



  App可以注册后台任务,它被系统运行和管理,但它依旧使用和前台程序一样的数据储存等,同时它使用的CPU资源是由系统限制的。它可以使用toast, tile, badge UI等。一个App可以注册使用多个后台任务。




public sealed class TheTask : IBackgroundTask
public void Run(IBackgroundTaskInstance taskInstance)
var deferral = taskInstance.GetDeferral();
taskInstance.Progress = ;//后台任务的进度





3、在manifest声明 中,添加后台任务声明


async void RegisterBackgroundTasks()
// On Windows, RequestAccessAsync presents the user with a confirmation
// dialog that requests that an app be allowed on the lock screen.
// On Windows Phone, RequestAccessAsync does not show any user confirmation UI
// but *must* be called before registering any tasks
var access = await BackgroundExecutionManager.RequestAccessAsync(); // A 'good' status return on Phone is BackgroundAccess.AllowedMayUseActiveRealTimeConnectivity
if (access == BackgroundAccessStatus.Denied)
// Either the user has explicitly denied background execution for this app
// or the maximum number of background apps across the system has been reached
// Display some informative message to the user...
BackgroundTaskBuilder taskBuilder = new BackgroundTaskBuilder();
taskBuilder.Name = "MyBackgroundTask"; // Many different trigger types could be used here
SystemTrigger trigger = new SystemTrigger(SystemTriggerType.TimeZoneChange, false);
taskBuilder.AddCondition(new SystemCondition(SystemConditionType.InternetAvailable)); // Entry point is the full name of our IBackgroundTask implementation
// Good practice to use reflection as here to ensure correct name
taskBuilder.TaskEntryPoint = typeof(MyBackgroundTask.TheTask).FullName; BackgroundTaskRegistration registration = taskBuilder.Register(); // Optionally, handle the progress/completed events of the task
registration.Progress += registration_Progress;
registration.Completed += registration_Completed; }


// AllTasks is a dictionary <Guid, IBackgroundTaskRegistration> so you can get back
// to your registration by id or by posiiton, or select First if you only have one registration.
var taskRegistration = BackgroundTaskRegistration.AllTasks.Values.FirstOrDefault(); // We could then unregister the task, optionally cancelling any running instance
if (taskRegistration != null)
} // Release the progress/completed event subscriptions
registration.Progress -= registration_Progress;
registration.Completed -= registration_Completed;

tips:在Debugger 中我们可以这样触发后台任务,如图

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