val testDF = testDS.toDF DataFrame转Dataset: import spark.implicits._
case class Coltest(col1:String,col2:Int)extends Serializable //定义字段名和类型
val testDS = testDF.as[Coltest] 这种方法就是在给出每一列的类型后,使用as方法,转成Dataset,这在数据类型是DataFrame又需要针对各个字段处理时极为方便
特别注意: 在使用一些特殊的操作时,一定要加上 import spark.implicits._ 不然toDF、toDS无法使用

package dataframe

import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, SparkSession}

// Explore interoperability between DataFrame and Dataset. Note that Dataset
// is covered in much greater detail in the 'dataset' directory.
object DatasetConversion {

case class Cust(id: Integer, name: String, sales: Double, discount: Double, state: String)

case class StateSales(state: String, sales: Double)

def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark =

import spark.implicits._

// create a sequence of case class objects
// (we defined the case class above)
val custs = Seq(
Cust(1, "Widget Co", 120000.00, 0.00, "AZ"),
Cust(2, "Acme Widgets", 410500.00, 500.00, "CA"),
Cust(3, "Widgetry", 410500.00, 200.00, "CA"),
Cust(4, "Widgets R Us", 410500.00, 0.0, "CA"),
Cust(5, "Ye Olde Widgete", 500.00, 0.0, "MA")

// Create the DataFrame without passing through an RDD
val customerDF : DataFrame = spark.createDataFrame(custs)
// println("*** DataFrame schema")
// customerDF.printSchema()
// println("*** DataFrame contents")
// customerDF.show()

// +---+---------------+--------+--------+-----+
//| id| name| sales|discount|state|
//| 1| Widget Co|120000.0| 0.0| AZ|
//| 2| Acme Widgets|410500.0| 500.0| CA|
//| 3| Widgetry|410500.0| 200.0| CA|
//| 4| Widgets R Us|410500.0| 0.0| CA|
//| 5|Ye Olde Widgete| 500.0| 0.0| MA|

// println("*** Select and filter the DataFrame")
val smallerDF =
customerDF.select("sales", "state").filter($"state".equalTo("CA"))
// smallerDF.show()

// +--------+-----+
//| sales|state|
//|410500.0| CA|
//|410500.0| CA|
//|410500.0| CA|


// Convert it to a Dataset by specifying the type of the rows -- use a case
// class because we have one and it's most convenient to work with. Notice
// you have to choose a case class that matches the remaining columns.
// BUT also notice that the columns keep their order from the DataFrame --
// later you'll see a Dataset[StateSales] of the same type where the
// columns have the opposite order, because of the way it was created.

val customerDS : Dataset[StateSales] = smallerDF.as[StateSales]
// println("*** Dataset schema")
// customerDS.printSchema()
// println("*** Dataset contents")
// customerDS.show()

// Select and other operations can be performed directly on a Dataset too,
// but be careful to read the documentation for Dataset -- there are
// "typed transformations", which produce a Dataset, and
// "untyped transformations", which produce a DataFrame. In particular,
// you need to project using a TypedColumn to gate a Dataset.

// val verySmallDS : Dataset[Double] = customerDS.select($"sales".as[Double])
// println("*** Dataset after projecting one column")
// verySmallDS.show()

//| sales|

// If you select multiple columns on a Dataset you end up with a Dataset
// of tuple type, but the columns keep their names.
val tupleDS : Dataset[(String, Double)] =
customerDS.select($"state".as[String], $"sales".as[Double])
// println("*** Dataset after projecting two columns -- tuple version")
// tupleDS.show()

//|state| sales|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|

// You can also cast back to a Dataset of a case class. Notice this time
// the columns have the opposite order than the last Dataset[StateSales]
// val betterDS: Dataset[StateSales] = tupleDS.as[StateSales]
// println("*** Dataset after projecting two columns -- case class version")
// betterDS.show()

//|state| sales|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|

// Converting back to a DataFrame without making other changes is really easy
// val backToDataFrame : DataFrame = tupleDS.toDF()
// println("*** This time as a DataFrame")
// backToDataFrame.show()

//|state| sales|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|

// // While converting back to a DataFrame you can rename the columns
val renamedDataFrame : DataFrame = tupleDS.toDF("MyState", "MySales")

println("*** Again as a DataFrame but with renamed columns")


// +-------+--------+
//|MyState| MySales|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|
//| CA|410500.0|





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