C# Protect the Password inside a TextBox ZZ
If the Text property is called, it will send an WM_GETTEXT
message, so it will surely be an internal (safe) call. But if that message is received and the Text
property wasn't called, then it might be risky to return the password, so we'll not process that message.
I wrote a "safer" TextBox
here, just to show you the idea, feel free to write your own or simply improve this one.

class ProtectedTextBox : TextBox
// the malicious message, that needs to be handled
private const int WM_GETTEXT = 0x000D; // 'true' if the messages are sent from our program (from Text property)
// 'false' if they're sent by anything else
bool allowAccess { get; set; } public override string Text // overriding Text property
allowAccess = true; // allow WM_GETTEXT (because it's an internal call)
return base.Text; //this sends the message above in order to retrieve the TextBox's value
base.Text = value;
} protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg == WM_GETTEXT) // if the message is WM_GETTEXT
if (allowAccess) // and it comes from the Text property
allowAccess = false; //we temporarily remove the access
base.WndProc(ref m); //and finally, process the message
base.WndProc(ref m);
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