《how to design programs》14章 再论自引用数据
(define-struct child (father mother name date eyes))
#lang racket ;child
(define-struct child (father mother name date eyes)) ;; Oldest Generation:
(define Carl (make-child empty empty 'Carl 1926 'green))
(define Bettina (make-child empty empty 'Bettina 1926 'green)) ;; Middle Generation:
(define Adam (make-child Carl Bettina 'Adam 1950 'yellow))
(define Dave (make-child Carl Bettina 'Dave 1955 'black))
(define Eva (make-child Carl Bettina 'Eva 1965 'blue))
(define Fred (make-child empty empty 'Fred 1966 'pink)) ;; Youngest Generation:
(define Gustav (make-child Fred Eva 'Gustav 1988 'brown)) ;判断a-ftree是否包含一个child结构体,其eyes为blue
(define (blue-eyed-ancestor? a-ftree)
[(empty? a-ftree) false]
[else (cond
[(symbol=? (child-eyes a-ftree) 'blue) true]
[(blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-father a-ftree) ) true]
[(blue-eyed-ancestor? (child-mother a-ftree)) true]
[else false]
(blue-eyed-ancestor? Gustav)
(define (count-persons a-ftree)
[(empty? a-ftree) ]
(+ (count-persons (child-father a-ftree)) (count-persons (child-mother a-ftree)))
(count-persons Carl)
(count-persons Adam)
(define (sum-of-ages a-ftree current-year)
[(empty? a-ftree) ]
[else (+ (- current-year (child-date a-ftree) )
(sum-of-ages (child-father a-ftree) current-year)
(sum-of-ages (child-mother a-ftree) current-year)
)]) ) (define (average-age a-ftree current-year)
(/ (sum-of-ages a-ftree current-year)
(count-persons a-ftree)))
Exercise 14.1.5. Develop the function eye-colors
, which consumes a family tree node and produces a list of all eye colors in the tree. An eye color may occur more than once in the list.
Hint: Use the Scheme operation append
, which consumes two lists and produces the concatenation of the two lists. For example:
(append (list 'a 'b 'c) (list 'd 'e))
= (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)
We discuss the development of functions like append
in section 17. Solution
(define (eye-colors a-ftree)
[(empty? a-ftree) empty]
(child-eyes a-ftree)
(append (eye-colors (child-father a-ftree))
(eye-colors (child-mother a-ftree))
binary tree Bt是这样2者之一:
2.(make-node soc pn lft rgt) 其中soc是数,pn是符号,lft和rgt是BT。
函数bt-contains? 读入一个数和一颗树,判断这个数是否在树中出现:
14.1. | Problem Statement | Table of Contents | 14.2.
;; Language: Beginning Student ; 'Bobby
; \
; \
; 'Luke ; 'Bobby
; /
; /
; 'Luke ; 'Bobby
; / \
; / \
; 'Luke 5 'Paul #|
A BT is either
. false; or
. (make-node soc pn lft rgt)
where soc is a number, pn is a symbol, and lft and rgt are BTs.
(define-struct node (ssn name left right)) (define bt1 (make-node 'Bobby false (make-node 12 'Luke false false)))
(define bt2 (make-node 'Bobby (make-node 12 'Luke false false) false))
(define bt3 (make-node 'Bobby (make-node 12 'Luke false false) (make-node 'Paul false false))) ;; bt-contains?: number BT -> boolean
;; consumes a number and binary-tree and determines if a-bt contains n
(define (bt-contains? n a-bt)
[(boolean? a-bt) false]
(or (= n (node-ssn a-bt))
(bt-contains? n (node-left a-bt))
(bt-contains? n (node-right a-bt)))])) (equal? (bt-contains? bt1) true)
(equal? (bt-contains? bt3) true)
(equal? (bt-contains? bt3) false)
(equal? (bt-contains? bt2) true)
(equal? (bt-contains? bt2) false)
(equal? (bt-contains? bt3) true)
;; search-bt : number binary-tree -> false or
;; returns true if a-n is in a-bt, and false if not.
(define (search-bt a-n a-bt)
[(boolean? a-bt) #f]
[(= (node-ssn a-bt) a-n)
(node-name a-bt)]
[(boolean? (search-bt a-n (node-left a-bt)))
(search-bt a-n (node-right a-bt))]
(search-bt a-n (node-left a-bt))])]))
A binary-search-tree (short: BST) is a
is always aBST
(make-node soc pn lft rgt)
is aBST
numbers inlft
are smaller thansoc
, andall
numbers inrgt
are larger thansoc
The second and third conditions are different from what we have seen in previous data definitions. They place an additional and unusual burden on the construction BST
s. We must inspect all numbers in these trees and ensure that they are smaller (or larger) than soc
(define (inorder abt)
((boolean? abt) empty)
((node? abt)
(append (inorder (node-left abt))
(cons (node-name abt)
(inorder (node-right abt)))))))
;; search-bst : number binary-tree -> false or
;; returns true if a-n is in a-bt, and false if not.
(define (search-bt a-n a-bt)
[(boolean? a-bt) #f]
[(= (node-ssn a-bt) a-n)
(node-name a-bt)]
[(< (node-ssn a-bt) a-n)
(search-bt a-n (node-right a-bt))]
[(> (node-ssn a-bt) a-n)
(search-bt a-n (node-left a-bt))])]))
14.2. | Problem Statement | Table of Contents | 14.2.
(define-struct node (ssn name left right))
; A binary tree is either
; . false or
; . (make-node soc pn lft rgt)
; where soc is a number, pn is a symbol, and lft and rgt are binary
; trees. ;; EXAMPLES
; (create-bst false 'b) => (make-node 6 'b false false)
; (create-bst (make-node 'a false false) 5 'a)
; =>
; (make-bst 'a false (make-bst 5 'a false false))
; (create-bst (make-node 'a false false) 3 'g)
; =>
; (make-node 'a (make-node 3 'g false false) false)
; (create-bst (make-node 'a (make-node 2 'a false false) false) 'g)
; =>
; (make-node 'a (make-node 2 'a false (make-node 'g))) ;; TEMPLATE:
;(define (bst-fun abt)
; (cond
; ((boolean? abt) ...)
; ((node? abt)
; ... (node-ssn abt) ... (node-name abt) ...
; ... (bst-fun (node-left abt)) ... (bst-fun (node-right abt)) ... ))) ;; CONTRACT/HEADER/PURPOSE:
;; create-bst : binary-tree number symbol -> binary-tree
;; to create a binary search tree with the same values as the input tree
;; and also the given number associated with the given name
(define (create-bst bst n s)
[(eq? bst false) (make-node n s false false)]
[(< n (node-ssn bst))
(make-node (node-ssn bst)
(node-name bst)
(create-bst (node-left bst) n s)
(node-right bst))]
[(> n (node-ssn bst))
(make-node (node-ssn bst)
(node-name bst)
(node-left bst)
(create-bst (node-right bst) n s))]
[else (error 'create-bst "Number already in BST")])])) (equal? (create-bst false 'b) (make-node 6 'b false false))
(equal? (create-bst (make-node 'a false false) 5 'a)
(make-node 'a false (make-node 5 'a false false)))
(equal? (create-bst (make-node 'a false false) 3 'g)
(make-node 'a (make-node 3 'g false false) false))
(equal? (create-bst (make-node 'a (make-node 2 'a false false) false) 'g)
(make-node 'a (make-node 2 'a false (make-node 'g false false)) false))
感觉这个程序有点奇怪, 但仔细相同时合理的。没有多余的创建node。
; create-bst-from-list : list-of-numbers-and-symbols -> binary-tree
; to produce a binary tree with all the numbers in the input list
; associated with their corresponding symbols
(define (create-bst-from-list lons)
[(empty? lons) false]
(create-bst-from-list (rest lons))
(first (first lons))
(second (first lons)))]))
(create-bst-from-list '((1 a) (18 b) (2 g)))
(make-node 2 'g (make-node 1 'a false false) (make-node 18 'b false false)))
为true。 表中的表:
A Web-page (short: WP) is either
;(cons s wp)
is a symbol andwp
is a Web page; or(cons ewp wp)
where bothewp
are Web pages.
This data definition differs from that of a list of symbols in that it has three clauses instead of two and that it has three self-references instead of one. Of these self-references, the one at the beginning of a cons
tructed list is the most unusual. We refer to such Web pages as immediately embedded Web pages.
Let's develop the function size
, which consumes a Web page and produces the number of words that it and all of its embedded pages contain:
;;size : WP -> number
;; to count the number of symbols that occur ina-wp
(define (size a-wp) ...)
The two Web pages above suggest two good examples, but they are too complex. Here are three examples, one per subclass of data:
(= (size empty)
(= (size (cons 'One empty))
(= (size (cons (cons 'One empty) empty))
开开发size函数,我们可以按照设计诀窍,数据定义说明我们需要3个cond子句,一个子句处理empty页,一个子句处理由符号开始的页,另一个子句处理由嵌入的网页开始的页。虽然第一个测试empty的条件我们已经很熟悉了,但是第2个和第3个条件需要我们进一步检查,因为在数据定于中,这2个子句都使用了cons,所以简单地使用cons?并不能区分这2种数据形式。 如果网页不是empty,那么他必然是cons结构,后两种数据形式之间的特征是表中的第一个元素,换句话说,第二个条件必须使用一个测试a-wp的第一个元素的谓词:
(define (size a-wp)
[(empty? a-wp) ]
[(symbol? (first a-wp)) (+ (size (rest a-wp)))]
[else (+ (size (first a-wp)) (size (rest a-wp)))]
(size '(a b c))
(size '(1 2 3)) 报错:
first: contract violation
expected: (and/c list? (not/c empty?))
given: 1
(first (cons 1 2))
. . first: contract violation
expected: (and/c list? (not/c empty?))
given: '(1 . 2)
(first (list 1 2)
(first lst) The same as (car lst), but only for lists (that are not empty).
;; Language: Intermediate Student ;; depth: web-page -> number
;; computes the depth of embedded web-pages
(define (depth a-wp)
[(empty? a-wp) ]
[(symbol? (first a-wp))
(depth (rest a-wp))]
[else #cons wp wp
(max (+ (depth (first a-wp)) )
(depth (rest a-wp)))])) ;;; tests
(check-expect (depth '()) 0)
(check-expect (depth '(a)) 0)
(check-expect (depth '(())) 1)
(check-expect (depth '(a b c)) 0)
(check-expect (depth '(a (b (c (d))) e (f (g)) h))
(max (+ (depth (first a-wp)) 1)
(depth (rest a-wp)))])) 这么理解,list的后面一定为empty。
如果是(list 'a 'b);
如果是'( a (b c))
(list '( (a) ((b)) )
(+ (depth (a) 1) or (depth ((b)) )
所以深度为2. 开发函数occurs1,读入一个网页和一个开始符号,返回该符号在网页出现的次数,忽略嵌入的网页:
;; occurs1 : WP symbol -> number
;; produces number of times given symbol occurs
;; in the Web page, ignoring nested WPs
(define (occurs1 a-wp s)
[ (empty? a-wp) ]
[ (and (symbol? (first a-wp))
(symbol=? (first a-wp) s))
(+ (occurs1 (rest a-wp) s))]
[ else (occurs1 (rest a-wp) s)]))
;; tests
(= (occurs1 '(The TeachScheme Web Page
Here you can find:
(LectureNotes for Teachers)
(Guidance for (DrScheme: a Scheme programming environment))
(Exercise Sets)
(Solutions for Exercises)
For further information: write to scheme@cs)
(= (occurs1 '(The TeachScheme Web Page
Here you can find:
(LectureNotes for Teachers)
(Guidance for (DrScheme: a Scheme programming environment))
(Exercise Sets)
(Solutions for Exercises)
For further information: you can write to scheme@cs)
(define (occurs2 a-wp s)
[(empty? a-wp) ]
[(and (symbol? (first a-wp))
(symbol=? (first a-wp) s)
(+ (occurs2 (rest a-wp) s))
(+ (occurs2 (first a-wp) s)
(occurs2 (rest a-wp) s))
(define (occurs2 a-wp s)
[ (empty? a-wp) ]
[ (symbol? (first a-wp)) (cond
[ (symbol=? (first a-wp) s)
(+ (occurs2 (rest a-wp) s))]
[ else (occurs2 (rest a-wp) s)])]
[ else (+ (occurs2 (first a-wp) s)
(occurs2 (rest a-wp) s))]))
;; tests
错误的代码错在哪里, 没有处理所有的情况。
;; replace : symbol symbol WP -> WP
;; replaces all occurences of old with new
(define (replace old new a-wp)
[ (empty? a-wp) empty]
[ (symbol? (first a-wp))
[ (symbol=? (first a-wp) old)
(cons new
(replace old new (rest a-wp)))]
[else (cons (first a-wp)
(replace old new (rest a-wp)))])]
[ else (cons (replace old new (first a-wp))
(replace old new (rest a-wp)))]))
Exercise 15.3.4. Develop the program find
. The function consumes a Web page and a symbol. It produces false
, if the symbol does not occur in the body of the page or its embedded Web pages. If the symbol occurs at least once, it produces a list of the headers that are encountered on the way to the symbol.
Hint: Define an auxiliary like find
that produces only true
when a Web page contains the desired word. Use it to define find
. Alternatively, useboolean?
to determine whether a natural recursion of find
produced a list or a boolean. Then compute the result again. We will discuss this second technique, called backtracking, in the intermezzo at the end of this part. Solution
;; Data Definitions (define-struct wp (header body))
;; A Web-page (short: WP) is a structure:
;; (make-wp h p)
;; where h is a symbol and p is a (Web) document. ;; A (Web) document is either:
;; . empty
;; . (cons s p) where s is a symbol and p is a (Web) document
;; . (cons wp p) where wp is a web-page and p is a document ;; A list-of-symbols is either:
;; . empty
;; . (cons symbol list-of-symbols) ;; A los-or-false is either:
;; . false
;; . list-of-symbols ;; find : wp symbol -> los-or-false
(define (find a-wp a-word)
(append-or-false (list (wp-header a-wp))
(find-in-document (wp-body a-wp) a-word))) ;; find-in-body : document symbol -> los-or-false
(define (find-in-document a-page a-word)
[(empty? a-page) false]
[(symbol? (first a-page)) (cond
[(symbol=? (first a-page) a-word) empty]
[else (find-in-document (rest a-page) a-word)])]
[else (local ((define in-subpage (find (first a-page) a-word)))
[(boolean? in-subpage) (find-in-document (rest a-page) a-word)]
[else in-subpage]))])) ;; append-or-false : list-of-symbols los-or-false -> los-or-false
;; appends y to x if y is not false
(define (append-or-false x y)
[(boolean? y) y]
[else (append x y)])) ;; --- test code ;; data examples:
(define empty-page (make-wp 'empty-page empty))
(define page--word (make-wp 'page-1-word (cons 'w1 empty)))
(define page--words (make-wp 'page-2-words (list 'w1 'w2)))
(define with--word-subpage (make-wp 'page-1-word-with-subpage (cons page-1-word empty)))
(define with--words-subpage (make-wp 'with-2-words-subpage (cons page-2-words empty)))
(define dense-page1 (make-wp 'realistic (list 'w3 page--words 'w4 page-1-word 'w5)))
(define dense-page2 (make-wp 'realistic (list 'w3 empty-page 'w4 with-1-word-subpage 'w5))) ;; test cases ; test for 'append-or-false'
(check-expect (append-or-false empty false) false)
(check-expect (append-or-false empty empty) empty)
(check-expect (append-or-false (list 'a) false) false)
(check-expect (append-or-false (list 'a) empty) (list 'a))
(check-expect (append-or-false (list 'a) (list 'b)) (list 'a 'b)) ;; test for 'find'
(check-expect (find empty-page 'w1) false)
(check-expect (find page--word 'w1) (list 'page--word))
(check-expect (find page--words 'w3) false)
(check-expect (find with--words-subpage 'w2) (list 'with--words-subpage 'page-2-words))
(check-expect (find dense-page1 'no-in-there) false)
(check-expect (find dense-page1 'w1) (list 'realistic 'page-2-words))
(check-expect (find dense-page1 'w2) (list 'realistic 'page-2-words))
(check-expect (find dense-page2 'w1) (list 'realistic 'page-1-word-with-subpage 'page--word))
(check-expect (find dense-page1 'w5) (list 'realistic)) (generate-report)
;; --- end test code
(define-struct add (left right))
(define-struct mul(left right))
;; numeric? : s-exp -> boolean
;; determines if a representation of a scheme expression
;; is numeric
(define (numeric? a-sexp)
[ (number? a-sexp) true]
[ (symbol? a-sexp) false]
[ (add? a-sexp) (and (numeric? (add-left a-sexp))
(numeric? (add-right a-sexp)))]
[ (mul? a-sexp) (and (numeric? (mul-left a-sexp))
(numeric? (mul-right a-sexp)))]))
;; tests:
(boolean=? (numeric? (make-add (make-mul 'x) 4)) false)
(boolean=? (numeric? (make-add (make-mul ) )) true)
;; evaluate-expression : s-exp -> number
;; computes value of a scheme expression
(define (evaluate-expression a-sexp)
[ (number? a-sexp) a-sexp]
[ (symbol? a-sexp) (error 'evaluate-expression "undefined variable")]
[ (add? a-sexp) (+ (evaluate-expression (add-left a-sexp))
(evaluate-expression (add-right a-sexp)))]
[ (mul? a-sexp) (* (evaluate-expression (mul-left a-sexp))
(evaluate-expression (mul-right a-sexp)))]))
;; tests
(= (evaluate-expression (make-add (make-mul ) )) )
(evaluate-expression (make-add (make-mul 'x) 4)) ;; should throw error
;; subst : symbol number s-exp -> number
;; computes value of a scheme expression
(define (subst v n a-sexp)
[ (number? a-sexp) a-sexp]
[ (symbol? a-sexp) (cond
[ (symbol=? a-sexp v) n]
[ else (error 'subst
"undefined variable")])]
[ (add? a-sexp) (+ (subst v n (add-left a-sexp))
(subst v n (add-right a-sexp)))]
[ (mul? a-sexp) (* (subst v n (mul-left a-sexp))
(subst v n (mul-right a-sexp)))]))
;; test
(= (subst 'x 4 (make-add (make-mul 2 'x) )))
(= (subst 'y 4 (make-add (make-mul 2 'x) ))) ;; should throw error
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什么是CSS Float? 定义: float 属性定义元素浮动到左侧或右侧.以往这个属性总应用于图像,使文本围绕在图像周围,不过在 CSS 中,任何元素都可以浮动.浮动元素会生成一个块级元素,而不论 ...
- leetcode修炼之路——83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
哈哈,我又来了.昨天发现题目太简单就没有放上来,今天来了一道有序链表的题.题目如下: Given a sorted linked list, delete all duplicates such th ...