
Time Limit: 5000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K
Total Submissions: 7754   Accepted: 1761
Case Time Limit: 2000MS


Given a sequence, {A1A2, ..., An} which is guaranteed AA2, ..., An,  you are to cut it into three sub-sequences and reverse them separately to form a new one which is the smallest possible sequence in alphabet order.

The alphabet order is defined as follows: for two sequence {A1A2, ..., An} and {B1B2, ..., Bn}, we say {A1A2, ..., An} is smaller than {B1B2, ..., Bn} if and only if there exists such i ( 1 ≤ i ≤ n) so that we have Ai < Bi and Aj = Bj for each j < i.


The first line contains n. (n ≤ 200000)

The following n lines contain the sequence.


output n lines which is the smallest possible sequence obtained.

Sample Input


Sample Output



{10, 1, 2, 3, 4} -> {10, 1 | 2 | 3, 4} -> {1, 10, 2, 4, 3}






2.第一部分:求第一段。由于求的是翻转过后字典序最小的,那么先将原字符串翻转得到逆串,然后求其后缀数组。那么排名最靠前且满足能分成三段的那个后缀,即为翻转过后的第一段。 形如:1 1 2 2 3 3 等最小值重复出现在前面的串,如果直接求其逆串的后缀数组,那么排名最靠前的是“1”,而我们的目标是“1 1”,但题目说明了 A1>A2……An,因此不会出现这种情况。


4. 为什么第二部分需要复制多一份在末尾,而第一部分不用呢?

答:由于题目声明了A1>A2……An,所以直接求其后缀数组,并得到排名最靠前且满足能分成三段的那个后缀,因为不会出现形如“1 1 2 2 3 3”的串,所以这个后缀一定是最优的;然而,去掉第一段之后,剩下的逆串的原串就可能为类似“1 1 2 2 3 3”的串,即逆串为“3 3 2 2 1 1”,如果直接求其后缀数组,那么得到的第二段为“1”,而我们的目标是“1 1”。为了解决这个问题,可以复制多一份接在后面得到“3 3 2 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1”,然后求后缀数组,取位置在0~len-1且排名靠前且满足能分成两段的。


 #include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const int INF = 2e9;
const LL LNF = 9e18;
const int MOD = 1e9+;
const int MAXN = 4e5+; bool cmp(int *r, int a, int b, int l)
return r[a]==r[b] && r[a+l]==r[b+l];
} int r[MAXN], sa[MAXN], Rank[MAXN], height[MAXN];
int t1[MAXN], t2[MAXN], c[MAXN];
void DA(int str[], int sa[], int Rank[], int height[], int n, int m)
int i, j, p, *x = t1, *y = t2;
for(i = ; i<m; i++) c[i] = ;
for(i = ; i<n; i++) c[x[i] = str[i]]++;
for(i = ; i<m; i++) c[i] += c[i-];
for(i = n-; i>=; i--) sa[--c[x[i]]] = i;
for(j = ; j<=n; j <<= )
p = ;
for(i = n-j; i<n; i++) y[p++] = i;
for(i = ; i<n; i++) if(sa[i]>=j) y[p++] = sa[i]-j; for(i = ; i<m; i++) c[i] = ;
for(i = ; i<n; i++) c[x[y[i]]]++;
for(i = ; i<m; i++) c[i] += c[i-];
for(i = n-; i>=; i--) sa[--c[x[y[i]]]] = y[i]; swap(x, y);
p = ; x[sa[]] = ;
for(i = ; i<n; i++)
x[sa[i]] = cmp(y, sa[i-], sa[i], j)?p-:p++; if(p>=n) break;
m = p;
} int k = ;
for(i = ; i<=n; i++) Rank[sa[i]] = i;
for(i = ; i<n; i++)
if(k) k--;
j = sa[Rank[i]-];
while(str[i+k]==str[j+k]) k++;
height[Rank[i]] = k;
} int a[MAXN], M[MAXN];
int main()
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
for(int i = ; i<n; i++)
scanf("%d", &a[i]);
memcpy(M, a, sizeof(M));
sort(M, M+n);
int m = unique(M, M+n)-M;
for(int i = ; i<n; i++) //离散化
r[i] = upper_bound(M, M+m, a[i])-M;
reverse(r, r+n); int pos1, pos2;
r[n] = m+; //在翻转过后的串尾加个最大值,以保证 “1 1 2 2 3 3” 的情况下第一段取的是“2 2”, 而不是“2”
r[n+] = ; //再加上串尾结束符
DA(r, sa, Rank, height, n+, m+);
for(int i = ; i<=n; i++)
if(n--sa[i]<=n-) //第一段至多只能到n-3的地方,不然就不能分成三段了
pos1 = n--sa[i];
} int len = n-pos1-;
for(int i = ; i<len; i++) //将剩下的串复制多一份接在后面,中间无需分隔符。
r[len+i] = r[i];
len *= ;
r[len] = ;
DA(r, sa, Rank, height, len, m+);
for(int i = ; i<=len; i++)
if(sa[i]<len/ && n-sa[i]-<=n-) //第二段至多只能到n-2的地方,不然就将剩下的分成两段了
pos2 = n-sa[i]-;
} // printf("%d %d\n", pos1, pos2);
for(int i = pos1; i>=; i--) printf("%d\n", a[i]);
for(int i = pos2; i>pos1; i--) printf("%d\n", a[i]);
for(int i = n-; i>pos2; i--) printf("%d\n", a[i]);

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