1)先从table_def_cache中查找, 如果有, 直接返回
如果hashTable的容量超过限制,根据lru策略,在oldest_unused_tables中循环删除table share
- /*
- Get TABLE_SHARE for a table.
- get_table_share()
- thd Thread handle
- table_list Table that should be opened
- key Table cache key
- key_length Length of key
- db_flags Flags to open_table_def():
- error out: Error code from open_table_def()
- Get a table definition from the table definition cache.
- If it doesn't exist, create a new from the table definition file.
- We must have wrlock on LOCK_open when we come here
- (To be changed later)
- 0 Error
- # Share for table
- */
- TABLE_SHARE *get_table_share(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, char *key,
- uint key_length, uint db_flags, int *error,
- my_hash_value_type hash_value)
- {
- TABLE_SHARE *share;
- DBUG_ENTER("get_table_share");
- *error= ;
- /*
- To be able perform any operation on table we should own
- some kind of metadata lock on it.
- */
- DBUG_ASSERT(thd->mdl_context.is_lock_owner(MDL_key::TABLE,
- table_list->db,
- table_list->table_name,
- /* Read table definition from cache */
- if ((share= (TABLE_SHARE*) my_hash_search_using_hash_value(&table_def_cache,
- hash_value, (uchar*) key, key_length)))
- goto found;
- if (!(share= alloc_table_share(table_list, key, key_length)))
- {
- }
- /*
- We assign a new table id under the protection of LOCK_open.
- We do this instead of creating a new mutex
- and using it for the sole purpose of serializing accesses to a
- static variable, we assign the table id here. We assign it to the
- share before inserting it into the table_def_cache to be really
- sure that it cannot be read from the cache without having a table
- id assigned.
- CAVEAT. This means that the table cannot be used for
- binlogging/replication purposes, unless get_table_share() has been
- called directly or indirectly.
- */
- assign_new_table_id(share);
- if (my_hash_insert(&table_def_cache, (uchar*) share))
- {
- free_table_share(share);
- DBUG_RETURN(); // return error
- }
- if (open_table_def(thd, share, db_flags))
- {
- *error= share->error;
- (void) my_hash_delete(&table_def_cache, (uchar*) share);
- }
- share->ref_count++; // Mark in use
- DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("share: 0x%lx ref_count: %u",
- (ulong) share, share->ref_count));
- DBUG_RETURN(share);
- found:
- /*
- We found an existing table definition. Return it if we didn't get
- an error when reading the table definition from file.
- */
- if (share->error)
- {
- /* Table definition contained an error */
- open_table_error(share, share->error, share->open_errno, share->errarg);
- }
- if (share->is_view && !(db_flags & OPEN_VIEW))
- {
- open_table_error(share, , ENOENT, );
- }
- ++share->ref_count;
- && share->prev)
- {
- /*
- Share was not used before and it was in the old_unused_share list
- Unlink share from this list
- */
- DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Unlinking from not used list"));
- *share->prev= share->next;
- share->next->prev= share->prev;
- share->next= ;
- share->prev= ;
- }
- /* Free cache if too big */
- while (table_def_cache.records > table_def_size &&
- oldest_unused_share->next)
- my_hash_delete(&table_def_cache, (uchar*) oldest_unused_share);
- DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("share: 0x%lx ref_count: %u",
- (ulong) share, share->ref_count));
- DBUG_RETURN(share);
- }
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