July 05th. 2018, Week 27th. Thursday
Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
From Aristole.
Do you want promotion? Do you want to get some raise in paycheck?
If you want, you should improve your performace in your work, make it perfect, or at least put it at a level beyond what's expected of your current role.
How to perfect your performance? Maybe the first step is to love what you are doing and find pleasure in your job.
If you feel miserable at your job, if you feel your job is just a waste of time, you will eventually get tired of it and you won't be wiling to put enough energy to imporve your performance.
Maybe your current job is the problem, maybe it isn't, but if you struggle to just get through the workday, you should consider some options to find out some motivation.
If you hate what you are doing, you will never do your best work.
Does this mean you should quit? No, I am not saying that, in fact, I am a big believer in not quitting.
My answer is that you must search within yourself to pick something that interests you and leverages your talents to be your long-term profession.
Please, try your best to ensure you are in the right line of work.
Difficulty shows what men are.
I always hope that my life would become a little bit smoother, at least not so tough as it is now.
But when opportunities knocked the door, I just hesitated to open the door and accept the potential challenges that followd with them.
Fear of failing, fear of changing, how can I expect my abilities could be improved and my life could be better?
If we are afraid of failing at something, like the opportunities to show our ability of solving problems, we may decide not to try it at all, and then we would let the chance of changing our life just pass us by.
Or, sometimes, fear of failing, fear of facing difficulties, would make us undermine our own efforts to avoid the possibility of a larger failure or let us miss the last chance to correct our life.
So, We must learn how to overcome those fears of failure, face them bravely and keep moving forward.
When facing difficulities, maybe the simplest way is to take immediate actions, even when knowing little about how to correctly and efficiently solve the problems, and the right solutions would present themselves gradually.
Act at once, no delay, and we will find things are not so difficult as we think.
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