


// Create a SOCKS5 server
conf := &socks5.Config{}
server, err := socks5.New(conf)
if err != nil {
} // Create SOCKS5 proxy on localhost port 8000
if err := server.ListenAndServe("tcp", ""); err != nil {



cred := StaticCredentials{
"foo": "bar",
} cator := UserPassAuthenticator{Credentials: cred} s, _ := New(&Config{AuthMethods: []Authenticator{cator}})



// Config is used to setup and configure a Server
type Config struct {
// AuthMethods can be provided to implement custom authentication
// By default, "auth-less" mode is enabled.
// For password-based auth use UserPassAuthenticator.
AuthMethods []Authenticator // If provided, username/password authentication is enabled,
// by appending a UserPassAuthenticator to AuthMethods. If not provided,
// and AUthMethods is nil, then "auth-less" mode is enabled.
Credentials CredentialStore // Resolver can be provided to do custom name resolution.
// Defaults to DNSResolver if not provided.
Resolver NameResolver // Rules is provided to enable custom logic around permitting
// various commands. If not provided, PermitAll is used.
Rules RuleSet // Rewriter can be used to transparently rewrite addresses.
// This is invoked before the RuleSet is invoked.
// Defaults to NoRewrite.
Rewriter AddressRewriter // BindIP is used for bind or udp associate
BindIP net.IP // Logger can be used to provide a custom log target.
// Defaults to stdout.
Logger *log.Logger // Optional function for dialing out
Dial func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (net.Conn, error)



type Authenticator interface {
Authenticate(reader io.Reader, writer io.Writer) (*AuthContext, error)
GetCode() uint8

UserPassAuthenticator 实现了Authenticator

// UserPassAuthenticator is used to handle username/password based
// authentication
type UserPassAuthenticator struct {
Credentials CredentialStore
} func (a UserPassAuthenticator) GetCode() uint8 {
return UserPassAuth

最后转化为填充一个UserPassAuthenticator的Credentials ,

而Credentials 是一个map[string]string

type StaticCredentials map[string]string

最后要把Config里面的logger 字段给填了(这里略),就差不多能用了。

3. 适用场景

适用移动网络访问github慢的场景。不知道为啥移动上github总是很慢。在公司电信网络就很快,之前家里用联通的时候也没这个现象,我上github你限制我干吗。。用此socks配合浏览器插件foxyProxy绕过移动网络直连github效果明显。注意foxyProxy里面设置Patterns ,不然什么请求到服务器上绕一圈可是有点过了。。


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