1. /**
    * Created by wu-yj on 2016/5/6.
  3. import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager, PreparedStatement}
  5. import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
    import java.sql.{Connection, DriverManager}
  7. import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
    import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
  9. import java.util.Date
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
  11. class zhengxin_dis{
  13. }
  15. object zhengxin_dis {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
    val url = "jdbc:mysql://"
    val username = "kr.user"
    val password = "user@85263382"
    var connectionMqcrm: Connection = null
    connectionMqcrm = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)
    val statement = connectionMqcrm.createStatement()
  17. //链接Hive
    val sparkconf = new SparkConf().setMaster("spark://").setAppName("local")
    val sc = new SparkContext(sparkconf)
    val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext(sc)
  19. //定义城市级别
    val oneline: List[String] = List("北京", "上海 ", "广州 ", "深圳 ")
    val twoline: List[String] = List("杭州", "宁波 ", "西安 ", "温州 ", "佛山 ", "东莞 ", "成都 ", "武汉 ", "哈尔滨 ", "青岛 ", "大连 ", "厦门 ",
    "沈阳 ", "长春 ", "长沙 ", "福州 ", "郑州 ", "石家庄 ", "苏州 ", "南京 ", "济南 ", "重庆 ", "无锡 ",
    "烟台 ", "太原 ", "合肥 ", "南昌 ", "南宁 ", "昆明 ", "淄博 ", "唐山 ")
    val threeline: List[String] = List("绍兴", "台州 ", "嘉兴 ", "榆林 ", "义乌 ", "金华 ", "中山 ", "惠州 ", "茂名 ", "江门 ", "湛江 ", "宝鸡 ", "珠海 ")
    val fourline: List[String] = List("咸阳", "肇庆 ", "汕头 ", "揭阳 ", "延安 ", "渭南 ", "清远 ", "衢州 ", "韶关 ", "丽水 ", "阳江 ")
  21. val rdd1 = sqlContext.sql("use moreqinrdb")
    val namelist = sqlContext.sql("select company_name from company_business_info")
    val namelistt=namelist.take(5)
    for (coname <- namelistt) {
    var score = 0
    val sqllegal = sqlContext.sql("select legal_representative from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqllegal.count() > 0) {
    val legal = sqllegal.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (legal != "" && (legal != "null" || legal != "None"))
    score += 100
    score += 90
    } else
    score += 90
    val sqlcompanytype = sqlContext.sql("select company_type from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlcompanytype.count() > 0) {
    val companytype = sqlcompanytype.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (companytype.contains("无限责任"))
    score += 100
    else if (companytype.contains("有限股份") || companytype.contains("无限股份") || companytype.contains("股份两合"))
    score += 90
    else if (companytype.contains("两合公司"))
    score += 80
    else if (companytype.contains("股份有限"))
    score += 60
    else if (companytype.contains("个体"))
    score += 20
    else if (companytype.contains("有限责任"))
    score += 40
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlmanagementform = sqlContext.sql("select operation_status from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlmanagementform.count() > 0) {
    val managementform = sqlmanagementform.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (managementform == "开业")
    score += 80
    else if (managementform == "存续")
    score += 100
    else if (managementform == "迁出")
    score += 50
    else if (managementform == "吊销")
    score += 0
    else if (managementform == "迁入" || managementform == "待迁入")
    score += 60
    else if (managementform == "歇业")
    score += 30
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlfoundtime = sqlContext.sql("select build_date from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlfoundtime.count() > 0) {
    val foundtime = sqlfoundtime.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (foundtime.length > 1 && foundtime != "null" && foundtime != "None" && foundtime != "") {
    if (foundtime != "None" || foundtime != "null" || foundtime != "") {
    val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
    var dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
    var now: Date = new Date(time)
    val currentTime = dateFormat.format(now)
    val daydiff = dateFormat.parse(currentTime).getTime - dateFormat.parse(foundtime).getTime
    val dayinter = daydiff / (1000 * 3600 * 24)
    var timeyear = dayinter / 365
    if (timeyear > 30)
    score += 100
    if (timeyear >= 10 && timeyear <= 30)
    score += 90
    if (timeyear >= 5 && timeyear < 10)
    score += 80
    if (timeyear >= 3 && timeyear < 5)
    score += 60
    if (timeyear > 1 && timeyear < 3)
    score += 30
    if (timeyear < 1 && timeyear >= 0)
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlcapital = sqlContext.sql("select registered_capital from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlcapital.count() > 0) {
    val capital = sqlcapital.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (capital.length > 0) {
    if (capital.contains("人民币")) {
    val zibencl = capital.subSequence(0, capital.indexOf("万"))
    if (zibencl.toString().contains(",")) {
    val ziben = zibencl.toString().replace(",", "").toInt
    if (ziben >= 10000)
    score += 100
    else if (ziben >= 5000 && ziben < 10000)
    score += 90
    else if (ziben >= 3000 && ziben < 5000)
    score += 80
    else if (ziben >= 1000 && ziben < 3000)
    score += 70
    else if (ziben >= 500 && ziben < 1000)
    score += 50
    else if (ziben >= 100 && ziben < 500)
    score += 30
    else if (ziben < 100)
    score += 0
    } else {
    val ziben = zibencl.toString().toFloat
    if (ziben >= 500 && ziben < 1000)
    score += 50
    else if (ziben >= 100 && ziben < 500)
    score += 30
    else if (ziben < 100)
    score += 0
    } else if (capital.contains("美元")) {
    val zibencl = capital.subSequence(0, capital.indexOf("万"))
    if (zibencl.toString().contains(",")) {
    val ziben = zibencl.toString().toFloat * 6.8
    if (ziben >= 10000)
    score += 100
    else if (ziben >= 5000 && ziben < 10000)
    score += 90
    else if (ziben >= 3000 && ziben < 5000)
    score += 80
    else if (ziben >= 1000 && ziben < 3000)
    score += 70
    else if (ziben >= 500 && ziben < 1000)
    score += 50
    else if (ziben >= 100 && ziben < 500)
    score += 30
    else if (ziben < 100)
    score += 0
    } else {
    val ziben = zibencl.toString().toFloat * 6.8
    if (ziben >= 5000 && ziben < 10000)
    score += 90
    else if (ziben >= 3000 && ziben < 5000)
    score += 80
    else if (ziben >= 1000 && ziben < 3000)
    score += 70
    else if (ziben >= 500 && ziben < 1000)
    score += 50
    else if (ziben >= 100 && ziben < 500)
    score += 30
    else if (ziben < 100)
    score += 0
    } else {
    score += 0
    } else {
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlregister = sqlContext.sql("select registration_authority from company_business_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlregister.count() > 0) {
    val register = sqlregister.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (register.length > 1) {
    if (register.contains("县"))
    score += 20
    else if (register.contains("市") == true && register.contains("区") == true && register.contains("省") == true) {
    val subS = register.subSequence(register.indexOf("省") + 1, register.indexOf("市") + 1)
    if (oneline.contains(subS))
    score += 100
    else if (twoline.contains(subS))
    score += 80
    else if (threeline.contains(subS))
    score += 60
    else if (fourline.contains(subS))
    score += 40
    else if (oneline.contains(subS) == false && twoline.contains(subS) == false && threeline.contains(subS) == false && fourline.contains(subS) == false)
    score += 20
    } else if (register.contains("市") == true && register.contains("省") == true && register.contains("区") == false) {
    val subS = register.subSequence(register.indexOf("省") + 1, register.indexOf("市") + 1)
    if (oneline.contains(subS))
    score += 100
    else if (twoline.contains(subS))
    score += 80
    else if (threeline.contains(subS))
    score += 60
    else if (fourline.contains(subS))
    score += 40
    else if (oneline.contains(subS) == false && twoline.contains(subS) == false && threeline.contains(subS) == false && fourline.contains(subS) == false)
    score += 20
    } else if (register.contains("市") == true && register.contains("区") == true && register.contains("省") == false) {
    val subS = register.subSequence(0, register.indexOf("市") + 1)
    if (oneline.contains(subS))
    score += 100
    else if (twoline.contains(subS))
    score += 80
    else if (threeline.contains(subS))
    score += 60
    else if (fourline.contains(subS))
    score += 40
    else if (oneline.contains(subS) == false && twoline.contains(subS) == false && threeline.contains(subS) == false && fourline.contains(subS) == false)
    score += 20
    } else if (register.contains("市") == true && register.contains("区") == false && register.contains("省") == false) {
    val subS = register.subSequence(0, register.indexOf("市") + 1)
    if (oneline.contains(subS))
    score += 100
    else if (twoline.contains(subS))
    score += 80
    else if (threeline.contains(subS))
    score += 60
    else if (fourline.contains(subS))
    score += 40
    else if (oneline.contains(subS) == false && twoline.contains(subS) == false && threeline.contains(subS) == false && fourline.contains(subS) == false)
    score += 20
    } else if (register.contains("市") == false && register.contains("区") == true && register.contains("省") == false) {
    score == 20
    } else
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlshareholder = sqlContext.sql("select stock_holder_type from stock_holder_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlshareholder.count() > 0) {
    val shareholder = sqlshareholder.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (shareholder.contains("法人"))
    score += 100
    else if (shareholder.contains("自然人"))
    score += 50
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlkeymember = sqlContext.sql("select manager_occupation from managers_info where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlkeymember.count() > 0) {
    val keymember = sqlkeymember.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    if (keymember.contains("监事"))
    score += 100
    score += 50
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlcourtdecision = sqlContext.sql("select judge_role from judicial_decision where company_name = \'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlcourtdecision.count() > 0) {
    val courtdecision = sqlcourtdecision.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    var countdc = 0
    if (courtdecision.contains("被告")) {
    countdc += 1
    score -= countdc * 10
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlexecuteinfo = sqlContext.sql("select filing_time from judicial_decision_execution where company_name =\'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlexecuteinfo.count() > 0) {
    val executeinfo = sqlexecuteinfo.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    val countexin = executeinfo.length
    var num = 0
    for (re <- executeinfo) {
    if (re.toString() == "" || re.toString() == "None")
    num += 1
    score -= (countexin - num) * 10
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqllosefaith = sqlContext.sql("select *from dishonest_info where company_name =\'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqllosefaith.count() > 0) {
    val losefaith = sqllosefaith.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    val countlose = losefaith.length
    if (countlose > 0)
    score += -100
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlrununusual = sqlContext.sql("select inclusion_date from company_exception_info where company_name =\'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlrununusual.count() > 0) {
    val rununusual = sqlrununusual.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    val countrun = rununusual.length
    score += -10 * countrun
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlinvestment = sqlContext.sql("select investment_company_name from investment_company_info where parent_company_name =\'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlinvestment.count() > 0) {
    val investment = sqlinvestment.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    val countment = investment.length
    score += 5 * countment
    } else
    score += 0
    val sqlreport = sqlContext.sql("select *from company_basic_info where company_name =\'" + coname + "\'")
    if (sqlreport.count() > 0) {
    val report = sqlreport.take(1)(0).toString().replace("[", "").replace("]", "")
    val countreport = report.length
    if (countreport > 0)
    score += 50
    score += 0
    } else
    score += 0
    if (score < 0)
    score = 0
    else {
    score = score
    var count = 0
    val sqlname = "insert into tmp_enterprise( ENTERPRISE_NAME ) values (\'" + coname + "\') "
    val sqlcount = "select count(*) from tmp_enterprise where ENTERPRISE_NAME =\'" + coname + "\' "
    var ecusqlcount = statement.executeQuery(sqlcount)
    while (ecusqlcount.next()){
    count = ecusqlcount.getInt(1)
    if (count >0) {
    val ecusqlname = statement.executeUpdate(sqlname)
    var countnum =0
    var companyID = 0
    val sqlID = "select ENTERPRISE_ID from tmp_enterprise where ENTERPRISE_NAME= \'" + coname +"\' "
    val ecusqlID = statement.executeQuery(sqlID)
    while (ecusqlID.next()){
    companyID = ecusqlID.getInt("ENTERPRISE_ID")
    val timenew = System.currentTimeMillis()
    var dateFormat: SimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
    var nowtime: Date = new Date(timenew)
    val currentTimenew = dateFormat.format(nowtime)
    val sqlscore = "insert into tm_enterprise_credit(CREATE_TIME ,UPDATE_TIME , ENTERPRISE_ID, CREDIT_SCORE ) values( \'" + currentTimenew + "\' , \'" + currentTimenew + "\',\'" + companyID + "\',\'" + score + "\')"
    val sqlcountN = "select count(*) from tm_enterprise_credit where ENTERPRISE_ID = \'" + companyID + "\'"
    val ecusqlcountN = statement.executeQuery(sqlcountN)
    while (ecusqlcountN.next()){
    countnum = ecusqlcountN.getInt(1)
    if (countnum > 0 ) {
    val sqlnew = "update tm_enterprise_credit set CREDIT_SCORE= \'" + score + " \' , UPDATE_TIME= \'" + currentTimenew + "\'" + "where ENTERPRISE_ID= \'" + companyID + "\'"
    val ecusqlnew = statement.executeUpdate(sqlnew)
    } else {
    val ecusqlscore = statement.executeUpdate(sqlscore)



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