var types = new MeetingList.EventList(msg);
$(".divclass").html(types.Build(new Date($("#_start").val()), new Date($("#_end").val())));
var MeetingList;
(function (MeetingList) {
var TimeItem = (function () {
function TimeItem() {
return TimeItem;
MeetingList.TimeItem = TimeItem;
var Type = (function () {
function Type() {
return Type;
MeetingList.Type = Type;
var TypeEvent = (function () {
function TypeEvent() {
return TypeEvent;
MeetingList.TypeEvent = TypeEvent;
var EventList = (function () {
function EventList(myJson) {
this.TypeEvent = myJson.TypeEvent;
this.Type = myJson.Type;
EventList.prototype.Build = function (date1, date2) {
var ListTitle = "<div class=\"tie_more clearfix color_f font12\"><ul><li class=\"www1\">日期</li><li class=\"www2 tc\">会议标题</li><li class=\"www3 tc\">会议时间</li><li class=\"www4 tc\">会议室</li><li class=\"www5 tc\">主持人</li><li class=\"www6 tc\">召集部门</li></ul></div>";
var ListBody = "<div class=\"tab_con font12\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\"><tbody>";
var dateArr = this.GetAllDays(date1, date2);
for (var i = 0; i < dateArr.length; i++) {
var curList = "<tr class=\"bor_b\">";
var curDatas = this.GetCurDateDatas(dateArr[i]);
var weekDay = this.GetWeekDay(dateArr[i]);
if (curDatas.length == 0) {
curList += "<td class=\"color_6 tc wbg1 pb10 pt10\" width=\"79\">{0}<br>{1}</td>";
else {
curList += "<td class=\"color_6 tc wbg1 pb10\" width=\"79\">{0}<br>{1}</td>";
curList = curList.replace("{0}", weekDay);
curList = curList.replace("{1}", this.FormatDate1(dateArr[i]));
curList += "<td class=\"pb10\">";
for (var ii = 0; ii < curDatas.length; ii++) {
var curItemData = curDatas[ii];
var curBeginTime = new Date(curItemData.BeginTime.toString().replace(/-/g, "/"));
var curEndTime = new Date(curItemData.EndTime.toString().replace(/-/g, "/"));
curList += "<div class=\"f_w clearfix tc\"><div class=\"fl www2 mart1\">{0}</div><div class=\"fl www3 color_6\">{1}</div><div class=\"fl www4 color_6\">{2}</div><div class=\"fl www5\">{3}</div><div class=\"fl www61 color_6\">{4}</div></div><div class=\"clearfix mart15\"><h3 class=\"fl color_lh www4 tc\">{5}</h3><div class=\"fl color_6 www111\">{6}</div></div>"
curList = curList.replace("{0}", curItemData.Name);
curList = curList.replace("{1}", this.FormatDate2(curBeginTime) + "-" + this.FormatDate2(curEndTime));
curList = curList.replace("{2}", this.GetMeetingRoomByTypeID(curItemData.TypeID));
curList = curList.replace("{3}", curItemData.Host);
curList = curList.replace("{4}", curItemData.CallDepartment);
curList = curList.replace("{5}", "出席部门");
curList = curList.replace("{6}", curItemData.AttendingDepartment);
curList += "</td>";
curList += "</tr>";
ListBody += curList;
ListBody += "</div></tbody></table>";
return ListTitle + ListBody;
EventList.prototype.GetAllDays = function (date1, date2) {
var dateArr = new Array();
var curDate = new Date(date1.toString());
while (curDate <= date2) {
dateArr.push(new Date(curDate.toString()));
var curDate = this.AddDate(curDate, 1);
return dateArr;
EventList.prototype.AddDate = function (date, days) {
var d = new Date(date.toString());
d.setDate(d.getDate() + days);
var m = d.getMonth();
return new Date(d.getFullYear(), m, d.getDate());
EventList.prototype.GetWeekDay = function (date) {
var weekDay = ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"];
return weekDay[date.getDay()];
EventList.prototype.GetCurDateDatas = function (date) {
var curDatas = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < this.TypeEvent.length; i++) {
var item = this.TypeEvent[i];
var curBeginTime = new Date(item.BeginTime.toString().replace(/-/g, "/"));
if (this.FormatDate1(curBeginTime) == this.FormatDate1(date)) {
return curDatas;
EventList.prototype.GetMeetingRoomByTypeID = function (typeID) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.Type.length; i++) {
var item = this.Type[i];
if (item.ID == typeID) {
return item.Name;
EventList.prototype.FormatDate1 = function (date) {
return date.getFullYear() + '-' + (date.getMonth() + 1) + '-' + date.getDate();
EventList.prototype.FormatDate2 = function (date) {
return date.getHours() + ':' + date.getMinutes();
return EventList;
MeetingList.EventList = EventList;
})(MeetingList || (MeetingList = {}));
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