Can I transfer an app to another developer's iTunes Connect account?
Yes, you can transfer your app to another developer on iTunes Connect whenever your app is in a transferable state.
Transferring the ownership of an app does not affect the app’s availability on the App Store. All ratings and reviews will be transferred and your customers will continue to have access to all available app updates.
Which iTunes Connect user role can transfer an app?
The iTunes Connect user with the Legal role, also referred to as the Team Agent, can initiate and accept an app transfer.
How long will the transfer process take?
The transfer process for apps that are not iAd or Game Center enabled can take up to three hours from when the recipient accepts the transfer. If the app is iAd or Game Center enabled, or the app has any export compliance issues, the entire transfer process can take up to two business days.
Can I transfer multiple apps at a time?
No. Each app must be transferred individually.
What are the requirements for transferring an app?
To transfer an app, make sure that:
The transferor and the recipient have active developer accounts and accepted the most current version of all master agreements that are currently in effect
The app has at least one approved version
The app is in the Ready for Sale, Invalid Binary, Rejected, Developer Rejected, or Developer Removed from Sale state
Any associated In-App Purchases are in the Ready to Submit, Ready for Sale, Rejected, Developer Removed from Sale, or Approved state
You know the Apple ID of the recipient’s Team Agent and their Team ID
If the app uses iAd, the transferor and the recipient must have accepted the most current version of all iAd contracts.
Why am I not able to transfer my app?
You cannot transfer apps that contain or use:
iCloud entitlements in any version of the app
Passbook entitlements in any version of the app
A SKU that matches the SKU of one of the recipient's apps, including previously-removed SKUs
In-App Purchase product IDs that match the In-App Purchase product ID of one of the recipient's apps, including previously-removed In-App Purchases
Approved auto-renewable, non-renewing, or free subscription In-App Purchases, including previously-removed In-App Purchase subscriptions
Sandboxed Mac apps that share the Application Group Container Directory with other Mac apps also cannot be transferred.
To transfer any of these types of apps, the recipient must create the app as a new app. Current customers, ratings, and reviews cannot be transferred to the new app.
What information do I need from the recipient to transfer an app?
To transfer an app, you must know the Apple ID of the recipient’s Team Agent and their Team ID.
Can I cancel an app transfer?
The transferor and the recipient can cancel an app transfer in Agreements, Tax, and Banking while it is still in the Pending App Transfer state.
To cancel the transfer, the transferor must click Revoke next to the app in the Contracts In Process subsection of the Transfer Agreements section.
The recipient can cancel the transfer by clicking Review next to the app in the Contracts In Process subsection of the Transfer Agreements section and clicking Decline on the App Transfer page.
How do I accept an app transfer?
To accept an app transfer, the iTunes Connect user with the Legal role, also referred to as the Team Agent, must click Review on the Contracts in Process page in Agreements, Tax, and Banking. After all required information has been provided, the user with the Legal role must accept the contract terms. After the transfer request has been accepted by the recipient, the app status will change to Processing App Transfer.
How long do I have to accept an app transfer?
App transfers that have not been accepted after 60 days will be canceled.
Does transferring the app within iTunes Connect also transfer the source code and app binary?
No. The source code and the app binary are not included during the iTunes Connect app transfer process. The transfer of the source code and app binary must be handled separately.
Does the app remain available on the App Store during the transfer process?
If the app is in the Ready for Sale state at the time of the transfer, it will remain available on the App Store during the transfer process.
Does transferring the app within iTunes Connect also transfer the customer ratings and reviews?
Yes. All ratings and reviews that were posted prior to the app transfer will be transferred.
Can I request new promo codes once the app is transferred to my account?
No, only 100 promo codes can be generated per app version, regardless of app ownership status. New or additional promo codes do not become available after an app has been transferred. Promo codes are valid for four weeks from the day they are generated.
Will I be notified once the app transfer is complete?
Yes. The transferor and the recipient will be sent an email notification once the transfer process is complete.
Can I still use iTunes Connect to access any of my app information after the app has been transferred?
No. After the transfer, you will not be able to view the app’s history, Game Center, In-App Purchases, or other app information.
All of the information associated with this app will be transferred to the recipient. If you want to retain any of this information, you must compile it before the transfer is initiated.
Can I make metadata changes to an app that is in the Ready for Sale (Pending App Transfer) state?
No. Metadata changes cannot be made to an app that is in the (Pending App Transfer) state. You can only make changes to your app’s rights and pricing.
Why can't I edit the Game Center group information?
If one or more apps of this Game Center group are being transferred, no changes can be made to the group until the transfer process is complete.
Will I still have access to my app’s Sales and Trends information after it has been transferred?
The transferor will continue to have access to Sales and Trends information for the app of sales that occurred prior to the transfer. The recipient will only receive app sales information that occurred after the transfer.
After an app is transferred, does the app ID prefix change to match the recipient's Team ID?
Yes. After an app is transferred, the app ID prefix will change to the recipient’s Team ID.
Does keychain continue to work after an app is transferred?
Keychain will continue to work until an update to the app is made. After that point, it won't be possible to access prior keychain data. Also, if your keychain access group is defined within the Xcode project, you'll need to update it to reflect the recipient's Team ID in order to continue to use keychain services in the app.
Are push certificates transferred with an app?
No. Push certificates are not transferred when an app is transferred. Existing certificates will continue to work until they expire or are revoked.
Details about push certificates should be discussed with the transferor before the app transfer.
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