    As a matter of fact,disk IO is the most important factor which tremendously influence performance of database especially in OLTP which is usually called IO-intensive system.The high concurrency is always in company with high IOPS as well.Furthermore,it's also a bottleneck in many scenarios.Thus,we have to monitor the IO cost of MySQL db by different tools such as zabbix,lepus.They usually provide a entire db performance monitoring not merely IO status.
    pt-ioprofile is a tool of Percona-Toolkit which can be used to monitor the IO activities by MySQL itself.It provide direct and quantitive informations and indicate the real IO costs by different processes or relevent is the tool which combines lsof and strace to analyze informations.
 pt-ioprofile [OPTIONS] [FILE]
Main parameter(they're almost entire)
 --aggregate -- Whether use aggregate function or not(default "sum",others "avg").
--cell -- Specify the type of cell contents(default "times",others "size","count").
--group-by -- Specify the type of group by contents(default "filename",others "all","pid").
--profile-process -- Specify the process which is to be profiled(default muysqld).
--profile-pid -- Specify the pid instead of prcocess name.
--run-time -- Specify how long time it will take(default 30s).
--save-samples -- Specify a file which sample data can be put in.
Execute pt-ioprofile to have a test.
 [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#ps aux|grep mysqld
mysql 0.0 19.0 pts/ Sl : : mysqld --defaults-file=/data/mysql/mysql3306/my.cnf
root 0.0 0.0 pts/ R+ : : grep --color=auto mysqld [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#pt-ioprofile --cell size --run-time
Tue Jun :: CEST
Tracing process ID
total filename -- There's nothing output here,I'm afraid I've encountered a bug. ###Here's a website about the bug.### [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#pt-ioprofile --version
pt-ioprofile 3.0. -- My version of Percorna-Toolkit is 3.0.. [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#yum list|grep percona-toolkit
percona-toolkit.x86_64 3.0.-.el7 installed
Erase the latest Porcona-Toolkit 3.10.0 and change the old version 2.2.20.
 root@zlm2 :: ~]
#yum erase percona-toolkit [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#wget [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#yum localinstall percona-toolkit-2.2.-.noarch.rpm [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#pt-ioprofile --version
pt-ioprofile 2.2. [root@zlm2 :: ~]
#time pt-ioprofile --cell size --run-time
Tue Jun :: CEST
Tracing process ID
total filename -- It still doesn't work properly without a file specified. real 0m11.127s
user 0m0.048s
sys 0m0.081s
There're percona release notes below which describes the bug is fixed in v2.0.3.
Fixed bug : pt-ioprofile doesn’t run without a file
    I'm really confused with why it cannot be executed properly even though in the newest version.No more stuff I can find to solve the problem now.Maybe I'll test it another day.


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