
 create or replace procedure scott.pro_para_inout(p_dname in out scott.dept.dname%TYPE,
p_loc out scott.dept.loc%TYPE) is
dbms_output.put_line(p_dname || ',ING');
dbms_output.put_line(p_loc || ',ING' );
end pro_para_inout;


v_dept scott.dept%ROWTYPE; BEGIN v_dept.dname :='bumon1';
v_dept.loc :='SH'; -- Call the procedure
scott.pro_para_inout(v_dept.dname, v_dept.loc); dbms_output.put_line(v_dept.dname || ',after');
dbms_output.put_line(v_dept.loc || ',after');



当参数类型是OUT的情况下,原来record(v_dept)中的值也没有了。如果是IN OUT的情况下,原来record的值还保持了原来的样子。



Summary of Subprogram Parameter Modes

Table 8-1 summarizes the characteristics of parameter modes.

Table 8-1 Parameter Modes


The default

Must be specified

Must be specified

Passes a value to the subprogram

Returns a value to the caller

Passes an initial value to the subprogram and returns an updated value to the caller

Formal parameter acts like a constant

Formal parameter acts like an uninitialized variable

Formal parameter acts like an initialized variable

Formal parameter cannot be assigned a value

Formal parameter must be assigned a value

Formal parameter should be assigned a value

Actual parameter can be a constant, initialized variable, literal, or expression

Actual parameter must be a variable

Actual parameter must be a variable

Actual parameter is passed by reference (the caller passes the subprogram a pointer to the value)

Actual parameter is passed by value (the subprogram passes the caller a copy of the value) unless NOCOPY is specified

Actual parameter is passed by value (the caller passes the subprogram a copy of the value and the subprogram passes the caller a copy of the value) unless NOCOPY is specified


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