leetcode — subsets-ii
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Source : https://oj.leetcode.com/problems/subsets-ii/
* Given a collection of integers that might contain duplicates, S, return all possible subsets.
* Note:
* Elements in a subset must be in non-descending order.
* The solution set must not contain duplicate subsets.
* For example,
* If S = [1,2,2], a solution is:
* [
* [2],
* [1],
* [1,2,2],
* [2,2],
* [1,2],
* []
* ]
public class SubSet2 {
private List<List<Integer>> result = null;
* @return
public List<List<Integer>> subset (int[] arr) {
result = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>();
List<Integer> set = new ArrayList<Integer>();
recursion(arr, 0, set);
return result;
private void recursion (int[] arr, int index, List<Integer> set) {
if (index == arr.length) {
// 初始化上一次出栈的元素为当前将要进栈的元素-1,为了不和将要进栈的元素相同
int last = arr[index]-1;
for (int i = index; i < arr.length; i++) {
// 如果上一次出栈的元素等于准备进栈的元素,则说明两个元素一样,跳过
if (last == arr[i]) {
List<Integer> temp = new ArrayList<Integer>(set);
recursion(arr, i + 1, set);
last = set.remove(set.size()-1);
private static void print (List<List<Integer>> list) {
for (List<Integer> arr : list) {
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr.toArray(new Integer[arr.size()])));
public static void main(String[] args) {
SubSet2 subSet2 = new SubSet2();
int[] arr = new int[]{1,2,2};
int[] arr1 = new int[]{1,2,3,3,3,3,4};
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