


对象:使用类名() 构造



class A(object):


class B(object):


class C(A,B):

class RcdBase(object):

  recordID = "" #类属性

  def __init__(self):

    print 'call Rcd Base __init__'


  def getRecordID(self):

    return self.recordID   #对象属性,已self来调用

class RcdHeader(RcdBase):

  def __init__(self):

    print 'call RcdHeader __init__'

    return super(RcdHeader, self).__init__()

  CreateDate = ""

  CreateTime ="2015-8-6"

  SoftwareName = "imc"

header = RcdHeader()

print header.CreateTime

print header.SoftwareName





print dir(list)

#print help(list)

nl = [1,3,5,7]


print nl.append(3),nl

print nl.count(3)

print nl.index('pz')

print nl.insert(0,12), nl

print nl.pop(2)

print nl,nl.pop()

print nl.reverse(),nl

print nl.sort(),nl

print [1,2,3] + [5,6,9]


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