When working with WordPress posts and you want to quickly change the status or date of one or more posts, it’s a simple affair via the built-in bulk and quick edit tools. However, when you’re dealing with custom post types and fields, it’s not so easy.

Please See The Update Below.

Until now…

During a recent tasking to help the Media Burn Archive with speeding up mass updates for video meta fields, we found the easiest solution to be via WordPress’s action calls. Specifically thebulk_edit_custom_boxandquick_edit_custom_boxactions.

While reading the documentation forbulk_edit_custom_boxandquick_edit_custom_boxinitially only gave a clue, two further references shed more light to really getting things done.

While putting all of these resources together helped greatly, the final solution adapts for custom post types and minor security checks. There’s still more to do, but for now, It’s Good Enough.

Feel free to check out the code via downloading below.

The Code


Bulk Edit results

Bulk Edit screen

Bulk Edit selection

Quick Edit link and screen

Quick Edit results

Even better now!

I just wrote the Custom Bulk/Quick Edit plugin for WordPress. There’s also a premium version as well to enable working with custom post types.


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