
innobackupex /backup --rsync --user=xx --password=xxx 备份时报错:

Error: can't create file (null)/xtrabackup_rsyncfiles_pass1

网上搜索没有找到答案,于是向官方报告 bug ,发现已经有人汇报了该bug:


Bug Description

After latest update xtrabackup to 2.3. my backup scripts stop working.
Problem in "--rsync" argument. With it in half of "copying X to Y" xtrabackup exit with error message:
can't create file (null)/xtrabackup rsync files pass1
~~ With previous builds all was fine.
Problem command line:
innobackupex --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/my.cnf --user=root --password=`cat /root/passwords/.mysql` --no-timestamp --throttle= --rsync /var/backups/separate_disk/mysql/${WEEK_DAY_NUMBER}f >&
~~ If remove "--rsync" - all work without errors. P.S. and previous versions uses "root" as default user name. Now it use "mysql" if in command line didn't defined "--user". (Back incompatibility)
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Sergei Glushchenko (sergei.glushchenko) wrote on --: # Would specifying --tmpdir=/tmp (or other directory) resolve the rsync issue?
Maxim (sailormax) wrote on --: # yes.
Sergei Glushchenko (sergei.glushchenko) wrote on --: # We'll set tmpdir to system/user default when it is not specified.
Changed in percona-xtrabackup:
status: New → Triaged
importance: Undecided → High


在使用 --rsync 选项时,需要增加 --tmpdir=/tmp 选择,来指定 xtrabackup_rsyncfiles_pass1 临时文件的存储位置:

innobackupex /backup/ --rsync --tmpdir=/tmp --user=xxx --password=xxx

innobackupex --rsync 报错 Error: can't create file (null)/xtrabackup_rsyncfiles_pass1的更多相关文章

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