最近买了个Moto G做应用开发,突然发现开发者选项居然没有,搜索了一下发现是Google隐藏了此选项。


Developer options  can be used by application developers when testing applications. Sometimes, you may also want to use it to configure or test ADB settings, USB debugging, animation scales, and various monitoring tools.

But since Android Jelly Bean 4.2, Google decided to hide the developer options in an effort to reduce accidental usage of these options


However, it is very easy to enable the developer options on Moto G.

    • Tap  
    • Tap Settings–
    • Tap  About phone
    • Tap the Build number field 7 times
      You will begin seeing a message as you approach the 7 touches
    • Tap the back arrow once complete, and Developer options will now appear under Settings.

Once the developer options are enabled under settings in Moto G, it will be there permanently. So it is not necessary to repeat these procedures again.

Of course, you can also disable the developers options if you want.  Once you tap developer options under settings, you can drag it to left to disable the options.

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