this article is almostly about  a book named Migrating_to_Microservices_Databases, and it's just the part of DevOps.  I read this book , now I make some summary!

tips: in fact , i took a lot time to think shall I use Chinese or English to write it, but i found a truth after i try use chinese that i must translate it although i  can understand it by myself. and
this article is write for myself, so english, i don't want waste time to translate, sorry !  but maybe  i just want to copy something form this book, maybe i just make nosence in this article......I don't know.....

一、the Feedback loop

i think whatever we do , the feedback in time is so important. we must know we are on a right track, right?  in software , the longer the feedback loop , the worse the results are. but usually we get
a long feedback loop. to think our development lifecycle, after we developed it , we must apply for test, then if it can run correctly, we gonna merge code to production. (wait ,wait ,wait , we must have three environment here and must ensure all of them is
right) i don't know what happed in your brain. but for me, sometimes  when the test department return me a bug list, i usually forgot something in detail about what i did about the code, what is the logic about the code, how i think it at the moment. sometimes
i event don't know why it's a bug. i lost something important in my brain, so maybe i will need more time to solve the problem.

ok , we know we do not need a long feedback loop , but how to do it?


DevOps:Developer and Operator

who have the problem: but i am sure it run perfectly in my machine, i can show you.   i have the problem and usually.  when  i developed ITOO basic system, it makes me crazy. i don't know what happened
in productiom even in test, but i am hundred percent sure it run perfectly in my machine. but , there are some bugs, this is a truth too. as  a developer i must fix it even i don't know what's wrong with it. at the moment, i have a hope or just a impulse let
me to config the environment about test and production, i want to delivery my own code, i don't need a operator, even i don't need other people help me test my code. i can do it all by myself !  and i am so confused why we need three environment, it's ideal if
my develop environment is the production environment at the same time.

OK ,come back to our topic, how to reduce the feedback loop?



why and how to do in detail?

at the first, why we have a long feedback loop? test\ fix bugs\so on. but why it took so much time to test(i ever had a question: why i test by myself on my machine, then other people do it again on
their machine.and finally,we submit the code to another environment named production)? why we have so much bugs in production? because the code changed, more code chaned, more bugs we have.

DevOps is to make us i mean developer recliam the ownership of our work. we don't need other people to delivery our application for us, we don't want to tell them how to config the environment again
and again but didn't work. we don't want to waste time,so we must do it by ourselves, we must rescue ourselves by using tools.  and how about microservice? i don't wanna write this article, i finished the book, i gonna get home for a sweet dream!

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