【failed to get the task for process问题】
A: Why am I getting "Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process" when debugging an iPhone application on the device?
You are getting the "Error launching remote program: failed to get the task for process" error message because you are either using your Ad Hoc or Distribution Provisioning profile when debugging your iPhone application on your device or you specified a code signing entitlements property list in your build settings which does not include a get-task-allow or "Can be debugged" property.
【Debugging when using a Distribution Profile】
Distribution profiles don't have a get-task-allow entitlement property, which is needed for debugging iPhone applications. However, this property is available and enabled for Development Provisioning profiles. So, use your Development profile rather than your Distribution profile when debugging your iPhone application on the device.
【Missing Entitlement Property】
If you specified a code signing entitlements property list in your build settings, make sure that your property list contains the get-task-allow property.
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