We have prepared a managed solution named Add Email and Post Configuration to SiteMap that you can import to restore these options. It might work for you and it is the easiest option. This should work as long as you don’t have any other existing unmanaged customizations of your site map. If you aren’t sure, you can go ahead and install (import) this managed solution. If you don’t see the changes, you know that you have some unmanaged site map customization that is blocking it from being shown. If it doesn’t work, you can uninstall (delete) the managed solution and try editing your site map another way.

  1. Download the AddEmailandPostConfigurationtoSiteMap_1_0_managed.zip file and save it.

  2. On the nav bar, click or tap Microsoft Dynamics CRM > Settings.

  3. Click or tap Settings > Solutions.

  4. In the solutions list menu choose Import.

  5. In the Import Solution dialog, Select Solution Package step, browse to the AddEmailandPostConfigurationtoSiteMap_1_0_managed.zip file you saved in the first step.

  6. Click Next and then Import.

  7. Click Publish Customizations and close the dialog when the installation is complete.

You should open and close your browser to make sure any changes are applied and then try to verify whether the changes in the navigation are visible. If they aren’t, delete the Add Email and Post Configuration to SiteMap solution and try editing the site map manually.

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