
Contribution of Harold M. Swartz to In VivoEPR and EPR Dosimetry

In 2015, we are celebrating half a century of research in the application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) as a biodosimetry tool to evaluate the dose received by irradiated people. During the EPR Biodose 2015 meeting, a special session was organized to acknowledge the pioneering contribution of Harold M. (Hal) Swartz in the field. The article summarizes his main contribution in physiology and medicine. Four emerging themes have been pursued continuously along his career since its beginning: (1) radiation biology; (2) oxygen and oxidation; (3) measuring physiology in vivo; and (4) application of these measurements in clinical medicine. The common feature among all these different subjects has been the use of magnetic resonance techniques, especially EPR. In this article, you will find an impressionist portrait of Hal Swartz with the description of the ‘making of’ this pioneer, a time-line perspective on his career with the creation of three National Institutes of Health-funded EPR centers, a topic-oriented perspective on his career with a description of his major contributions to Science, his role as a mentor and his influence on his academic children, his active role as founder of scientific societies and organizer of scientific meetings, and the well-deserved international recognition received so far.


在2015年,我们正在庆祝半个世纪的电子顺磁共振(EPR)应用的研究作为一种生物剂量测定工具,以评估辐射人群接受的剂量。在EPR Biodose 2015年会议期间,组织了一次特别会议,承认Harold M.(Hal)Swartz在该领域的开创性贡献。这篇文章总结了他在生理和医学方面的主要贡献。他的职业生涯始于以下四个新兴主题:(1)辐射生物学; (2)氧和氧化; (3)测量体内生理学;和(4)这些测量在临床医学中的应用。所有这些不同主题的共同特征是使用磁共振技术,特别是EPR。在这篇文章中,你会发现Hal Swartz的印象派画像,描述这个先驱者的“制造”,通过创建三个国家卫生研究院资助的EPR中心,他的职业生涯的时间线透视,以他对科学的主要贡献,他作为导师的作用及其对学术孩子的影响,他作为科学社会的创始人和科学会议的组织者的积极作用以及当之无愧的国际承认的描述,至今。


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