


 dict_t *
get_new_dict (void)
return get_new_dict_full ();


 dict_t *
get_new_dict_full (int size_hint)
dict_t *dict = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pool); if (!dict) {
return NULL;
} dict->hash_size = size_hint;
if (size_hint == ) {
* This is the only case we ever see currently. If we ever
* need to support resizing the hash table, the resize function
* will have to take into account the possibility that
* "members" is not separately allocated (i.e. don't just call
* realloc() blindly.
dict->members = &dict->members_internal;
else {
* We actually need to allocate space for size_hint *pointers*
* but we actually allocate space for one *structure*. Since
* a data_pair_t consists of five pointers, we're wasting four
* pointers' worth for N=1, and will overrun what we allocated
* for N>5. If anybody ever starts using size_hint, we'll need
* to fix this.
GF_ASSERT (size_hint <=
(sizeof(data_pair_t) / sizeof(data_pair_t *)));
dict->members = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pair_pool);
if (!dict->members) {
mem_put (dict);
return NULL;
} LOCK_INIT (&dict->lock); return dict;

  size_hint是要分配的字典的大小。当 size_hint为1时,字典内的数据将是一个链表(用链表解决HASH冲突问题)。

  接下来看看程序又将是如何向字典中添加一项数据的呢?首先还是来看看dict_t 的数据结构吧:

 struct _dict {
unsigned char is_static:;
int32_t hash_size;
int32_t count;
int32_t refcount;
data_pair_t **members;
data_pair_t *members_list;
char *extra_free;
char *extra_stdfree;
gf_lock_t lock;
data_pair_t *members_internal;
data_pair_t free_pair;
gf_boolean_t free_pair_in_use;


dict_add (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value)
int32_t ret; if (!this || !value) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING,
"!this || !value for key=%s", key);
return -;
} LOCK (&this->lock); ret = _dict_set (this, key, value, ); UNLOCK (&this->lock); return ret;


 static int32_t
_dict_set (dict_t *this, char *key, data_t *value, gf_boolean_t replace)
int hashval;
data_pair_t *pair;
char key_free = ;
int tmp = ;
int ret = ; if (!key) {
ret = gf_asprintf (&key, "ref:%p", value);
if (- == ret) {
gf_log ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING, "asprintf failed %s", key);
return -;
key_free = ;
} tmp = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key));
hashval = (tmp % this->hash_size); /* Search for a existing key if 'replace' is asked for */
if (replace) {
pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); if (pair) {
data_t *unref_data = pair->value;
pair->value = data_ref (value);
data_unref (unref_data);
if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
/* Indicates duplicate key */
return ;
} if (this->free_pair_in_use) {
pair = mem_get0 (THIS->ctx->dict_pair_pool);
if (!pair) {
if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
return -;
else {
pair = &this->free_pair;
this->free_pair_in_use = _gf_true;
} if (key_free) {
/* It's ours. Use it. */
pair->key = key;
key_free = ;
else {
pair->key = (char *) GF_CALLOC (, strlen (key) + ,
if (!pair->key) {
if (pair == &this->free_pair) {
this->free_pair_in_use = _gf_false;
else {
mem_put (pair);
return -;
strcpy (pair->key, key);
pair->value = data_ref (value); pair->hash_next = this->members[hashval];
this->members[hashval] = pair; pair->next = this->members_list;
pair->prev = NULL;
if (this->members_list)
this->members_list->prev = pair;
this->members_list = pair;
this->count++; if (key_free)
GF_FREE (key);
return ;



 data_t *
dict_get (dict_t *this, char *key)
data_pair_t *pair; if (!this || !key) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_INFO,
"!this || key=%s", (key) ? key : "()");
return NULL;
} LOCK (&this->lock); pair = _dict_lookup (this, key); UNLOCK (&this->lock); if (pair)
return pair->value; return NULL;


 static data_pair_t *
_dict_lookup (dict_t *this, char *key)
if (!this || !key) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING,
"!this || !key (%s)", key);
return NULL;
} int hashval = SuperFastHash (key, strlen (key)) % this->hash_size;
data_pair_t *pair; for (pair = this->members[hashval]; pair != NULL; pair = pair->hash_next) {
if (pair->key && !strcmp (pair->key, key))
return pair;
} return NULL;



 dict_t *
dict_copy (dict_t *dict,
dict_t *new)
if (!dict) {
gf_log_callingfn ("dict", GF_LOG_WARNING, "dict is NULL");
return NULL;
} if (!new)
new = get_new_dict_full (dict->hash_size); dict_foreach (dict, _copy, new); return new;


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