LAUNCH X431 Easydiag 2.0 is basically the same OBD-II Bluetooth device – but the software supplied with it is different – and the way it’s sold is different.

Easydiag 2.0 is without ANY vehicle/manufacturer specific diagnostics capability. As delivered it will do just OBD-II and some ABS diagnostics. Generic OBD-II. It won’t read the 30 or so modules in your Cayenne.

To get it to do that – you have to purchase the software for Porsche – which includes ALL Porsche cars. As someone mentioned – that’s about another $50, so you’re in at about $100 to JUST read Porsche codes. If you want additional vehicle manufacturers (all your cars aren’t Porsches) – each manufacturer will cost you another $50. So – the adaptor and 2 cars costs the same as the ICarScan one – which includes in the $158/price – the ability to choose 5 different car manufacturers and 3 special functions. ICARSCAN replacement LAUNCH X431 IDIAG , LAUNCH X431 Easydiag 2.0, LAUNCH M-DIAG Elite.

So that’s why not-really and no. But sorta.

Which is best for you? Dunno. At the time I bought mine – the Launch tool (made by the company that writes the software running on the ICarScan ) wasn’t readily available.

I only know one person who bought the one from Launch – and he seems happy with it. If you notice – there are versions of it available for around $80 that include 2 vehicle manufacturer’s diagnostics. That’s not a bad deal either.

I haven’t worked with that tool, and haven’t tried the software. I know from seeing it – the software has some differences from the ICarScan software. Dunno if the differences are simply cosmetic or significant. If someone wants to buy one and send it to me I could do a side by side comparison. That might be interesting.

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