
This actress becomes each character she plays

Grace Huang has no interested in doing same thing year after year.For her,acting is a way of experienced mutiple people's lives.In each role,she tries to become a different person.For example,she has played an ancient Chinese warrior,a dancer and a space-station engineer.

Huang was born in Taiwan to Cantonese-speaking parents but grew up in Sydney,Australia.So she speaks Madarin,Catonese and English.

One of her English-lanuage movies, The Man with the Iron Fists,is set in China.Huang's knowledge of Chinese culture and her fluent English made her perfect for the moive.

Huang studied accounting and law at the University of Sydney.But she never wanted a "normal" job where she would be doing the same things over and over.Huang spent time as a model,but soon she moved into acting.Now she actually enjoys roles where she doesn't always look pretty.She says,"I find it for more intersting to examine(and represent) imperfections."


character: 角色  与众不同的人

The main characters of this sitcom are twin brothers.

Sherk is Vincent's favorite cartoon character.

The little girl is such a character! She's too witty and smart for her age.

multiple 多种的

After suffering multiple injuries from a car accident,the man was taken to the ER.

Sylvia can handle multiple tasks at the same time.

multiply 以倍数增加的

Germs multiply quickly in warm temperatures.


The girl's behavior represents a deep-seated insecurity.

The lawyer representing the buyer made an offer today.

imperfection 不完美

Our boss will not tolerate any imperfection in our work.

Gradually,Jackie started to notice some imperfections in her boyfriend.

monotonous 单调的,乏味的


Would you ever interested in acting in a movie?

I'm so glad the rain stopped.

You can say that again. 真的,你说的没错

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