One of the most challenging issues for developers who don’t live in RDBMS world is how to make the system working seamlessly in multi-user environment. The code which works perfectly in development and QA starts to fall apart when dozens of users access the system. There are timeouts, deadlocks and other issues that developer cannot even reproduce in house. It does not really matter that SQL Server uses row level locking, that transaction isolation level set to read uncommitted – locking, blocking and deadlocking still occurs.
对于程序员来讲最大的挑战之一就是能够确保开发的系统在多人使用时也能无缝的工作。有的时候开发堪称完美的代码当出现多人访问系统时会出现系统崩溃的情况,这其中的原因有超时,死锁或者是其它一些我们意想不到的原因。尽管SQL SERVER是行锁定,也可以设置事务级别来读取未提交的数据,但死锁,阻塞的问题仍然会发生。
Today I’m going to start the series of the posts about locking in Microsoft SQL Server. I’ll try to explain why blocking and deadlocks occur in the system, how you can troubleshoot related problems and what should you do in order to minimize it. We will cover different transaction isolation levels and see how and why it affects behavior of the system. And talk about quite a few other things.
今天我将开始写一系列关于SQL SERVER锁的文章,我会解释为什么阻塞以及死锁会出现在系统中,以及你怎样去排除解决这些问题,如何将问题的影响降到最低。我们会通过修改不同的事务级别来看是如何影响系统行为的,同时我也会谈一些其它相关的内容。
So let’s start with the lock types. What is the lock? In short, this is in-memory structure (64 bytes on 32 bit OS or 128 bytes on 64 bit OS). The structure has the owner, type and resource hash that links it to the resource it protects (row, page, table, file, database, etc). Obviously it’s more complicated and has quite a few other attributes, but for our practical purposes that level of details is enough.
SQL Server has more than 20 different lock types but for now let’s focus on the most important ones.
SQL SERVER 有20多种不同的锁,但我们只需要关注几种重要的即可。
- Shared locks (S). Those locks acquired by readers during read operations such as SELECT. I’d like to mention that it happens in most part of the cases but not all the time. There are some cases when readers don’t acquire (S) locks. We will talk about it later.
- Exclusive locks (X). Those locks acquired by writers during data modification operators such as Insert, Update or Delete. Those locks prevent one object to be modified by the different sessions. Those locks are always acquired and held till end of transaction
- Update locks (U). Those locks are the mix between shared and exclusive locks. SQL Server uses them with data modification statements while searching for the rows need to be modified. For example, if you issue the statement like: “update MyTable set Column1 = 0 where Column1 is null” SQL Server acquires update lock for every row it processes while searching for Column1 is null. When eligible row found, SQL Server converts (U) lock to (X).
更新锁(U),这些锁界于共享锁以及排它锁之间。SQL SERVER在调用update语句时先要搜索出哪些数据行是需要更新的。比如我们查询:“update MyTable set Column1=0 where Colum1 is null” SQL SERVER会申请更新锁去查询数据表的每一行是否是符合更新条件的(Column is null)。一旦找到需要更新的数据行,SQL SERVER会将更新锁升级成排它锁。
- Intent locks (IS, IX, IU, etc). Those locks indicate locks on the child objects. For example, if row has (X) lock, it would introduce (IX) locks on page, table and database level. Main purpose of those locks is optimization. This about situation when you need to have exclusive access to the database (i.e. (X) lock on database level). If SQL Server did not have intent locks, it would have to scan all rows in the all objects and see if there are any low level locks acquired.
注:这个我理解的不是很好,可能是SQL SERVER在获取锁的机制遵循由低到高的原则,即要想获得级别高的锁先要获取级别低的锁,从而降低同一资源的相互竞争。
Obviously the biggest question is lock compatibility. If you open MSDN site you’ll see nice and “easy to understand” matrix with more than 400 cells. But for our practical purpose let’s focus on the smaller version:
很明显,最大的问题就是这些锁之间的兼容性问题。如果你打开MSDN site 你将会看到更加详细的内容,包含一个超过400个格子的表格。但对于我们来讲,只需要关注如下压缩之后的版本即可。
- 绿色:代表完全兼容,不会发生阻塞以及死锁
- 黄色:代表在特定情况下会出现不兼容的情况
- 红色:最容易造成死锁
兼容模式 |
锁请求模式 |
IS |
S |
U |
IX |
X |
Intent shared (IS) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Shared (S) |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Update (U) |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Intent exclusive (IX) |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Shared with intent exclusive (SIX) |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Exclusive (X) |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
So what we need to remember are basically 3 things:
- (S) locks are compatible with (S) and (U) locks.
- (X) locks are incompatible with any other lock types
- (U) locks are compatible with (S) but incompatible with (U)
Simple enough. Next time we will look at transaction isolation levels and see how it affects lock behavior.
- [翻译]:SQL死锁-锁与事务级别
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- [翻译]:SQL死锁-死锁排除
As we already saw, the reasons why we have blocking issues and deadlocks in the system are pretty mu ...
- [翻译]:SQL死锁-阻塞
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- [翻译]:SQL死锁-阻塞探测
到了这篇,才是真正动手解决问题的时候,有了死锁之后就要分析死锁的原因,具体就是需要定位到具体的SQL语句上.那么如何发现产生死锁的问题本质呢?下面这篇讲的非常细了,还提到了不少实用的SQL,但对我个人 ...
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