[CoffeeScript] Level 4 Arrays, Objects, Iterations -- Ex
Coffee on the Range
Create an array with numbers 1 until 10 using the inclusive (two dot) range syntax.
Coffee on the Range II
Create an array with numbers 1 through 10 using the exclusive range syntax.
Exclusive ranges are defined using three dots between integers, inside square brackets
[1...6] Exclusive ranges do not include the last number.
values = [1...5]
# this expands to [1, 2, 3, 4] The answer is
Object Literals
Create a variable named coffee which is an object with a name property set to 'Russian', alevel property set to 2 and an isRussian property which holds a function that returns true. Use an object literal.
coffee =
name: 'Russian'
level: 2
isRussian: ->
or In Loop
Using the for element in collection loop, iterate over the people collection and print the names of people over 18 years old (person.age > 18). Use the console.log function to print the person.name.
for person in people
console.log(person.name) if person.age > 18
List Comprehension
Modify the loop below to use a list comprehension.
console.log "#{person.name}" for person in people when person.age > 18
List Comprehension II
Refactor the code below to make use of list comprehension.
addCoffee coffee for coffee in coffeeList when not coffee.isRussian?()
Splat Arguments
Change the displayTopPicks function to accept a variable number of suggested coffees by using the splat operator. Use suggested.join(", ") to alert all of the suggested coffees.
displayTopPicks = (bestCoffee, suggested...) ->
alert('Top #1 ' + bestCoffee)
alert('Suggested: ' + suggested.join(","))
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