
--创建地址类型,一定要加as object,还可以在类型中加过程或方法

create or replace type address as object (

       province varchar2(10), --省份属性

       city varchar2(10) --市属性

) not final; --not final表示该类型可以有子类型



--under address说明这个类型继承至address类型

create or replace type detailAddress under address (

       street varchar2(20) --街道属性  第3个成员




drop table empInfo

create table empInfo (

       eName varchar2(20) ,  --员工姓名

       eSex char(2),  --性别

       eAge int, --年龄

       eAddress detailAddress   --员工地址




insert into empInfo values('aaa', '男', 28, detailAddress('湖北', '襄樊', '八一路'));

insert into empInfo values('bbb', '男', 26, detailAddress('湖北', '武汉', '永清街'));

insert into empInfo values('ccc', '女', 29, detailAddress('湖北', '武汉', '光谷'));



select * from empInfo;

select * from empInfo where eSex = '男';

select * from empInfo e where e.eAddress.city = '武汉'; --如果查询条件包含属性必须用表的别名



update empInfo e set e.eAddress = detailAddress('湖北', '武汉', '武昌') where e.eName = 'ccc';


update empInfo e set e.eAddress.city = '武汉' where e.eName = 'ccc';



delete from empInfo e where  e.eAddress.city = '武汉';



create index idxemp on empInfo(eAddress.city);


drop table empInfo;

drop type address force; --强制删除抽象类型






create or replace type person as object (

       pName varchar2(20),  --姓名

       pSex char(2),   --性别

       pAge int      --年龄

) not final;



--后面不要加as object

create or replace type student under person (

       stuId int




create table stuInfo of student;


alter table stuInfo add constraint pk_stuInfo primary key(stuId);


insert into stuInfo values('aaa', '男', 29, 1001);


insert into stuInfo values(student('bbb', '男', 26, 1002));

insert into stuInfo values(student('ccc', '女', 29, 1003));


select * from stuInfo where stuId = 1002;



update stuInfo set pAge = 29 where pName = 'ccc';

delete from stuInfo where stuId = 1001;




select ref(s) from stuInfo s;

select rowid, ref(s) OIDS  from stuInfo s;



create table stuScore (

       stu ref student, --stu这一列的值必须出现在stuInfo表中,且stu这一列存的对象的OID而不是对象本身

       score int  --分数



--错误的做法:insert into stuscore values(select ref(s) from stuInfo where stuId = 1001, 90)


insert into stuscore select ref(s), 90 from stuInfo s where stuId = 1001;

insert into stuscore select ref(s), 80 from stuInfo s; --插入3行数据

insert into stuscore select ref(s), 70 from stuInfo s where stuId = 1003;



select * from stuScore;


select deref(s.stu), score from stuScore s where s.stu.stuId = 1001;



update stuScore set score=100 where stu = (select ref(s) from stuInfo s where stuId = 1001);

update stuScore s set score = 99 where s.stu.stuId = 1001;


delete from stuScore where stu = (select ref(s) from stuInfo s where stuId = 1001);

delete from stuScore s where s.stu.stuId = 1001;

delete from stuScore where stuId = 1001;








create table aaa

(a int);

create type aaaa as object

(a int);

create or replace view view_stu of aaaa with object oid(a)


select * from aaa;


select * from view_stu;







create or replace type ADDRESS as object (

       province varchar2(10), --省份

       city varchar2(10), --市,后面的,不能少

       member function get_pro return varchar2,  --函数,后面接,而不是;

       member function get_city return varchar2,

       member procedure set_pro(pro varchar2),   --过程

       member procedure set_city(cy varchar2)



create or replace type body ADDRESS--后面不能加 as object

as --后面不能加begin


   member function get_pro return varchar2



       return province;

   end get_pro;


   member function get_city return varchar2



       return city;



   member procedure set_pro(pro varchar2)



        province := pro;


   member procedure set_city(cy varchar2)



        city := cy;






       addr address;


     addr := address('湖北', '武汉');




--drop table stuInfo;

create table stuInfo (

       stuId int primary key,

       addr address




       addr address;


     addr := address('湖北', '武汉');

     insert into stuInfo values(1, addr);



     insert into stuInfo values(2, addr);



select * from stuInfo;


drop type address force;

--------------------------抽象类型,包含过程和方法 结束-------------




create or replace type arrType as varray(10) of number(4);


create or replace type scoreType as object (

       subName varchar2(10),

       score int



create or replace type arrScoreType as varray(10) of scoreType;


--drop table stuInfo;

create table stuInfo (

       stuId int primary key,

       score arrScoreType  --可变数组,最多10个成员



insert into stuInfo values(1, arrScoreType(

       scoreType('sql', 50), scoreType('C#', 80), scoreType('java', 90)));

insert into stuInfo values(2, arrScoreType(

       scoreType('sql', 60), scoreType('C#', 85), scoreType('java', 95), scoreType('html', 60)));

insert into stuInfo values(3, arrScoreType(

       scoreType('sql', 70), scoreType('java', 93)));


select * from stuInfo;  --查询结果是集合


select * from table(select s.score from stuInfo s where s.stuId = 2);



select s.stuId, t.* from stuInfo s,

       table(select score from stuInfo  where stuId = s.stuId) t

       where s.stuId = 2;


update stuInfo set score = arrScoreType(

       scoreType('sql', 50), scoreType('C#', 80)) where stuId = 1;



drop type scoreType force;

drop type arrScoreType force;

drop table stuInfo;






create or replace type scoreType as object (

       subName varchar2(10),

       score int



create or replace type nestTable is table of scoreType;


create table stuInfo (

       stuId int,

       score nestTable  --其实存的是引用,实际数据存在abc表中

) nested table score store as abc;

--nested table score store as abc意思是:stuInfo这个表中的score这一列是嵌套表类型,嵌套表实际是存在abc这个表中



insert into stuInfo values(3, nestTable(

       scoreType('sql', 70), scoreType('java', 93)));


select * from table(select ss.score from stuInfo ss where stuId = 3);

select s.stuId, t.* from stuInfo s, table(select ss.score from stuInfo ss where stuId = s.stuId) t

 where s.stuId = 3;


update table(select ss.score from stuInfo ss where stuId=3) t

set t.score = 80 where t.subName = 'sql';


delete from table(select ss.score from stuInfo ss where stuId = 3) t

where t.subname='sql';











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