the “inner class” idiom
有些时候我们需要upcast为多种类型,这种情况下除了可以使用multiply inherits还可以inner class。
//: C10:InnerClassIdiom.cpp
// Example of the "inner class" idiom.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std; class Poingable {
virtual void poing() = ;
void callPoing(Poingable& p) {
} class Bingable {
virtual void bing() = ;
void callBing(Bingable& b) {;
} class Outer {
string name;
// Define one inner class:
class Inner1;
friend class Outer::Inner1;
class Inner1 : public Poingable {
Outer* parent;
Inner1(Outer* p) : parent(p) {}
void poing() {
cout << "poing called for "
<< parent->name << endl;
// Acesses data in the outer class object
} inner1; // Define a second inner class:
class Inner2;
friend class Outer::Inner2;
class Inner2 : public Bingable {
Outer* parent;
Inner2(Outer* p) : parent(p) {}
void bing() {
cout << "bing called for "
<< parent->name << endl;
} inner2;
Outer(const string& nm)
: name(nm), inner1(this), inner2(this) {}
// Return reference to interfaces
// implemented by the inner classes:
operator Poingable&() { return inner1; }
operator Bingable&() { return inner2; }
}; int main() {
Outer x("Ping Pong");
// Like upcasting to multiple base types!:
} ///:~
注意inner class的使用方法:1、前置声明 2、friend 3、定义 4、访问private变量
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