you can find it on YouTube:Learning English with

10 Habits of highly Effective Learners

1. Set small, measurable goals with deadlines

small goals:
learn 100 words in a month!
complete 30 audio lessons in a month (Deadline:Nov 30)

2. Create a routine

1 month = 30 lessons
1 lesson a day (15 min)

when & where
make time for it, and don't postpone it

3. Don't cram

start small
you can not be in a hurry when learning languages
learn 5 or 10 minutes a day and every day

4. Prepare lines and conversations ahead of time

imagine situations you might find yourself in

5. Get into the habit of producing output

taking language in: listening and reading

putting language out: speaking and writing

for speaking
repeat what you hear out loud
for writing
write things out by hand

6. Come back and review

use flashcards

7. Look for solutions

learn to react

8. Focus on what you're good at

if you're generally better at speaking than writing, then you're more likely to enjoy it

9. Don't procrastinate

a lot of that is a result of "overthinking."
make your goal and routine easy

10. Remember that learning a language is a marathon. Not a sprint.

5 or 10 minutes is good enough
consider the resources you use

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