

main code as follows:

        int dst_width = 12, dst_height = 17;//set the dst size
int vec_Num = dst_width*dst_height;
/*the second parameter must set when read gray image,
//the default value=1 which return a 3-channel color image*/
Mat imgSrc = imread(img_path);
if (imgSrc.empty())
cout << "read " << img_path.c_str() << " failed!" << endl;
} Size dstSize = Size(dst_width, dst_height);
Mat imgDst = Mat(dstSize, CV_8UC1);
resize(imgSrc, imgDst, dstSize); vector<float> arr(vec_Num);
        int dst_width = 12, dst_height = 17;//set the dst size
int vec_Num = dst_width*dst_height;
/*the second parameter must set when read gray image,
//the default value=1 which return a 3-channel color image*/
Mat imgSrc = imread(img_path, 0);
if (imgSrc.empty())
cout << "read " << img_path.c_str() << " failed!" << endl;
} Size dstSize = Size(dst_width, dst_height);
Mat imgDst = Mat(dstSize, CV_8UC1);
resize(imgSrc, imgDst, dstSize); vector<float> arr(vec_Num);
///method 2 memcpy the image data to uchar arr in rows
unsigned char *imgData = new unsigned char[vec_Num];
memcpy(imgData, imgDst.data, imgDst.rows*imgDst.cols*sizeof(unsigned char));
for (int i = 0;i < vec_Num;i++)
arr[i] = (float)(imgData[i])/255;
} //test to print
for (int q = 0;q < imgDst.rows;q++)
for (int k = 0;k < imgDst.cols;k++)
int pos = q*imgDst.cols + k;
cout << setw(3) << (int)arr[pos] << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl; delete[] imgData;

the result1 as follows:


左图为读入到数组以后,print出来的                                                                                  右图为原始图像



Mat imgSrc = imread(img_path,0);

the result2 as follows:


左图为修改代码后读入到数组,print出来的                                                                                      右图为原始图像



The OpenCV API reference introduce as follows:

C++: Mat imread(const string& filename, int flags=1 )
filename – Name of file to be loaded.
flags –
        Flags specifying the color type of a loaded image:
                 CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH - If set, return 16-bit/32-bit image when the input has the corresponding depth, otherwise convert it to 8-bit.
                 CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR - If set, always convert image to the color one
                 CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE - If set, always convert image to the grayscale one
        >0 Return a 3-channel color image.
                Note In the current implementation the alpha channel, if any, is stripped from the output image. Use negative value if you need the alpha channel.
       =0 Return a grayscale image.
       <0 Return the loaded image as is (with alpha channel).


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