SplFixedArray主要是处理数组相关的主要功能,与普通php array不同的是,它是固定长度的,且以数字为键名的数组,优势就是比普通的数组处理更快。



for($size = 10000; $size < 10000000; $size *= 4) {
echo PHP_EOL . "Testing size: $size" . PHP_EOL;
for($s = microtime(true), $container = Array(), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL;
echo "Array(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL; for($s = microtime(true), $container = new SplFixedArray($size), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL;
echo "SplArray(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL;


Testing size: 10000
Array(): 0.004000186920166
SplArray(): 0.0019998550415039 Testing size: 40000
Array(): 0.017001152038574
SplArray(): 0.0090007781982422 Testing size: 160000
Array(): 0.050002098083496
SplArray(): 0.046003103256226 Testing size: 640000
Array(): 0.19701099395752
SplArray(): 0.16700983047485 Testing size: 2560000
Array(): 0.75704312324524
SplArray(): 0.67303895950317

通常情况下SplFixedArray要比php array快上20%~30%,所以如果你是处理巨大数量的固定长度数组,还是强烈建议使用。

SplFixedArray implements Iterator  , ArrayAccess  , Countable  {
/* 方法 */
public __construct ([ int $size = 0 ] )
public int count ( void )
public mixed current ( void )
public static SplFixedArray fromArray ( array $array [, bool $save_indexes = true ] )
public int getSize ( void )
public int key ( void )
public void next ( void )
public bool offsetExists ( int $index )
public mixed offsetGet ( int $index )
public void offsetSet ( int $index , mixed $newval )
public void offsetUnset ( int $index )
public void rewind ( void )
public int setSize ( int $size )
public array toArray ( void )
public bool valid ( void )
public void __wakeup ( void )


$arr = new SplFixedArray(4);
$arr[0] = 'php';
$arr[1] = 1;
$arr[3] = 'python'; //遍历, $arr[2] 为null
foreach($arr as $v) {
echo $v . PHP_EOL;
} //获取数组长度
echo $arr->getSize(); //4 //增加数组长度
$arr[4] = 'new one'; //捕获异常
echo $arr[10];
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();

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