






















0 (user defined)

29.28 129.03 0.00 0.00 8 1 (geometrical conditions sza saz vza vaz month day)

8 (option for water vapor and ozone)

4.20 0.30 (water vapor and ozone)

1 (continental model)

0 (option for optical thickness at 550 nm)

0.010 (value of aot550

0.000000 (target level)

-1000 (sensor level : -1000=satellite level)

25 (predefined band)

0 (homogeneous surface)

0 (no directional effects)

0 (constant value for rho)

0.140 (value of rho)

-1 (no atmospheric correction)




******************************* 6sV version 1.0B ******************************

*                                                                             *

*                       geometrical conditions identity                       *

*                       -------------------------------                       *

*                       user defined conditions                               *

*                                                                             *

*   month:  8 day :   1  需要的参数与具体日期无关   *

*   solar zenith angle:   29.28 deg  solar azimuthal angle:      129.03 deg   *

*   view zenith angle:     0.00 deg  view azimuthal angle:         0.00 deg   *

*   scattering angle:    150.72 deg  azimuthal angle difference: 129.03 deg   *

*                                                                             *

*                       atmospheric model description                         *

*                       -----------------------------                         *

*           atmospheric model identity :                                      *

*             user defined water content : uh2o= 4.200 g/cm2                  *

*             user defined ozone content : uo3 = 0.300 cm-atm                 *

*           aerosols type identity :                                          *

*               Continental aerosol model                                     *

*           optical condition identity :                                      *

*               visibility :****** km  opt. thick. 550 nm :  0.0100           *

*                                                                             *

*                       spectral condition                                    *

*                       ------------------                                    *

*                 tm  1                                                       *

*               value of filter function :                                    *

*                wl inf= 0.430 mic   wl sup= 0.560 mic                        *

*                                                                             *

*                       Surface polarization parameters                       *

*                       ----------------------------------                    *

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *

* Surface Polarization Q,U,Rop,Chi    0.00000  0.00000  0.00000    -1.#J      *

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *

*                       target type                                           *

*                       -----------                                           *

*           homogeneous ground                                                *

*             constant reflectance over the spectra  0.140                    *

*                                                                             *

*                       target elevation description                          *

*                       ----------------------------                          *

*           ground pressure  [mb] 1013.00                                     *

*           ground altitude  [km] 0.000 高度一直为0      *

*                                                                             *



*                                                                             *

*                         integrated values of  :                             *

*                         --------------------                                *

*                                                                             *

*       apparent reflectance  0.1820603  appar. rad.(w/m2/sr/mic)   96.005    *

*                   total gaseous transmittance  0.987                        *

*                                                                             *


*                                                                             *

*                         coupling aerosol -wv  :                             *

*                         --------------------                                *

*           wv above aerosol :   0.182     wv mixed with aerosol :   0.182    *

*                       wv under aerosol :   0.182                            *


*                                                                             *

*                         integrated values of  :                             *

*                         --------------------                                *

*                                                                             *

*       app. polarized refl.  0.0075    app. pol. rad. (w/m2/sr/mic)    0.240 *

*             direction of the plane of polarization -39.03                   *

*                   total polarization ratio     0.041                        *

*                                                                             *


*                                                                             *

*                         int. normalized  values  of  :                      *

*                         ---------------------------                         *

*                      % of irradiance at ground level                        *

*     % of direct  irr.    % of diffuse irr.    % of enviro. irr              *

*               0.881               0.101               0.018                 *

*                       reflectance at satellite level                        *

*     atm. intrin. ref.   background  ref.  pixel  reflectance                *

*               0.064               0.011               0.107                 *

*                                                                             *

*                         int. absolute values of                             *

*                         -----------------------                             *

*                      irr. at ground level (w/m2/mic)                        *

*     direct solar irr.    atm. diffuse irr.    environment  irr              *

*            1344.346             153.382              27.867                 *

*                      rad at satel. level (w/m2/sr/mic)                      *

*     atm. intrin. rad.    background  rad.    pixel  radiance                *

*              33.758               5.576              56.671                 *

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *

*          int. funct filter (in mic)              int. sol. spect (in w/m2)  *

*             0.0604850                                 114.879               *

*                                                                             *



*                                                                             *

*                          integrated values of  :                            *

*                          --------------------                               *

*                                                                             *

*                             downward        upward          total           *

*      global gas. trans. :     0.99294        0.99384        0.98684         *

*      water   "     "    :     1.00000       1.00000        1.00000T_g_wv[i]*

*      ozone   "     "    :     0.99294        0.99384        0.98684tgoz*

*      co2     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000tgco2*

*      oxyg    "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000tgo2*

*      no2     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000tgno2*

*      ch4     "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000tgch4*

*      co      "     "    :     1.00000        1.00000        1.00000tgco*

*      T_g_og[i]=tgoz*tgco2*tgo2*tgno2*tgno2*tgch4*tgco*

*                                                                             *

*      rayl.  sca. trans. : 0.91343T_r_down[i]0.92360T_r_up[i]0.84364T_r[i] *aeros. sca. " : 0.99733T_a_down[ij]0.99783T_a_up[ij]0.99517T_a[ij]

* total  sca. " : 0.91057T_ra_down[ij]0.92124T_ra_up[ij]0.83885T_ra[ij]*

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *

*                             rayleigh       aerosols         total           *

*                                                                             *

*      spherical albedo   :     0.12771S_r[i]0.00454        0.13062S_ra[i][j]*

* optical depth total:  0.16504    0.01133 aot_wavelength[i][j] 0.17637*

*      optical depth plane:     0.16504        0.01133        0.17637         *

*   reflectance I :  0.06415rho_r[i]0.00059rho_a[ij]0.06478rho_ra[ij]*

*      reflectance Q      :     0.00160       -0.00003        0.00157         *

*      reflectance U      :    -0.00756        0.00000       -0.00744         *

*      polarized reflect. :     0.00773        0.00003        0.00760         *

*      degree of polar.   :       12.04           5.80          11.74         *

*      dir. plane polar.  :      -39.03          90.00         -39.03         *

*      phase function I   :     1.30737        0.19812        1.23612         *

*      phase function Q   :    -0.17199        0.05671       -0.15730         *

*      phase function U   :    -1.25436       -0.06031       -1.17766         *

*      primary deg. of pol:    -0.13156        0.28625       -0.12726         *

*      sing. scat. albedo :     1.00000        0.89911        0.99352         *

*                                                                             *

*                                                                             *



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