D. Fedor and coupons
time limit per test

4 seconds

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

All our characters have hobbies. The same is true for Fedor. He enjoys shopping in the neighboring supermarket.

The goods in the supermarket have unique integer ids. Also, for every integer there is a product with id equal to this integer. Fedor has ndiscount coupons, the i-th of them can be used with products with ids ranging from li to ri, inclusive. Today Fedor wants to take exactly kcoupons with him.

Fedor wants to choose the k coupons in such a way that the number of such products x that all coupons can be used with this product xis as large as possible (for better understanding, see examples). Fedor wants to save his time as well, so he asks you to choose coupons for him. Help Fedor!


The first line contains two integers n and k (1 ≤ k ≤ n ≤ 3·105) — the number of coupons Fedor has, and the number of coupons he wants to choose.

Each of the next n lines contains two integers li and ri ( - 109 ≤ li ≤ ri ≤ 109) — the description of the i-th coupon. The coupons can be equal.


In the first line print single integer — the maximum number of products with which all the chosen coupons can be used. The products with which at least one coupon cannot be used shouldn't be counted.

In the second line print k distinct integers p1, p2, ..., pk (1 ≤ pi ≤ n) — the ids of the coupons which Fedor should choose.

If there are multiple answers, print any of them.

4 2
1 100
40 70
120 130
125 180
1 2
3 2
1 12
15 20
25 30
1 2
5 2
1 10
5 15
14 50
30 70
99 100
3 4

In the first example if we take the first two coupons then all the products with ids in range [40, 70] can be bought with both coupons. There are 31 products in total.

In the second example, no product can be bought with two coupons, that is why the answer is 0. Fedor can choose any two coupons in this example.




using namespace std;
#define maxn 500010
#define llg long long
#define yyj(a) freopen(a".in","r",stdin),freopen(a".out","w",stdout);
llg n,m,k,mid,anss[maxn],flag; struct data
llg quan,wz;
bool operator < (const data &a )const
return a.quan<quan;
}; priority_queue<data>q; struct node
llg l,r,wz;
}a[maxn]; bool cmp(const node&a,const node&b) {return a.l<b.l;} bool check(llg x)
if (!flag)
while (!q.empty()) q.pop();
llg tail=;
while (!q.empty()) {anss[++tail]=q.top().wz; q.pop();}
for (llg i=;i<=n;i++)
data w;
w.quan=a[i].r; w.wz=a[i].wz;
if (q.size()>k) q.pop();
if (q.size()==k)
if (q.top().quan-a[i].l+>=x) return ;
return ;
} int main()
for (llg i=;i<=n;i++){ scanf("%lld%lld",&a[i].l,&a[i].r); a[i].wz=i;}
llg l=,r=(llg);
llg ans=;
while (l<=r)
if(check(mid)) {ans=mid; l=mid+; flag=;} else {r=mid-;}
if (ans!=)
for (llg i=;i<=k;i++) printf("%lld ",anss[i]);
for (llg i=;i<=k;i++) printf("%lld ",i);
return ;

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