1、MARIADB  在 OPENSUSE  的安装或者升级  (参考 Setting up MariaDB Repositories )

OPENSUSE 从 12.3 版本开始,默认带有 MARIADB,但版本较老。下列办法帮助升级MARIADB官方 的最新版本。

参考:  https://downloads.mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/#mirror=qiming&distro_release=opensuse13-amd64--opensuse13&distro=openSUSE&version=10.1

To generate the entries select an item from each of the boxes below. Once an item is selected in each box, your customized repository configuration will appear below.

1. Choose a Distro

  • openSUSE
  • Arch Linux
  • Mageia
  • Fedora
  • CentOS
  • RedHat
  • Mint
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian

2. Choose a Release

  • openSUSE 13 (64-bit)

3. Choose a Version(MARIADB)

  • 10.1
  • 10.0
  • 5.5

openSUSE includes MariaDB in their repositories. To install MariaDB, simply issue the following command in a terminal:

zypper install mariadb

We also offer repositories for openSUSE. For openSUSE, copy and paste the following into a file under /etc/zypp/repos.d/ (we suggest naming the file mariadb.repo or something similar).

# MariaDB 10.1 openSUSE repository list - created 2016-01-18 04:56 UTC

# http://mariadb.org/mariadb/repositories/


name = MariaDB

baseurl = http://yum.mariadb.org/10.1/opensuse13-amd64



Once the file is in place, install MariaDB with:

zypper install MariaDB-server MariaDB-client

The first time you install you will be prompted to accept the MariaDB signing key. The id of this key is: 'CBCB082A1BB943DB'. Accept it to continue.

You will also be prompted about a conflict between openSUSE's own MariaDB 5.5 client package and the MariaDB client package. Choose the solution that does not install the mariadb-client-5.5.* package. MariaDB packages from mariadb.org are named like MariaDB-server and MariaDB-client, MariaDB packages in the openSUSE repositories are named like mariadb-server, mariadb-client.

After the installation finishes, start MariaDB with:

sudo service mysql start

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