This plugin gives your player and/or events footsteps when they walk onto
tiles. These footsteps made by players and/or events can have different
sounds based on regions, tilesets, and/or terrain tags. If footsteps are
enabled for events, they can have distance based volumes and pitches to
immerse the player further.
This is a collaboration plugin by Chickie and Yanfly to ensure compatibility
with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.
This plugin requires a bit of setup. Adjust the plugin parameters to set up
a default set of footsteps that are to be played when nothing else has been
set. These sound effects will be played when there are no region-specific
sound effects or terrain tag-specific sound effects.
That said, if you go into your project's database and go to the Tilesets tab
you can set footsteps for each tileset. The tiles can play specific footstep
sounds based on their terrain tag ID. Look in the notetags section below for
the notetag setup on how to make a set of tiles play certain footsteps. The
footsteps made here have higher priority than the default sound effects and
if the player or event steps on a tile that has a footstep sound tied to a
terrain tag, that footstep sound will be played instead.
Even higher on the priority level are the region-based footstep sounds. If
the player or an event steps on a tile that has a region-based footstep
sound, then that sound will be played regardless of the terrain tag setting
made for that specific tile. Look in the notetags section below for the
notetag setup on how to make a specific region ID play a footstep sound.
To sum it up, from lowest to highest priority:
LOWEST - Default Footstep Sound
Terrain Tag Footstep Sound
HIGHEST - Region-Based Footstep Sound
If you wish to give a whole map a certain footsteps sound, use the notetag
to set a region-based footstep sound for region ID 0.
Insert the following notetags to add footsteps to your maps.
Event Notetag:
<No Footsteps>
- Insert this into the notebox of any event you wish to not make any
footsteps when moving.
Tileset Notetags:
<Terrain Tag x Footstep Sound: filename>
<Terrain Tag x Footstep Sound: filename, volume>
<Terrain Tag x Footstep Sound: filename, volume, pitch>
- Replace 'x' with the terrain tag ID (from 1 to 7). If 0 is used, it will
be ignored. When inserting the filename, the filename must be case
sensitive and must not include the extension. The 'volume' and 'pitch'
variables must be integar values between 0 and 100 if they are used.
<Terrain Tag 1 Footstep Sound: Move1>
<Terrain Tag 2 Footstep Sound: Move2, 80>
<Terrain Tag 3 Footstep Sound: Move3, 75, 150>
In the above examples, the tiles marked by terrain tags 1, 2, or 3 will
play their respective sound effect when stepped on by the player or an
event that can trigger footsteps.
Map Notetags:
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename>
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename, volume>
<Region x Footstep Sound: filename, volume, pitch>
- Replace 'x' with the region tag ID (from 1 to 255). If 0 is used, it
will become the default footstep sound. When inserting the filename, the
filename must be case sensitive and must not include the extension. The
'volume' and 'pitch' variables must be integar values between 0 and 100 if
they are used.
<Region 10 Footstep Sound: Move1>
<Region 20 Footstep Sound: Move2, 80>
<Region 30 Footstep Sound: Move3, 75, 150>
In the above examples, the tiles marked by regions 10, 20, or 30 will play
their respective sound effect when stepped on by the player or an event
that can trigger footsteps.
Plugin Commands
If at any time you wish to enable/disable footstep sounds in your game, you
can use some plugin commands to do so.
Plugin Commands:
- Turns on footstep sounds.
- Turns off footstep sounds.
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