#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::allocator; template <typename T>
class Vector
typedef T* iterator;
typedef const T * const_iterator; Vector()
: _start(0)
, _finish(0)
, _end_of_storage(0)
{} ~Vector(); iterator begin(){ return _start; }
iterator end(){ return _finish; } void push_back(const T & t);
void pop_back(); size_t size() const
{ return _finish - _start; } size_t capacity() const
{ return _end_of_storage - _start; }
void reallocate(); private:
static allocator<T> _alloc; T * _start;
T * _finish;
T * _end_of_storage;
}; template <typename T>
allocator<T> Vector<T>::_alloc; template <typename T>
while(_start != _finish)
_alloc.deallocate(_start, capacity());
} //动态数组的实现:
// 当当前元素的个数与能容纳元素的个数相等时,
//新的元素 template <typename T>
void Vector<T>::push_back(const T & t)
if(size() == capacity())
} //构造对象
_alloc.construct(_finish++, t);
} template <typename T>
void Vector<T>::pop_back()
if(_start != _finish)
} template <typename T>
void Vector<T>::reallocate()
size_t oldCapacity = capacity();
size_t newCapacity = oldCapacity ? 2 * oldCapacity : 1; T * tmp = _alloc.allocate(newCapacity);//申请是原始的内存
///memcpy();// 内置类型的数据
std::uninitialized_copy(_start, _finish, tmp);//复制原来空间的数据 //回收原来空间的数据
while(_start != _finish)
_alloc.deallocate(_start, oldCapacity);
_start = tmp;
_finish = _start + oldCapacity;
_end_of_storage = _start + newCapacity;
} class Point
Point(int ix = 0, int iy = 0)
: _ix(ix)
, _iy(iy)
{ cout << "Point(int=0,int=0)" << endl;} Point(const Point & rhs)
: _ix(rhs._ix)
, _iy(rhs._iy)
cout << "Point(const Point &)" << endl;
} ~Point()
{ cout << "~Point()" << endl; } friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Point & rhs);
int _ix;
int _iy;
}; std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & os, const Point & rhs)
os << "(" << rhs._ix
<< "," << rhs._iy
<< ")";
return os;
} template <typename Container>
void display(Container & c)
cout << "c's size = " << c.size() << endl
<< "c's capacity = " << c.capacity() << endl << endl;
#if 0
} int main(void)
Vector<Point> points;
points.push_back(Point(1, 2));
display(points); points.push_back(Point(3, 4));
points.push_back(Point(5, 6));
#if 0
points.push_back(Point(1, 2));
points.push_back(Point(1, 2));
points.push_back(Point(1, 2));
#endif Vector<Point>::iterator it = points.begin();
while(it != points.end())
cout << *it << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;



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