2018/12/6 星期四 19:34:07

  1. authot by dabaine


  1. -- 这就是注释
  2. /*.....*/ 这也是注释


  1. create databse [if not exists] dabaine [character set "utf8"];


  1. show databses;


  1. show create database dabaine;


  1. select database();


  1. alter database dabaine [character set "gbk"];


  1. drop database [if exists] dabaine;


  1. use database;


  1. create table dabaine(
  2. id smallint(10) primary key not null auto_increment,
  3. name varchar(25) not null,
  4. gender boolean not null
  5. );


  1. drop table dabaine;


  1. eg1:show create table dabaine;
  2. eg2:show columns from dabaine;


  1. desc dabaine;


  1. 增加字段:
  2. alter table dabaine add [column],add [column]......;
  3. 修改类型:
  4. alter table dabaine modify colum_name attribute [first|after column_name] colum_name;
  5. 修改列名:
  6. alter table dabaine change column_name new_column_name type [约束条件];
  7. 删除字段:
  8. alter table dabaine drop [column];
  9. 重命名:
  10. rename table table_name to new_table_name;


  1. 插入:
  2. eg1:insert into dabaine (id, name) values(1,"dabaine");
  3. eg2:insert into dabaine set id = 2,name="dabaine";
  4. 更新:
  5. update dabaine set name="cody" where name="dabaine";
  6. 删除:
  7. eg1:delete from dabaine where name = "cody";
  8. eg2:truncate table dabaine; --把表摧毁,重新创建一张新表;


  1. select [distinct] *|field ... from dabaine
  2. where (不分组筛选)
  3. group by field
  4. having (分组后筛选)
  5. order by field
  6. limit


  1. selct distinct id + 10 as id from dabaine;


  1. from,where,select,group by,having, order by


  1. select name, sum(grade) from dabaine group by name;
  2. ifnull(grade,0) --如果grade为空,则给它定为0;


  1. 创建主表:
  2. create table class(
  3. id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
  4. name varchar(20),
  5. age int(5)
  6. );
  7. 主表添加数据(多条):
  8. insert into class(name,age) values
  9. ("cody",18),
  10. ("solider",19),
  11. ("guan",21),
  12. ("lee",22),
  13. ("strong",28),
  14. ("pig",38);
  15. 创建子表:
  16. create table student(
  17. id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
  18. name varchar(20),
  19. age int(5),
  20. teacher_id int(10), --绑定外键的字段要和主表中的字段类型保持一致;
  21. constraint dabaine --给外键命名大白讷
  22. foreign key (teacher_id) --给子表的属性选择外键绑定
  23. references class(id) --映射主表的属性(追随主表的id字段)
  24. );
  25. 子表添加数据:
  26. insert into student(name,age,teacher_id) values
  27. ("cody",18,1),
  28. ("solider",19,2),
  29. ("guan",21,3),
  30. ("lee",22,4),
  31. ("strong",28,5),
  32. ("pig",38,6);
  33. 这时,主表和子表已经有关联了,不可以随便删除主表的记录;
  34. 增加外键:
  35. alter table son_table_name add constraint cody
  36. foreign key(son_table_field)
  37. references primary_table(field);
  38. 删除外键:
  39. alter table son_table_name drop foreign key cody;


  1. create table studentNew(
  2. id int(10) primary key auto_increment,
  3. name varchar(20),
  4. age int(5),
  5. teacher_id int(10),
  6. constraint cody foreign key (teacher_id)
  7. references class(id)
  8. on delete cascade --级联删除
  9. );
  10. constraint cody foreign key (teacher_id)
  11. references class(id)
  12. on delete set null --主表删除后,子表记录设置为空值,且子表的字段属性不能设置为not null;
  13. on delete restrict --拒绝对主表进行更新删除操作;
  14. on delete no action --类似于restrict


  1. 笛卡尔积连接:
  2. A表中的全部数据m * B表中的全部数据n条;
  3. 连接查询~内连接:
  4. inner join
  5. eg1:select tableA.id,tableA.name,tableB.name from
  6. tableA,tableB where tableA.id = tableB.tableA_id
  7. eg2:select tableA.id,tableA.name,tableB.name from tableA
  8. inner join tableB on tableA.id = tableB.tableA_id
  9. +---------+----+---------+
  10. | name | id | name |
  11. +---------+----+---------+
  12. | cody | 1 | cody |
  13. | solider | 2 | solider |
  14. | guan | 3 | guan |
  15. | cody | 4 | lee |
  16. | strong | 5 | strong |
  17. | lee | 6 | pig |
  18. +---------+----+---------+
  19. 连接查询~左外连接(左连接):
  20. left join
  21. select tableA.id,tableA.name,tableB.name from tableA
  22. left join tableB on tableA.id = tableB.tableA_id
  23. --左连接以左表为主,select所选择的字段,左表中的记录会全部显示,而右表会去匹配左表里的记录,没有的则显示空值;
  24. +----+---------+---------+
  25. | id | name | name |
  26. +----+---------+---------+
  27. | 1 | cody | cody |
  28. | 2 | solider | solider |
  29. | 3 | guan | guan |
  30. | 4 | lee | cody |
  31. | 5 | strong | strong |
  32. | 6 | pig | lee |
  33. +----+---------+---------+
  34. 连接查询~右外连接(右连接):
  35. right join
  36. 类似左连接,以右表为主;
  37. +------+---------+---------+
  38. | id | name | name |
  39. +------+---------+---------+
  40. | 1 | cody | cody |
  41. | 4 | lee | cody |
  42. | 2 | solider | solider |
  43. | 3 | guan | guan |
  44. | 6 | pig | lee |
  45. | 5 | strong | strong |
  46. | NULL | NULL | pig |
  47. +------+---------+---------+


  1. 查询嵌套:
  2. select * from table_name where field in (select field from table_name);
  3. 复制表:
  4. create table new_table(select * from old_table); --原表中的约束不会复制过来,需要重新添加
  5. selcet * from table_name where exists
  6. (selcet field from table_name where....)
  7. --exists 后面的语句会返回一个布尔值,true则执行前面的select语句,
  8. flase 则返回空值;


  1. unique(唯一索引),fulltext(全局索引),spatial(空间索引),index|key(普通索引)
  2. 添加索引:
  3. eg1:create
  4. [unique|fulltext|spatial] index|key
  5. index_name on table_name (字段名[(长度)] [asc|desc]);
  6. eg2:alter table table_name
  7. add [unique|fulltext|spatial] index|key index_name (字段名[(长度)] [asc|desc]);
  8. 删除索引:
  9. drop index index_name on table_name;
  10. unique:唯一索引的字段不能重复;
  11. 多列索引:给多个字段添加索引 (field1,field2...)


  1. start transaction; --开启事务
  2. Rollback; --回滚事务(撤销)
  3. Commit; --提交事务;
  4. savepoint; 保留点,事务处理中的临时占位符;
  5. savepoint name;
  6. rollback to svaepoint_name;



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