Controls in a TableLayoutPanel control can span adjacent rows and columns.

To span columns and rows

  1. Drag a TableLayoutPanel control from the Toolbox onto your form.

  2. Drag a Button control from the Toolbox into the upper-left cell of the TableLayoutPanel control.

  3. Set the Button control's ColumnSpan property to 2. Note that the Button control spans the first and second columns.

  4. Set the Button control's RowSpan property to 2. Note that the Button control spans the first and second rows.

  5. Set the Button control's ColumnSpan property to 1. Note that the Button control moves into the first column and spans the first and second rows.


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  4. TableLayoutPanel 的使用

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  5. tablelayoutpanel内部组件变形

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  7. C# TableLayoutPanel使用方法

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  8. TableLayoutPanel 行高列宽设置

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