ACM-ICPC 2018 徐州赛区网络预赛 B BE, GE or NE(记忆化搜索)
两个人玩游戏,最初数字为m,有n轮,每轮三个操作给出a b c,a>0表示可以让当前数字加上a,b>0表示可以让当前数字减去b,c=1表示可以让当前数字乘-1,数字范围为[-100, 100],如果加/减出范围则直接等于边界,最终结果数字x>=R则为Good Ending,x<=L则为Bad Ending,否则Normal Ending,第一个人希望好结局,第二个人希望坏结局,如果没有办法就希望平局,每个人都做最优选择。求最终结果
using namespace std;
#define LL long long
#define mod 1000000007
int n, L, R, dp[][];
typedef struct Res{
int x, y, z;
Res s[];
int Go(int x, int y, int t=){
if(x==) y = min(y+t, );
else if(x==) y = max(y-t, );
else y += *(-y);
return y;
int dfs(int id, int x){
int win, lose, done, temp;
return dp[id][x];
if(x>=R) return ;
if(x<=L) return -;
return ;
win = lose = done = ;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x, s[id].x));
if(temp==) win = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) lose = ;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x, s[id].y));
if(temp==) win = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) lose = ;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x));
if(temp==) win = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) lose = ;
if(win) return dp[id][x] = ;
else if(done) return dp[id][x] = ;
else return dp[id][x] = -;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x, s[id].x));
if(temp==) lose = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) win = ;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x, s[id].y));
if(temp==) lose = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) win = ;
temp = dfs(id+, Go(, x));
if(temp==) lose = ;
if(temp==) done = ;
if(temp==-) win = ;
if(win) return dp[id][x] = -;
else if(done) return dp[id][x] = ;
else return dp[id][x] = ;
int main(){
int ans, m, i;
scanf("%d%d%d%d", &n, &m, &R, &L);
R += , L += ;
scanf("%d%d%d", &s[i].x, &s[i].y, &s[i].z);
memset(dp, , sizeof(dp));
ans = dfs(, m+);
if(ans==) puts("Good Ending");
else if(ans==-) puts("Bad Ending");
else puts("Normal Ending");
return ;
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